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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 9 - Jun. 15)

    By wildone

    Well I'm a silly boy   I was enjoying a nice cool evening to fall asleep to , and was sawing a log or two, when I woke up in shock! Shock I say   You ever wake up and realize you were supposed to do something and you forgot to? Usually for me it is a work thing and then I think to myself that there isn't much I can do about it until the morning and roll over and fall asleep again .  Just note that happened tonight and to show my dedication to everyone and GA, I got up, jump in my

Damn Sex in the City!

...For making Cosmos trendy! I've never even seen a single episode of the show, and I've been drinking that drink for years. Now this movie comes along and suddenly I look like every other gay boi in Houston when I order one!   William was even drinking them the other night! That's not his drink! He's supposed to drink red bull and vodka! (mind you, given what a dangerous combo that is for one's heart I'm glad he did switch in that respect)   This simply will not do! Until further not



Hillary loses......the rest of the nation wins

AP: Obama has delegates to clinch nomination Sources say Clinton to acknowledge delegate math, consider No. 2 slot       Sen. Barack Obama boards his plane Tuesday with his wife, Michelle, in Chicago   NBC, MSNBC and news services   Sen. Barack Obama clinched the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, becoming the first black candidate to lead a major party into a campaign for the White House, The Associated Press reported based on its tally of delegates.   Obama arranged a vi



Anger Management: Party Of 1

Ah now everyone here and comfortable? too damn bad!!   So what can you do when you feel like a bomb thats dangerously close to exploding? I've found that well placed glares work best.   and the best part? The madder you get and hold it the more menacing the glare gets until people are struggling to get away from you.   Now before you say anything I know you shouldnt keep your anger in and its harmful to your health and all that other crap.   I just wanted to maintain my little piece(p




I'm at a pork processing plant waiting to be invited in to get my load. I've been here since 0700 this morning. I was a little late due to weather, but it's been six hours of waiting so far.   And, time not wasted either.   I finished Chapter 8 and sent Chapter 6 to the elves for processing. I suspect Chapter 6 will not go over very well. It deals with sexual situations that have not been too popular here at GA. Oh, well, such is life as seen through dirty lenses.   The only constant thing



Everyone's nicer than me

Just a bit worn out and kinda stressed.   I feel like I've been really ignoring all my friends and family for the past week or so. Haven't intentionally meant to, but the busier I get the more I just want to be by myself when I'm not busy. So basically it comes down to less time in general AND less desire to be with people. Anyway, as a result I feel like I have some serious catching up to do with people.   Speaking of which I'm meeting Ryan for lunch today. Now is such a phenomenally ba



I "borrowed"" this from Viv

Could you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your partner? What partner? even if i had one hell no   How old will you be on your next birthday? 24!   Have you ever seen a live bat? sure have   Is there anything/anyone you hate? yes but i dont think ill share the reasons.   Are you single? yeah   Do you like the color orange? no. uh-uh, seriously   Do you find it in your heart to forgive? yes no matter how I don't always want to.   Would you rather not drink or not s




A thunderous excursion at criminal velocity,   Prompted by tormentuous raging pychopathy,   Preceded all preference for bodily safety,   For no latch remained locked within his fragile psyche...             Crash.


Demetz in Demetz

Des Moines

I've been getting around quite a bit lately. No long trips, which pay gobs of money. Just short day trips that you hope to have enough to add up to a paycheck. The drawback is I don't have extra time. I'm busier than heck for 11 to 14 hours and then all I want to do is sleep so I can do the same thing the next day.   Finally, I've been given a breather. I delivered this morning and don't pick up my next load until tomorrow morning. Then it's a long four days west. It looks like I might make it



The End of the Road

From the look of things, Hillary Clinton is at the end of the road, so to speak. We can only hope that in this case, the end of the road also means the end of her political career, as it seems she won't be the president of the United States. She doesn't need New York anymore, and while she may run for re-election, I can't see her being re-elected. Her ugly side was on full display for all to see this year, and boy was it ugly.   My guess is that Obama and McCain are going to have a close elec




