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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Homophobia In Black!

The Saga Continues.... Homophobia In Black! By Nevin Jefferson   The Saga Continues... . Homophobia In Black! By Nevin Jefferson   The Religious Wrong and The Clipped Wing have stooped to a new low, which is startling since they are already underneath hell. And what did these hate mongers go and do to disgust me this time? They found a mouthpiece in Black to speak the hateful and idiotic bigoted ill thoughts that they deem gospel on the front page of The Seattle



Shaken, not stirred.

Have you ever written something that's really shaken you up?   Like, you've sat down and began writing a scene at your computer, and it's just taken you to a place you really didn't want to go?   I have.   I've just spent the past couple of days pouring my heart and soul into something massive, and now I'm scared half to death that it's not going to get the job done. I mean, f**k. I don't pour my heart and soul into anything anymore. Why this? Why now? Jesus Christ. Where the hell did this




Gonna get me one, simplistic and beautiful. love it so much and can't stop hearing it. it'll probably drive me insane that the fact little things like this can make me enjoy stuff like that so much but whatever here you go in text the delerium of the matter:   Not that I'm that hard to Please but lately when I hit the street it's hum-de-dum When the hard times hit they Hit the biz The hardest hit make the best of it   Strong dollar stockbroker right to the bottom Sink



Jesus Protect Us From Your Followers!

By Nevin Jefferson   With 16 million strong the Southern Baptist Convention, the Protestant denomination that's still behind McDonald's sales in the U. S. of A. Wants to serve their fellow gays and lesbians in a way we've never been served before and never will be if we have any say about it. Get ready to bite into the hankie and clutch those pearls, girls! The SBC has gone public with their insane notion to liberate gays from their homosexuality. Once again, this is an oxymoron since gay and



The 'Coming Out' Story (a.k.a. Chapter Five preview of The Things You Fear The Most)

**Scroll down for new reading material**     Ok, so I haven't been around much lately.   Yeah, I know. I haven't been around much lately. So?   What are you, my mother?   Anyway, it's 1.10am on Sunday morning, and I've got this thing that I really wanna get out there before I lose my nerve and blow the whole bloody thing up.   I do that a lot, you know.   Yes, I know it's destructive.   What are you, my mother?   Anyway, there's this holy grail in gay literature that some of u



you, me and the devil make 3

Full sails and long winded, forward straight ahead steady!       ------   My so called "boredom" slowly seeped away as Memorial day faded, the week continued without falter. I started some classes I am getting out of the way when I return for school and an influx of people returned from school. I could descend from my earthen tower upon the town below and enjoy.   And I did enjoy.   Road trips were planned and some crazy trip to Rome might happen, so that is exciting news. However as T



Straight From The Hard...Heart!

The Saga Continues.... Straight From D Hard! By Nevin Jefferson   My best friend of 24 years confided in me about a problem that he's been experiencing lately. I've been hearing the same moans, groans, complaints, and boo-hoo's from many people. With my best friend, he wants an answer and he wanted it yesterday! In the development of strange in the Land of Queerdom, it seems that men are saying, "I love you" way too early in the spectrum of things. My friend feels that the person doesn't kno



D Best Of..Beauty or Beast?

<H3 class="post-title entry-title">D Best Of...The Saga Continues.... Beauty or Beast? </H3><H3 class="post-title entry-title"> </H3>The Saga Continues.... Beauty or Beast? By Nevin Jefferson     Are your looks worth dying for? In a recent study it was greatly noted that HIV patients are willing to risk their health by not taking Aids medications that cause Lipodystrophy. They would rather die than experience sunken and gaunt faces, large abdomens that look like an o



D Best Of...Rising Doom!

The Saga Continues?. Rising Doom! Saga Archive:4/23/2002 By Nevin Jefferson The stocks of Viagra are rock hard thanks to the many users in the gay community. The rate of the users sexual partners rose to an average of 5.4% . Living up to its 'rep as a sexual stimulant those not suffering from the limp noodle syndrome are popping em like crazy. This paid off dividends in the sum of a new STD to 50% of the users. The At Risk payoff is in the sum of overdose benefits , priapism, an erection that




<H3 class="post-title entry-title">D Best Of ...The Saga Continues.. Deceptions </H3>The Saga Continues.. Deceptions By Nevin Jefferson   Recently a friend of mine has been living a nightmare that had come to life. He and three friends decided to become responsible about themselves and get tested for HIV antibodies. None of them are sluts by night, dial-a-screw, one-time-Susie



The Right Stroke!

The Saga Continues.... The Right Stroke! By Nevin Jefferson   Oh joy, girls and studs! Another first in Gayville, a gay couple is expecting a bundle of four in August. Yes, a ready-made family consisting of three boys and one girl for a hair stylist and his lover who own a salon. No doubt about it, somebody is definitely have to be a stay at home Mom. The surrogate mother is a client of the salon and is said to be doing fine with four loaves in the oven. The couple hails from Lexington, Kent



Letters I Get Letters!

Re: The Saga Continues... Archive Saga: 4/23/2002 nevin72 Mon Apr 24 17:20:57 PDT 2006 kenkosary1958 wrote: Thank you for a very informative, provactive, and straight to the point article. God Bless You! Ken Kosary Chicago, Il.



It's The Damn Drugs!

.. It's The Damn Drugs! By Nevin Jefferson   "There isn't a shred of evidence that HIV-positive men who lose fat in their legs reciprocally gain fat in their bellies. The two are totally dissociated," said Dr. Carl Grunfield, a staff physician and principal investigator at SFVAMC. The multi-center study is published in the October issue of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. To this I reply;"BULLSHIT!" I went from former dancer, model, runner up in a beauty contest, and pos



D Best Of Sagas...Condom or Consequences!

D Best of The Saga Continues....   Condom or Consequences!   Archive Saga:6/9/2003 By Nevin Jefferson     "Alarming HIV rise in county." Yes gang, the misbehaving in the Gay Community made front-page news with Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public thinking that all gay men are whores in eternal heat. Not to mention selfish, self-centered, and insensitive with a twist of suicidal sissies to the delight of all of the anti-gay groups and the Religious Wrong. Public health officials estimate the infe



Marching Madness!

The Saga Continues... Big Brother to the Rescue! By Nevin Jefferson   My Sister,Juanez called me over the weekend from Texas. For the past weeks she's being trying to get help with her mortgage. Only to be told that"I don't know how to do the paperwork!" She asked me if I had any suggestions?I told her that I'd think on it and write a Saga about it. And now the Saga...   The Burning Bush left ashes of a trillion dollar deficit complete with a 14 month recession and a broken financial syste



Let Us Pray!

<H3 class="post-title entry-title">The Saga Continues...Let Us Pray! </H3>By Nevin Jefferson   Lord, Make me instrumental of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand



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