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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Evolving Identity

I just got done watching a movie called "Boy Culture" ... I enjoyed it even i don't care for all the hustling... still a few good points were made here and there. I ended up reflecting a bit on myself as I watched it and came across a scene where they're talking about the stages of being gay.   In stage 1, you've just come out to yourself and you have this romantic idea of not being a slut and meeting another guy who is also not a slut and living happily ever after with him. My stage 1 lasted


Demetz in Demetz

Take My Hand...

I think that I'm ready for this week to be over. That okay with everyone?   A run down, if you will...   Panic At the Disco lost two members this week. Ryan (guitar) and Jon (bass) and they are off to try and pursue their own creative goals or something like that. Good for them, I guess, but it's really sad to me for a lot of reasons. Anyway, Brendon and Spencer, the remaining members appear to be working their asses off while dealing with all this before going on tour in a couple weeks with



Have a cookie

So I read a story about the Stella Doro factory closing in the Bronx, and I started thinking about a cookie I used to eat at my grandparents' house when I was probably no older than about five or six. They were Stella Doro cookies, but they were topped with Sesame Seeds. They were perfect for dunking in hot chocolate and would be great to dunk in my morning cup of coffee...I say would be because I found out Stella Doro stopped making them a few years ago.   Now aside from the fact that I won'



WTF is wrong with the letter "y"?

Really. What did "y" ever do to the gay community to get it removed from their language? Why does boy have to be boi? Why does hey have to be hai? Is that supposed to be cute? A way to distinguish gai people from other people. A wai to describe or delineate other members of the gai communiti? What's next? Mai Dai celebrations? Will the holidais change too? I find this almost as irritating as Randy Jackson calling everyone "dog".   I'm not convinced that such differentiation does t

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

Amazing people

So just for the record before you read/ watch this I'm not American.   I may not agree fully with the war, but I have the up most respect for all the service personnel, regardless of the country they come from.   I saw this and it touched my heart, I hope it does yours too.   The way we get by   As I'm in the UK, I don't get PBS programming, so the trailer and story are all i've seen, but its still pretty amazing I think.   Enjoy.



Reputations and Heresy

I logged on tonight, ready to head off to bed, and went to check my profile to make sure no one posted something obscene or anything in the comments section, and I noticed that my reputation tag had changed. It said   Reputation: 106 Someone Might Think I'm Dom   Now that's f**king funny. Even if it is heretical: I'm a Domaholic who's way beyond any 12 step program.   I'm trying to figure out who did it. Joe is suspect numero uno.

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour


Okay, I seem to be getting over whatever it was that had me down.   It's not that happy days are here again, but the sun is shining and I'm looking forward.   I've returned to working on The Artists. This gives me two long stories to write, learning Spanish, learning my digital camera, forcing myself to read poetry, and coping with near constant pain in my knee. I might even tackle an upcoming Anthology.   I did not get a new knee. I am not old enough. Replacement knees only last 15 to 20



Two Kids and a Dog

Scott and I went to a housewarming party for some friends of ours, a straight couple, recently. It was a fresh change. I don't socialize with straight people very often anymore, and when I do it's usually in some type of "gay" setting and they're the minority. So it was weird to go to a party at which Scott and I were the only two gays. It was fun though, I really like the couple and their friends were nice.   There were a couple of small kids there. A four year old girl and her baby brot



airport anecdotes - 1c each

I'll keep this session brief.   Summarize my fourth of july: sex, drugs, sex, fireworks, old glory and her greatness. Hang over.   I went to Portland for that. Why? I have no idea. It was cheap (at least from what we got/we being my friends and I). I had fun, they had fun. The weather was "cool" figuratively and literally. I hate V necks and douche bags who wear them when they should not. I've never had so much coffee in my life while in Portland.   I'd like to consider myself a professio



An Attitude and Culture of Victimization

I think the things that happen to you are less important than what you do with them.   Today a friend of mine kept sending me texts about this article he was reading. Basically the article, and hence the texts, were about how royally F-d up his life was destined to be because his family hadn't been supportive of his sexuality when he was younger. Now don't get me wrong, I care about my friend very much and I'm deeply sorry for all the painful things that have happened to me, but one strong m




Dan and I just got back to our home in Sacramento about 1/2 hour ago. Car is unpacked and it feels SOOOOOOO F*ING good to be home.



