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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 5 - Mar. 11)

WAKE UP!!! YOU ARE LATE!!! Okay, that is kind of a North American comment but bear 🐻 with me  (I know I spelled that wrong  ) And if you are a bear, no hate mail please   So before I started this blog I went back and read over all the great suggestions that you all came up with last week  . I'm going to toss 3 ideas all into this blog and then see how they go, and tell me what you think. First would be, what is your favourite story that you read this week as suggested by @ast


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 31 - Apr. 6)

Hmmmmm, what to discuss today? Tell you what, let's leave it up to you!  Instead of me bringing something up to discuss, what do you want to discuss? In the olden days when people listened to the radio , talk shows would usually have a Friday Free For All. So let's do a Sunday Free For All.  Some rules. Nothing political, nothing overly sexual, so keep it PG  For your own personal safety, I would not discuss what evil  that Valkyrie and Krista have planned for me next . They may include you

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 3 - Mar. 9)

Lucky I'm doing this tonight before I go to bed, as tomorrow, don't come looking to borrow a cup of sugar (do people actually do that?) as I might bite your head off . Yes, last night was this biannual silly thing called Daylight Savings Time. If you don't have this annoying time shift in your neck of the woods, it resets our clocks an hour ahead or behind to accommodate for longer days for the summer and shorter days for the winter and energy consumption. Unfortunately Saturday night was the ki


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 3 - Mar. 9)

I had this big long speech from upon my soapbox and Valkyrie so rudely pulled it out from under me and now I have road rash on my ass. Oh, what a great segue to the Poetry Anthology .  Get it? Rash...Ass. Well, maybe they don't totally rhyme  Also I don't want to belittle the great poets out there either. Now I do look forward to the many experienced to blossoming poets, even if you don't see yourself as one yet, getting an entry in! Down below on the Thursday blog, Val actually gets down t

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 29 - Apr. 4)

Well, I'm kind of tired of asking the usual question at the past 3 or 4 updates  As I was looking through the blogs and activity this week, I noticed a couple of things that I thought I'd mention. First off, for anyone reading @Dabeagle's story Corners you will see really high numbers of reviews and likes and overall interaction. I think that with so many of us home bound, Dabeagle has found for the lack of a better expression, a captive audience and growing audience. I also noticed it


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 28 - Apr. 3)

Wow! Spring has sprung here and I'm sure our Australian cousins are settling in for a long, hard, cold winter  Other than maybe up in the mountains, does it even get below 0 C? What about New Zealand, @Stellar. Do you get a cold snowy winter, even on the southern tip of the south island with their spectacular mountains? I guess it was spring break here at GA, which means this will be the quickest wrap up I've done in a long time. So shall we see what went on here? Monday, Cia hopped in


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 27 to Apr. 2nd)

Wildone figured out a way to make the Weekly Wrap Up new this week, he went on a trip... so I'm doing it! Do you think he had that plan already in the works last week?🤨 Well, I'll have you know I spent my first Saturday of Spring Break on a day trip, and for once the coast was B-E-A-uuuutiful! Take a peek in the spoiler below if you want to see. But I'm back to bring you all the news you might have missed, salt-soaked skin and all. Wave to the crusty crab we found peeking out in the tide pools! 


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 26 - Apr. 1)

So don't be like me and Valkyrie   Valkyrie as Spike and me as Chester.  So to avoid getting a back hand (paw) or two, I promise I will not ask her daily for when the Anthology will be out  I will though be sitting patiently by awaiting the release! I know entries are making their way to out super duper Anthology Proof Team and then when everything is looked over and ready to go, Val will turn on the power   Now that is is April 2, did any one get April Fooled?  I worked


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 24 - Mar. 30)

So just in case you missed it GA underwent a Software upgrade on Saturday. So far I haven't noticed any differences but I'm sure that is a good thing . In case you did miss the announcements, Myr did put everything in a nice, neat, little blog:     Now let's look at the rest of the GA Blog for the week!   Monday, Cia lead us on the CSR Discussion Day:     Wednesday, was another addition of Guess Who? I have to admit, this one has stumped a lot of people


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 21 - Mar. 27)

Taxes, taxes, taxes, oh my   I do believe my friends to the south have to have their taxes in by April 15th this year, and we up here in the Great White North have to have them in by April 30March 31. Thanks @Mikiesboyfor correcting this. No relief with Covid. I wonder what it would be like to have no taxes whatsoever like some countries in the world. No federal, no provincial/state, no sales tax, etc. I do have to admit that when I do mine and my dad's taxes every year it isn't that big of


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 20 - Mar. 26)

So what can I do to make the Weekly Wrap Up different this week?  I could ask someone else to do it  Or, I can throw everything in the blender and see what it comes out as   So no usual Sun to Mon this week and in order, lets see what happens. Also, tonight I will be watching one of the greatest rivalries in sports, not basketball , not baseball not football (either kind) , but the coolest sport on earth, ice hockey The rivalry is between the Edmonton Oilers *spit* and the Calgary Flames *Y


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 19 - Mar. 25)

Important notice to everyone, in case you missed it   April 1st the deadline to get your entries in for the Poetry Anthology!!! Need any info, click here. We have officially jumped into Spring from Winter. Did you notice any difference? Not for me. Speaking of Spring, time for some cleaning to be done  So when you clean up on the stories you are reading, tell me what story(ies) you might have on mind to tackle next? Or take a break until the Anthology comes out?  Let's get into th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 17 - Mar. 23)

