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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
    • 1 comment

Michelangelo's Boudoir

Written a while back ...   This blog was prompted just a minute ago when a very hunky guy swaggered into Starbucks. His eyes may have been concealed behind his sunglasses, but there was no concealment of his self-regard. He knew he was sexy, and expected obeisance.   I doubt I'm alone in finding this to be a complete turn-off. Yeah, I might sneak a look now and then at the swaggering guy's beautiful biceps, but I wouldn't be interested in seriously engaging him.   But here we get into tri



The Final Stretch of Junior Year

So on Monday, I get back to school. I'm facing down the last eight weeks of spring semester, and thus finally finish the junior year that I didn't finish before because I left school last year in the middle of junior year.   Of course, if we're being techical, I'm not finishing junior year, because at the end of this semester, I should have about seventy-eight credits. To count as a senior, I need ninety credits. To reach graduation, I need 124 credits. This means I need forty-six cred



Beyond the Walls is up

Next installment just got posted.   Dorian Invasion, Political intrigue, Heracles and Aeolus, and a lot of myth mixing in with history. Hope you enjoy it guys. It is entirely original to my mini-anthology plot.   If you guys want the rest of his 12 labors, just ask me to write a larger story, which I am actually interested in if people enjoy it.



As if I didn't spend enough time at the computer already

I'm not sure why I'm doing this, but I guess I'm starting a blog here. Maybe it's because I've heard from a few of you in response to my work on the late Dan Kincaid's eFiction story It Started With Brian, and I figured it might be fun to get to know some of you a little better.   I should tell you a little about myself. I'm 29; I'll be 30 in August (yikes!). I'm married. To a woman. I have a two-year-old son. I have no idea what to call myself, orientation-wise; nothing seems to fit. I guess

Adam Phillips

Adam Phillips

Still waiting...

So I'm sitting in the hotel room waiting for Michelle to wake her ass up. I told her I'd let her sleep in today but it's already almost 10. I've been up since 8 and walked around the city for an hour and a half. I came back expecting her to be awake and ready to go do stuff, but she's snoring like a chainsaw on concrete. My one vacation and she's sleeping it away! Of course, I could just say f**k it and wake her ass up, but then I have to deal with her moody shit all morning until I feed her. Sh



Sorry about the delay

Well, I am not done writing this new installment.   However, let me just give a good excuse, it is taking many more words than I expected. This is an original idea, not something that I am borrowing from failed concepts that never made it in Worlds of Difference, so this new installment might be a bit more than my usual vignette.   Sorry for those readers that liked my short vignettes that were 1500-2000 words.   If enough people enjoy this installment, I might just expand it into a large



New knee

Hatch Mesa, east of Green River, UT   Went to Orthopedics to discuss relapse of knee problem with PA-C. Offered three options: deal with it as I have been, which is not an option because I need a good knee to drive; get a shot of cortisone into the joint, which is not an option because this is only a temporary cure and the problem will come back; or, get a new knee.   I need a good knee to do my chosen line of work.   It takes about a month for the process to go from deciding to do and get



Damn! Missed Fool's Day

The Three Gossips in Arches National Park, UT (from our knee pain shortened road trip)   Still trying to get my life back in order.   I've started working on a short story about an old man dying in a nursing home; or, he may already be dead and just hasn't realized it. It's more of an exercise to keep me writing than a real writing project. Then, again, maybe it will work out to be something.   My knee is back to the way it was before surgery. Going to Ortho tomorrow to talk about what nee



3rd installment up for love and again

I said it in my author's note, I had too many ideas during my outline for Worlds of difference that really could not work for that story due to historical uncertainty. Well, I removed that with this mini-anthology series.   I wanted to have fiction backed by proof for Worlds, but I think this story is worth more as a romantic anthology.   This is almost a prequel to the legendary story of Exodus and it stars our two souls. These guys have been through a lot, but the soul inhabited by Mattani



Idiots and their rising stupidity: Rant

[rant]Now...as a reader: how many read an authors note? Even just a scan just in case?   I know I do, just so I can see if they responded to my review or are going on hiatus or something of that nature.   Now...as a writer: how many of you update past Authors notes when something in your chapter is fixed or you're tired of hearing about something about that chapter that is needing to stay the way it is?   I do this, just so that people can know what's what.   Now, I have a fanfiction cal

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Looking for...