I have a bad habit of being moody and taking it out on people. Then when I realize what an insensitive ass I have been, if find myself wanting to do whatever I can to make up for what I say and do to make up for it. I just wish I didn't have moods like this. I really feel bad afterwards. It's not like I really mean to say stuff that's so mean. It just happens. I am far from perfect, but I do know how to be nice to people. I just wish I could be nice more often. The things I say out of anger or w



lol x 7500000000000000

So Barack Obama is having more pastor issues, or I guess in this case, it's priest issues. Either way, I don't think that this guy said anything bad at all, and I find his rant on Hillary especially hilarious. I don't think I can ever get enough of him acting out his version of what happened in Iowa when Hillary broke down and cried     http://youtube.com/watch?v=EBvYICKJ3TI




First off, I wanted to let everyone know that Buy Me A Drink Chapter 2: One for Later is now up. Thanks to everyone who read and commented on chapter 1 (and thanks to everyone who only read and didn't comment, but if you get a chance please feel free to! ). If you haven't checked the story out please give it a look!     Anyway, I had that second date with Ryan. It was really nice, we had coffee, went for a walk in the rain (the 'in the rain' part wasn't exactly intentional ), then we h



Oklahoma City

Yesterday, as I was driving down I-35 from Iowa I couldn't get someone out of my mind. Usually, or rather the past few days, I've been going over The Artists and where each of the characters are going, but yesterday it seemed my mind was fascinated about this one real person.   The hard part is that this person actually isn't a part of my life. I have very few people who are in my life so I tend to get clingy when someone gets close. Not everyone mind you, just the ones I'm interested in, mind



Velocity vs Viscosity

You know how I have that brain thing where I think about a million things all at once? Well, one of my favorite books is Girl, Interrupted. There's a passage in there that explains it really well, so I'm posting it here. Pay attention to the velocity part. (Yes, I'm keeping the paragraphs exactly as they are in the book, it's part of the style. Looks better single spaced with slight indentions to mark paragraphs.)     Velocity vs. Viscosity   Insanity comes in two basic varieties: slow



Hey, Look, I Bounced!

Heh, my mom told me a kinda funny thing about the whole annoying depression thing a lil while back and just the way she worded it was funny to me. Something to do with the fact that falling isn't bad, but not being bouncy is. She maintains that some people's problem is that they never learn to bounce.   Anyway, I'm back in school. No more roomie to make me feel degraded and hopeless (in fact I have a private room), a few semi-friends who are all nice in passing. One of them was my hall d



I'm full of Life

Life Cereal that is...   I went for a hellacious jog this morning and just when I got to the point where I was about to turn around and head home, the friggin sky split wide open and it rained like there was an arc with two of every animal being loaded up. So even though I was already tired, I hauled ass back home. I dried off and poured myself a big ass bowl of cinnimon Life cereal and a huge glass of OJ. But I think I ate too much cereal. Oh well, now that I get up early to work out I can't



Lou Last Hurrah

I have these images in my head. I doubt I'll use them, but they are there on an endless feedback loop regardless. I don't think I'll be finishing my entry for the summer anthology in time, but if I do, this might be interesting. Anyways.     Lou lit her last cigarette. Put in her out-sized wallet years ago when she went inactive and joined the CHoIR, it was a promise to herself that there would always be a later, better time to finally and formally rid herself of the habit that claimed her fa



*insert pithy title here...

Its been a busy couple of weeks. The only question that remains now is where to start?   Gas, Grass, or Ass.   Thats as good a place as any i suppose. the weekend CJ claimed I had been "detained" I was actually in his region of the lower 48. My uncle owns around 180 acres outside of Kingman Arizona. It was a good time, once everything fell into place. usual stuff happened, brother broke his truck etc. Did you know that the power steering and power brakes on a 05 Yukon operate off the same pu



I went through with it

I've been contemplating this move for a few months now, and after a long, thought out process, I've decided to go through with a major purchase that may or may not have a HUGE impact on my life.         There's a flap that opens in the back for maximum comfort.



Busy but good

Hey everyone!   For everyone who saw my last blog entry and is wondering where it went, I set it as a draft (invisible). It was basically just me bitching about a friend of mine (no one at GA) who kinda wore me out and ticked me off. I did mean what I said, but I mostly just needed to vent and just writing it out made me feel better, so I decided not to leave it up just in case he, or a different mutual friend who knows him or something, ever happened across it somehow. I wouldn't want to h



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