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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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I Took Lacey's Color Test...

Tim's Existing Situation   "Organized and detail-oriented, he has a very precise and methodical manner. He needs relationships which offer him understanding, respect, and approval."   Tim's Stress Sources   "Needs to meet people who have the same high principals and values as himself, but finds the need unfulfilled. His need to feel dominate and superior leaves him feeling isolated and does not allow for him to give freely of himself. He would like to surrender and let go, but sees that as



That depressing color quiz

Just checking in.   Truly, this quiz gives some depressing results, considering how warm the colors that I, at least, had to choose from.   ColorQuiz.com And the actual results: B1ue's Existing Situation   Needs excitement and constant stimulation. Willingly participates in activities that are thrilling and offer adventure.   B1ue's Stress Sources   "Unfulfilled hopes have left him feeling uncertain and even a little fearful about the future. Needs to feel secure and avoid further di



Color Test results....Interesting

Well...after ArpeGGio did this, I was intrigued... Your Existing Situation   Constantly moving forward in his life and career in order to gain a higher position and more recognition. Unhappy with current circumstances and needs to constantly make changes to himself in order to become a better person.   Your Stress Sources   Feels empty and isolated from others and wishes to overcome this feeling. Believes life has more to offer him than what he was experienced thus far, and doesn't want



Lacey's Color Test

I took Lacey's Color Quiz. Results below. Interesting.   Your Existing Situation   Likes to be in control and wishes to hold a position of power. Comes up with ideas and plans to overcome obstacles and likes to feel control over events and situations.   Your Stress Sources   "Demands to be noticed by others as an important individual, needs attention and recognition. His current situation is leaving him dissatisfied. He feels he needs to make friends with those who hold the same hi

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

I'm About To Do It Again

What's that? You ask.   Plans are in the works for 8/1/09 to meet another of my internet friends. This isn't just an ordinary friend. He also happens to be my favorite off site author. I'm talking about Jamie, author of 'The Scrolls of Icaria'.   Jamie contacted me, via chat, this past Sunday to let me know he would be flying in Monday and wanted to know if I wanted to get together, providing his schedule allowed it. He's here on business. Even tho he was born and raised in the Harrisburg, P



Not able to eat healthy due to allergies? WTF

I have been recently diagnosed with have allergic reactions to just about anything/everything I eat.   So since my list of what I can eat has been getting smaller and smaller, I decided to try and eat a little more healthy. Turns out I can't even do that due to darn cross reaction allergies.   So I a salad, no harm there, right? Wrong.   Turns out the dressing has tomato which I am allergic. I did some investigating and lettuce could be the cause too.   So according to the National Insti




I am so not ready for today's forecasted high temperature.   On the other hand, I am enjoying the reading on the bathroom scale every morning after gallons and gallons of sweat have seeped out of my body overnight. This is the kind of weight loss program a couch potato loves, except I'm not a couch potato. I have a recliner. A Lazy Boy at that.   The good thing about the hot weather is having a bit of an incentive to work on The Artists. It looks like this story will definitely end at Ch



What happens when it's my turn?

What happens when my kids are grown and off living their adult lives and no one really needs me anymore? This is something that has been worrying the little corners of my mind for a long while. I am usually too busy to think about it, or wallow, if you will. The lake of self-pity seems pretty deep lately. I'm an overachiever like that. If I'm going to do something, I do it right. I don't mess around with little twinges, I dive in, and so far I've managed not to drown.   Rich took the kids cam



I've been Beck'd

I was debating a Republican friend of mine last night on what the party needs to do to get back on track. I told him that I feel like as long as they continue to talk about gay marriage, Obama's birth certificate and the "real America" (ie; small town America) that they should just make themselves comfortable as the minority party in Washington. Apparently, he's a birther, one of those people who refuses to accept that President Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States. I asked him k




*Coming up for air*   Holy crap- months of not much now they can't get enough of me:   2 new contracts 3 beta readings 9 chapters of Twilight   AARGH!   Please be patient. I'm working my way through the pile.   I'm paying special attention to Twilight right now. It's at a turning point and I want it to go just right.   I'll crawl out as soon as I can.



When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love...

