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  • Myr

    Paranormal Deep Dive 3

    By Myr

    Top Read Paranormal Stories since Feb 2024 Top 0 Most Read Paranormal - Cryptid Features creatures from folklore, mythology, or cryptozoology, such as Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, or Chupacabra. The narrative often revolves around encounters with these mysterious beings. No stories Top 0 Most Read Paranormal - Cursed Objects Focuses on objects with supernatural or cursed properties. The plot typically involves characters trying to understand or break the curse asso

*insert pithy title here...

Its been a busy couple of weeks. The only question that remains now is where to start?   Gas, Grass, or Ass.   Thats as good a place as any i suppose. the weekend CJ claimed I had been "detained" I was actually in his region of the lower 48. My uncle owns around 180 acres outside of Kingman Arizona. It was a good time, once everything fell into place. usual stuff happened, brother broke his truck etc. Did you know that the power steering and power brakes on a 05 Yukon operate off the same pu



I went through with it

I've been contemplating this move for a few months now, and after a long, thought out process, I've decided to go through with a major purchase that may or may not have a HUGE impact on my life.         There's a flap that opens in the back for maximum comfort.



Busy but good

Hey everyone!   For everyone who saw my last blog entry and is wondering where it went, I set it as a draft (invisible). It was basically just me bitching about a friend of mine (no one at GA) who kinda wore me out and ticked me off. I did mean what I said, but I mostly just needed to vent and just writing it out made me feel better, so I decided not to leave it up just in case he, or a different mutual friend who knows him or something, ever happened across it somehow. I wouldn't want to h



Grand Island, NE

Back in the early days when computers were just beginning to talk, the company I worked for (major telecommunications provider in the Western US) had one that had a bad database. It could say "Iowa" when "IA" had been entered, "Washington" when "WA" had been entered, but in the beginning it had a bit of trouble with "OR, MT, and NE" which came out "Or, Mount, and Northeast," respectively. As the various upgrades took place the mistakes were eventually fixed, except for "NE". That system never se



Caution: Reading this blog entry causes eyeball cancer

Disclaimer:   This blog entry is not directed at any member, forum moderator or administrator on this site, or any other site. The views expressed by me do not represent the views of this site, or any other site. The views expressed by me are 100% correct 100% of the time.   Lately there's been a lot of discussion about reproductive rights, and whether they exist or not. Some people suggest that there are no such rights for individuals. For the record, I'd like to say that while I vehemently



Moving Day

Today was moving day. We got started around noon today. It was the fastest move ever. It only took a few hours. We were done before 5. Granted, there are still plenty of kinks to fix like the problem where the shower curtain does not seem to stay up here. I just got out of the shower actually. Moving was definitely a good idea, but it will take a while before it feels like home. I already have a tentative plan to move again, maybe even twice. Hopefully it will be easier with just my stuff. I rea



Modern Classics Profile Series

Modern Classics Profile Series   The Doors   The Beatles 63-66   The Beatles 67-70   Upcoming Profiles   Led Zeppelin   The Cars   The Police   The Eagles   Pink Floyd   Yes   Rush     You know that you like a classic band- you've heard them on an FM station but buying their albums (CDs) can be tricky. Which ones have which tracks? Which ones are pure gold and which ones are pure mold? With CD prices at $15+, its a mistake you would like to avoid. Here I offer profiles o



Oh.. a Real Post

Ugh. I've got a little problem lately that I can't seem to get under control. I can't sit still. This makes working on anything rather difficult as I have the most trouble sitting in my desk chair.   Motivation to do so is also somewhat lacking. I can't force myself to focus on much of anything lately. I'm hoping that it has just been the crappy weather we've had all week.   Today, I have a nice long list of things I plan on working on. I'm mowing the lawn, cleaning the basement, cle


Myr in Life

My Entries to the Urban Dictionary

As you might imagine, those of us that live here in the South have a rather unique way of saying things. I decided to save some authentic 70s Southern Slang with the assistance of the good folks at the urban dictionary. I'm doing my part to perserve a rich but vanishing heiratage that most yuppies have forgotten now because they were too f**ked up at the time to remember them. You know- the same retarded hypocritical assholes who declared war on drugs and probably still have bong tar stains on t



Buy Me a Drink

So I've finally released the first chapter of my new story, Buy Me a Drink. The first chapter is entitled, Hot Mess. Please, please, PLEASE read it and let me know what you think. I was a bit nervous about starting to post it so I'll be happy with all the feedback I can get (good, bad, or indifferent). Here's a link to the discussion thread.   A little bit about the story: Bmad is a stand alone story but it's also the first part of what I intend to be a two part story. Indeed it's much sh



sometimes I wonder...