After the most recent blow out with my mom and me, me and Matt decided that it was time for me to move out and get my own place. Well... we looked at one place today in Ocean Grove and it didn't go so hot. It was cozy to say the least, kinda on the small side. It was a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room and that's it. When we looked around at it thats when we got the low down.   In an area where an apartment like this should go for (according to the websites that I checked 600-800 a month



Personal stuff and writing

Let's see, I am still a bit apathetic towards life, but I am fine.   I hope there is more opportunities in the coming year than what we have at the moment.   As for writing, Worlds of Difference took a lot of planning and ideas that never made it through my own personal story elements. So I have a lot of excess stuff from this story, which in essence has form the GA story   Love and Again     I just finished the 1st and 2nd installments.   The first deal with a simple story about



The Answer is I am a former Trekkie

hehe   People do not understand, how on one hand I can be so conservative?   But, How can I be so understanding of Liberal arguments?   People in real life and on GA wonder: how can you have those stands if you're a Republican and be conservative on certain issues?   Easy, the answer is: I'm a former trekkie or a 90's Trekkie.   Anyone, who embraced the ideas of Star Trek at one time of their life or another are affected by the ideas. I got into Star Trek Next Generation as a kid, so




I don't know how to title this... so I'm gonna leave it untitled...   Me and my mom had a blow out again... this time it's left me numb and confused...   I don't know what to do.. I want to run away... or at least get away from her cus the more i'm around her, the more its hurting.   I know she loves me, but it still hurts what she says to me...   I'm numb inside, and i'm lost and confused...



Pictures (in case anyone was wondering) are worth a thousand words...

I recently took a bunch of pictures, and was sent a few others, so I decided to share.   This is the sunset at Huntington Beach last Friday night, where I cut my foot on some broken piece of ceramic some other considerate beach-goer left in the sand.   These are the going away flowers I got from my pals at my old store on my last day of work.   This is Tony's eye the day after Lacrosse Injury #342...   This is a picture of Donavon and his family.   This is something I saw tha



The road to hell...

We have all heard the passage. Can recite it blindly, but for those of you who may have been hiding under a rock. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.   I only ever had good intentions. I got confused along the way, but I had just gotten better. And I found myself in hell.   I dont want to be here, I want to be back where crap was good. I want to be back where "heya" gave me a smile.   I've been listening to a song it helped me get over my confusion, then friday night one line r



Vive resistance!

My computer has a virus in it. I've guessed this for a couple days, but my anti-virus software just clued in a couple hours ago. The two programs are apparently waging a lengthy and brutal war across my hard drive, if the computer's performance is anything to go by. I wonder how many spam emails it's managed to disseminate over the last few days?   Since I can't do anything complicated, I'll just write a long winded rambling blog. I hope the key logger is recording every tap I make for this. I



Update on me

Okay, so, yesterday was my b-day. I got all squeal happy and what not since some of my all time fav Fan fiction authors wrote me b-day fics and a lot of people here and a few other places wished me happy birthday.   Anyways, my ass has been planted in my seat due to my knee giving out as often as it can. Painful, let me tell you. So, I'm sitting here with my leg propped up to keep the pressure off my knee and doing a lot of writing and rping.   Morena, my writing partner, is in a lot of pain

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis


It's been awhile... so I figured I would let you guys know whats going on with me of late.   Recently, the weather's been getting nicer so I figured what better way to get back into shape then by biking to and from places while I wait to save up for my car. It would be a lot better (and quicker) to get to and from the train station (compare a 10 minute bike ride to that of a 30 min walk). I could use it to go places quicker and well, it would be better. Unfortunatly, lady luck decided to recen



Another satisfied lady...

I'm eating pretzels, in case you were wondering...   For anyone besides David who is interested, my friend's son was moved to a Children's Hospital about two and a half hours away from where they live and they are working with him to get his speech improved and said he can go home when he can walk in his own. I saw my friend today when I was delivering her two daughters to her that we had picked up at the airport, and she said his arm and leg still aren't working and that you have to coax him




Okay, I've officially come to the conclusion that finals suck. On the bright side after this next quarter I'll only have 7 more classes I have to take before I graduate, then it's no more working nights for me (I hope). I've also come to the conclusion that having to write papers and come up with powerpoint presentations for every single class I take is extremely annoying, thus I've decided that this next quarter around, I'll be coming up with my topics alot earlier then in the middle of the qua

Linxe Termoil

Linxe Termoil

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