It feels like I'm dating a straight woman

I have this female friend who's being particularly needy lately (and she's a real life friend, so this isn't some vailed b*tch slap against any of you ). Let's call her Nellie.   This neediness is really starting to suffocate me and I'm debating what to do about it.   Needy Nellie was over the top last week when I went to a Canada Day party at a local bar. I arrived kind of late, so most everyone was already there seated at the two rows of tables (about 50 people overall). I saw some



Nightmares Of The Mind

I was lying on my bed with him, staring at the ceiling thinking how great thinks were going, and how this was going to be the best 4th Of July I've ever had, and then the clock strikes 12:00 making it officially 4th Of July, and everything slowly starts to go black, I can feel my body shaking but I can no longer feel him next to me. I keep blinking my eyes and I start to see green gas floating around me, I feel my body shutting down, I hear him screaming besides me and I try screaming out for hi



4th of July Happiness

I spent the 4th of July at my sister's house in the boondocks. She had a lot of friends over, as well as the in-laws-to-be, and we sat around and had lots of food, set off fireworks, and got to know the people that I'll be calling family soon enough.   Seven years ago, my sister Chrissy was in this horrible relationship with a loser cokehead named John. She was engaged to be married to him, and luckily, that fizzled out and she met a much better guy named Mike. They're getting married in



4th of July: Worth Celebrating

It was different this year. Not the fireworks; they were no better than normal. Not the barbecue. It was as good as always. No, what was different this year is that for the first time in a long time, I actually felt like celebrating. I think that we (the US) actually have a chance of being a great nation again. A new president, a new approach, a new direction. Heady stuff.   I'm not naive enough to think that just because Obama is President that things will miraculously fall into place

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

Chaotic Nights

Enter Eric... your typical average guy who love to have fun in his home away from home... Red Bank...   I got to Red Bank, and while the train was crowded, it was normal for holiday traffic. I ended up going to my job and see what was going on, and to hang around with the people I work with (the area manager and my manager). They asked why I was there and I said I don't do well with small places and large amounts of people, and I rather hang here if that's okay. They both said sure, and I ende



Rebel Kitty

This is my new kitten Havoc. He plays all the time: we are his human cat toys. He runs, he jumps, he bites, he claws and climbs me causing many lacerations.       In trying to figure out how this spoiled kitty is so rough, I noticed these strange markings on his head.     Coincidence? I think not.   ____________________________   PS- I'm back after a cooling off period but II'm not going anywhere NEAR the soapbox.



also, why do I have to be naked for this exactly?

Answers here I come...   So for the past few weeks I've been feeling different/not great after I eat and since diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. all runs in my family, I decided I better go to the doctore for the first time in... since Matty was born. I told her my symptoms, I said family history, and she sent me directly to the lab for a whole bunch of tests and said to make an appointment for the following week to have a physical and discuss the results.   That was today.



Career Goals part deux

I've been thinking a lot lately, which isn't a good thing sometimes (things tend to blow up ).   Career wise, I know what I wanna do, which is great. How I'll get there is gonna take some time, but it'll be worth it. Over the next year or so I'll be going for medical training (Not sure which programs yet) and I'll also be going for my CADC (Certificate in Alcohol and Drug Counseling) which will hopefully get me a decent paying job at a hospital or doctors office. From there, I plan on going b



Another 'Bonding' Experience

Short blog this time.   So my sister is in jail. Apparently she had a DWI and also got a ticket for hitting an object on the highway and failing to stop. Which probably means she hit a cone or something and the cop pulled her over and found that she was drunk.   She called me at 8 this morning asking me to come bail her out and not tell my parents. Well that's hard to do when I don't get paid until Friday and don't have the money. So my brother and I called just about everyone we could tryin



Crazy on Paper

I took a creative writing class--well workshop--last semester, did you know these things, blogs, are supposed to be carefully planned out? If that is the case, blogage = FAIL, EPIC FAIL even. I dunno I guess this would be a more entertaining blog if everything was thought out and well rendered into some pseudo-journalistic spin-off.   I dunno, to me a blog should be more personal, It should be clearly partisan, and one should never turn to a blog for precise facts. That is just a fools erran



The Wormwood

An epic tale with a not so epic main character---     Purpose is beautiful. A euphoria of some far off place, the way the clouds move and the people elect. Purpose is lovely. When you have purpose you feel complete, your purpose may change throughout your career as man, but you will always have something



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