... how many questions he can come up with in a day. And sometimes they're random, and sometimes observant. Sometimes inquisitive and curious, and sometimes silly and sometimes asked with the intention of annoying me, but no matter the type or the cause, it seems he has an endless supply.   Some of the more recent have been...   Q: Why do chips come in a bag? A: To keep them fresh.   Q: How do you make water? A: Uhh, I don't.   Q: How is your beautiful-ness? A: My beautiful-ness?  



Just ten more days

...and I'm out of here! So EXCITING! I'll never have to be around any of these disgusting, inconsiderate, unattractive, socially inept assholes again. I mean, is it absolutely necessary to use the bathroom WITHOUT closing the door first and WITHOUT flushing the toilet when you're done? Seriously? Seriously?   But that's okay, the countdown has begun.



San Felipe Pueblo

I really screwed up a couple days ago. My dispatcher is giving me a shitty load to make up for it. Being late is a big no-no and I could've said, "Uh, I shouldn't have taken this load because I don't have the time to complete it." I could've of said, "You know, I'm going to be late tomorrow because I shouldn't have taken this load because I don't have the time to complete it on time."   But, no, I did not do that.   I waited until I could make my dispatcher very, very pissed at me.   Okay



Friend of Dorothy moving to the Land of Oz

Saturday, I will be moving to Kansas. I am actually excited about it. The town is a bit larger. I am so tired of this town. It's just not a good place to be. In addition, I have been thinking a lot about my life. One of my friends is suggesting that I actually take A+ certification, which would basically give me more hands-on training with computers. Some of the stuff they teach is stuff I already know, like how to assemble a computer's outer components. The inner components I am not as familiar



Friction Sex?

This is what Aaron asked of me last night..... essentially, lubing him up, lubing up my stomach, and then laying on me and sliding back and forth........ one problem though: I'm pretty hairy and that's not so comfortable.   Anyway... this guy moved very fast and I think I've figured out why. His ex is also his roomate and apparently his ex's car is also his primary means of transportation. His ex is apparently extraordinarily controlling and a bit of a drama queen. The ex actually wanted to co


Demetz in Demetz

Good, Bad, and Random

Blah, so for some silly reason I thought it'd be fun, or therapeutic, or interesting, or...something to write a blog entry in that style. Probably because I have a lot on my mind, I'm tired, and my thoughts aren't well organized. Anyway:   Good: I up staying in town this weekend and did catch up on my rest.   Bad: Major, expensive car trouble.   Random: It sorta sounds like I'm driving a racecar now...I like it.     Good: I thought on it awhile and decided to take the plunge. Sun



Confessions of an incredulous mind

You ever had that over worked ad underpaid feeling? I dont care what anybody says the cost of living is way too high for college students who dont go to these enormantly large universities.   anyway I'm kinda waiting to hear about the decisions concerning funding for school using lenders because I just know I'll be required to learn as much as i can to answer the students questions.   Does it make me a dumb ass if I would find another job in order to date someone that I've had a crush on fo



I live...

Getting ready for Texas in a few weeks. I'd hoped to see many of you there, but I'll take what i can get. After all, I'll be meeting Joe, Myr, Dan K, and Trebs, plus a few others, and those cannot be considered minor points.   As far as reading has gone, I've been working my way through a backlog of ebooks I came into possession of a while back. They are all from www.baen.com, a niche publisher that mainly comes out with "Hard" sci-fi, "military" sci-fi, and "space opera;" where these various



Warning: Fragile

I feel like if anyone touches me, I'll break. Even if it's a hug, I'll just break. It doesn't matter if they love me or not, at this point enough bad things have happened that I'll just fall apart. I really hate feeling this way. All day today I've been kind of tearing up and then having take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I'm nearing hysterical, and it's just not fun.   Why?   Some bad shit has happened to me, and I just don't want to talk about it. I'm shamed and feeling a



Complete HELL

I posted this last night but it wasn't working so I'm posting it now   I can tell you from the start that this entire blog is going to be nothing but bitching. So if you really don't want to hear me complain and sound like a little bitch, then leave. Other than that, by all means, please do enjoy   So let's start with CJ since that was just a couple minutes ago. I'm sick of reading one chapter every week. He always leaves the things on a cliffhanger and leaves you sitting there for a week



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