So I've got a three-day weekend coming up, and my tax return has just come through...   Bad.   Boredom + Matty + Money = Bad.   Or tequila.   I'm the only person I know who actually likes the taste of tequila.   Dunno why.   Dunno why I call myself 'Matty' on GA, either.   Nobody calls me Matty.   Well, that's not true.   Nobodies call me Matty.   Case in point: Chicks who want me to do something.   Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Matty, could I ask a favour?   Matty, would you b



resume Of a King

I can't sleep.           The air is still outside and even if I try I can't hear the ocean. My head hurts and this sandwich I made looks delicious. I thought about watching some T.V, but instead I wanted to list out whatever I could about myself. Facts. Known, confirmed things about me, confirmed by me (and others). Maybe it will give you a better insight on if I am actually a good guy or not.   Hahhahahahaha as if. But I'll still post the facts, incoming:   My name is Chase   I am



Day 11,322.8

Saturday night I was at my uncles house, they surprised me with a strawberry cake. It was cool there were candles, three of them anymore and the fire marshal would have been called, and people singing happy birthday. I had a few beers and tried to relax in the spa as my cousin spouted on about the end of the world in 2012. Not my belief, but hey who am I to deny him is above just saying to him people have been saying it is the end of the world since the world began.   Disney is doing this prom



Hot sweaty bodies

We don't do hot here worth a damn. Drizzly rain yes, but not heat. As the song goes, "we're having a heat wave." And not liking it one bit.   For the record, our friends at NOAA have posted Excessive Heat and Air Stagnation Warnings. Not good.   Plus, humidity is going up. Or, like I enjoy saying, hum-a-ditty, like, "we're having a heat wave." Run that one through your brain a couple times and you, too, will be humin-a-ditty. Over and over and over and over. Can't get those things out of you



I have daisy duke swim trunks

It's been really hot here in central california, so jumping into the pool is a daily (if not several times a day) occurance. Getting into and drying my regular board short type swim trunks is getting to be quite a chore. My friends say I should just go swim naked as it's my own pool in the privacy of my back yard, but I'm too much of a prude for that. Also, you can kinda see through the slats of the fence around my yard and I don't want to pull a Corvus and put myself on display for noisy ne



Well I tried...I guess I'll try again.

I had a nice, long blog entry written and ready to roll. Then I hit the post button, and instantly, I was disconnected from the internet and my entry was gone.... oh well.   Anyway, here's a quick summary.   Sent the first chapter of my new story off to Steph. Wrote a new short story. Not allowed to get a bike anymore because two people were killed this weekend in the area on bikes and it was on the news. My fiance said that I could get one, but that I could also move into the guest room or



free porn inside

LOTS OF IT COME ONE CUM ALL LOLZ MUSIC FOR EVERYONE               no but really:   I have returned from across the sea, Europe and shit. It was really fun, I spent lots of my parents money and bought some new clothing, chocolate. That sort of thing. You know when you go on a trip and you HAVE to buy certain people crap that you really don't want to take back but you do anyways just for the sake of friendship, morality and thoughtfulness, well yeah I did that. Dumb idea, but I did. I



Finally, New Chapter is up for Worlds of difference

Well, it's been a while since I wrote a chapter and I have been feeling introspective for a while now, so I am continuing my story.   Worlds of Difference chapter 4   This is a time travel story with multiple universes interacting in a fluid timeline with an interesting concept that I would call "Predestination potential", something that people will understand as I write this story out. It takes the old elements of a predestination storyline and add in elements of chaos theory to create this



Pee Mail

Every day when I get home I take the dog out with me to get the mail. It's not a long walk, just down the driveway, but it gives her a chance to check her pee mail. I watch her sniff from spot to spot, figuring out who was there by her mailbox, who stopped by to pee a bit just to say hi. She of course pees there to let them know she got their mail. It's all very efficient, not quite as efficient as e-mail, but close.   Then today we went down to check the mail and a dog had left a big c

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

Feeling Good

Today I completed the last site on my list (of 30 statewide). I came in WAY under budget, 30 days early and am looking at a sweet bonus.   The HOT, HARD work had an unintended but welcome side effect: the hot Mississippi sun burned off about 30 pounds. I'm trimmer and bulging in all the right places. There's even less gray in my hair.   Who needs a health club when it's 150 degrees in an attic?   I haven't told the story of the good looking Air Force guy I fraked in Bay St. Louis Thursday



Fan male, er mail.

I am devoid of creativity. So, I am taking suggestions on an upcoming blog. You can post a topic/trend/something that I can discuss, bitch, rant, vent/talk about. Anything really, I'll take any sort of suggestion and write about it. It can be a question for me that I will answer, or something about me (this is my blog you know) or anything in any category cause I really can't think of anything interesting.   If not, I'll just eventually post something huge again full of pointless shit thrown t



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