Well now that it is officially the end of winter on the Northern Hemisphere, let's not wish that winter on anyone in the Southern I think  it was rough on our European, Asian and North American friends.   Just a reminder, I am still looking for completed stories or series for the weekly blog. If you have a favourite, or two, or more, make sure you send me a PM @wildone I have one left, so send me some...please   Cia started the week off with our introduction to a new Classi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 17 - Mar. 23)

Ho hum First day of spring came and we got snow snow snow 😛 Definitely there are those of you out their that are giggling like skewl gurls on the playground  Well I hope your comeuppance comes soon . So was looking for a place that I could find some more gay themed movies than Prime and Nexflix and then came across a free streaming service called Tubi which I believe is available in Canada and the US of A. Their is a lot of movies on there, some not so good quality and some good quali

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 15 - Mar. 21)

So, what is new in your neck of the woods? I'm sure that you all have some stories, some frustrations, some concerns, some fears and and lots of other things on your mind. With the pandemic in full swing in basically the whole world now, it has to be affecting everyone in at least a small way. My heart goes out to those that can't work, or are laid off, and don't have some kind of social safety net to lessen the blow somewhat. Lets hope that this blog finds you all safe and sound and taking


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 14 - Mar. 20)

Well happy first day of Spring. Not too often I will share a joke, but @AC Benus' status update had me laughing  . It is kind of related to Easter, well loosely to Easter  It has a rabbit in it  And a priest and minister , Curious yet? https://gayauthors.org/profile/18130-ac-benus/?status=143484&type=status Go over and enjoy   So what happened this week at the GA News Blog you ask! Well I will tell you! Free of charge, no subscription fee, no monthly payments. Free, free, free


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 13 - Mar. 19)

Well it appears that there is a lot of US Senators that seem to partake in GA Authors, and read the Weekly Wrap Up  Why you ask? After last weeks highly controversial wrap up where I asked everyone's opinion of Daylight Savings and Standard Time, it appears the US Senate were closely watching the discussion and decided to vote for year round Day Light Savings Time  The majority here I believe wanted to scrap it, and that is what they did. Cia won't be happy as the better time is to stay on Stand


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 12 - Mar. 18)

Whoa, Nelly. I'm wiped out   I may or may not have been, what the hell there is cameras in every place now adays, at a bar celebrating the little leprechauns among us. Yes, I'm talking about our Irish friends. But then again, the rugby playing guy I met last night was not little nor would I call him a leprechaun   Then tonight it was my lil' sisters 50th bday. She is the last of us to hit 50, so the only thing we kids have to look forward to now is reaching 65 so we can get our Seniors


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 10 - Mar. 16)

3 days to spring 🌻 🐦I found out it is the 19th this year instead of the normal 20th due to being a leap year. Makes sense. So what are you planning for the Spring Solstice or if you want to be correct, the Spring Equinox? I was thinking of going outside striping down to some shorts, last year when I said naked, some of you didn't like the idea of that , and frolicking in the fields. Wait, although tomorrow will be a record breaking 18 C (64.4 F), by Monday we go back down to under -10

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 1 - Mar. 7)

*hiccup*  Sorry, I decided to start celebrating St Patrick's Day a wee bit early this month  Bet I'm the first one to wish you a Happy St.Patrick's Day as well  Duty still calls and no matter how many green beers I may or may not have consumed in the past 12 hours, I'm dedicated  to you all so give me a hug  Hands above the waist  !!!! Tell me why, I don't like Mondays...But this past Monday I enjoyed Cia's CSR Feature: On Wednesday, bloody Wednesday (sure you find a well kn


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 6 - Mar 12)

Another week has ended and it's time to look back and see what happened in the blogs. Before we get to that though, just a reminder that if you're somewhere that practices Daylight Savings, it's time to spring your clocks forward by an hour. If you forgot, don't feel bad, I completely spaced it until the time on my computer jumped forward an hour! Now, time for the wrap up!   March C S R Feature: Short Stories By Renee Stevens - This month's CSR Feature is a collections of short stories by Ren

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 5 - Mar 11)

Oops! Sorry guys, the weekly wrap up went up before I finished it. Now, a couple of quick things before we get to this week's wrap up. During the next week, there's going to be a lot going on behind the scenes, and all of our regular site blog posts are going to be suspended until after the site upgrade. This will leave multiple opportunities for us to share information if necessary.   On another front, the April Fool's Day Short Story Contest is now available for you to read. Don't forget to

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 4 - Mar 10)

I hope everyone has had a great week. I realized I forgot the GA Classic last week, but don't worry, it's back this week!  A quick reminder that there is just over a month left before the GA Summer Novella Contest is due. There's been a lot of great blogs this week, so let's take a look at what you might have missed!     Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology: Summer - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15t

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 31. - Apr 6)

So Spring is here! Sports is underway for starting their seasons or finishing them off. As I know a few follow sports and others probably come here to ignore them , I shall not say no more  LOL. Monday, Cia introduced us to an all new CSR Feature for the month: Tuesday, although not really a Tech Tuesday post, Myr did share with us an update on the editor and spacing: Then on the first Wednesday of April, Carlos returned with an all new GA reader favourite of Ask An Autho


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 27 - Apr 2)

I know, I'm running a little late getting this out today, but better late than never, right? So, without further delay, here's what happened this week in the GA News Blogs.   March C S R Discussion Day: Short Stories By Renee Stevens - Monday was the discussion day for my three short stories: Friends First, Line of Sight, and More Than a Pact. Hope y'all enjoyed it!   2016 Summer Anthology - Wicked Games - Due June 26Th - For our Wednesday post, I used the blog for the Summer Anthology annou
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