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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

Secret Author Contest Deadline Looming!

Author Guess... What? What do you mean there isn't an AGW segment this month? Wait, this was my idea in the first place. Hang on a minute, let me get my megaphone.  🚨 ATTENTION AUTHORS 🚨 The Secret Author Contest deadline is approaching! Act like fighter jets and scramble! That is, of course, if you haven't gotten your submission all polished and dolled up. For those that already have your ducks in a row, congratulations. Grab some popcorn and wait in the comment section (silently, as


astone2292 in Anthologies

Interview with the Wizard

Before I get into today's blog, I want to wish our neighbors to the North a very Happy Canada Day 🍁 and my fellow US citizens a Happy Fourth of July!  🎆 I thought it would be fun to get some history and insight into the GA Anthologies from the Grand Poobah himself, our founder and fearless leader @Myr.  So grab a cuppa and and enjoy this interview before heading out to any festivities today.      What prompted you to start the GA anthology?  Let’s hear some GA history!


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Under Construction

Best laid plans... I've been working on an anthology blog post for the past couple of weeks, and every time I sit down to work on it, something seems to pull me away.    So of course, it happened again tonight, but in a good way.  I'm writing this on Wednesday night, 6/12, which also happens to be my birthday 🎂Without going into all the details, my day did not go according to plan.  What started out as an aggravating day turned into a much better one.  I had originally planned on stopping at the


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Upcoming Writing Events - Reminder

GA's Secret Author contests are a fun way to participate in site activities and also to get your stories read by a wide audience.  There's plenty of time to get a story written and submitted to Cia!  Just don't tell anyone you're participating   Outside of your beta/editing team, of course.  Information can be found here: Guidelines for our annual anthology have also been released, and it's never too early to start and get your story(ies) to the proof team.  More information can be found h


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Secret Author Contest Rewind - Shhhhh....

With the announcement of this year's Secret Author Contest - Hidden - I thought it would be a perfect time to take a look back at last year's winner, @Libby Drew If you haven't read her heart-wrenching tale based on the theme of "Secret", then I highly recommend you do so.  It's worth a re-read, even if you've already checked it out. So read Libby's story, then get writing for this year's contest!     Details for Hidden can be found here:  Remember to keep your participation in


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Kicking Off the Secret Author Contest 2024: Hidden!

That's right, it's finally here! Our fun summer writing event, the Secret Author Short Story Contest! Rules remain very much the same: You cannot reveal your story to any beyond your beta/editing team. Your story must be hidden. And that's our THEME! "Hidden" What is hidden or who, how, when, where... or even why, that's up to you!  Deadline to submit stories: July 24, 2024 Submit to: Cia General Rules One story per author Don't share your story idea, work in


Cia in Anthologies

2025 Writing Event Announcement - Comicality Tribute - Coming of Age

May 2, 2025 would have been Comicality's fiftieth birthday.    We thought that would be a perfect day to feature a tribute to our beloved friend, author, and mentor.  We're announcing it now so that his fans will have an entire year to work on writing a story, letter, poem, or whatnot on a topic that resonates with them with respect to Comicality.  Coming of Age - A Tribute to Comicality  Due date for submissions:  April 25, 2025 No minimum length Submissions may contain one


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2024 Poetry Anthology - Seasons - Wrap Up

I'd like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped make this year's GA Poetry Anthology a huge success!  We had 16 poetry submissions to read, all of which are linked to below.  If you haven't already, I highly recommend checking them out and leaving our site poets a comment, reaction, review, recommendation, or all of the above!  I'm thrilled with the support for this year's poetry anthology, and I'm already working on next year's anthology.   So thank you, site poets for your incredi


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2024 Poetry Anthology - Seasons - Week Three

It's week three of our 2024 poetry anthology - Seasons, and we have six more poems and poem collections to enjoy!  Be sure to leave a comment or review for the poet.  A reminder that I will be on vacation from April 7-22nd with limited availability to be on site, so please direct any technical issues to @Myr @wildone or @Cia    


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2024 Poetry Anthology - Seasons - Week Two

Welcome to week two of our 2024 poetry anthology - Seasons! Enjoy these next five poems and poem collections and be sure to leave a comment or review for the poet.  A reminder that I will be on vacation from April 7-22nd with limited availability to be on site, so please direct any technical issues to @Myr @wildone or @Cia @Aditus and @Valkyrie both have two chapters, so be sure to come back tomorrow to check them out!     


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2024 Poetry Anthology - Seasons - Now Live! Week One

I am very happy to announce that we have 16 amazing submissions for the poetry anthology this year!  We will be featuring them throughout the month of April, in celebration of National Poetry Month.  Enjoy these first five poems and poem collections and be sure to leave a comment or review for the poet.  I will be on vacation from April 7-22nd with limited availability to be on site, so please direct any technical issues to @Myr @wildone or @Cia      


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Why April?

Why did I choose April to feature the poetry anthology?  I thought it would be a perfect way to feature our site poets during National Poetry Month!  April is the month to celebrate all things poetry; so read, write, and if you're daring, participate in the NaPoWriMo writing challenge!  NaPoWriMo stands for National Poetry Writing Month. It's the sibling to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November.  So what is this challenge I speak of?  Simple.  Write one poem per day (30 total) dur


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Calling All Poets!

There's still time to get some poems written for the 2024 Poetry Anthology - Seasons!  We're already seeing some submissions come in, so let's make this a great anthology!  We need participation for these anthologies to continue, so even if you're new to the art of poetry, give it a try and see where it takes you.  A great starting point is checking out @AC Benus's prompts in the Poetry Forum.   https://gayauthors.org/forums/forum/369-poetry/   Guidelines can be found here:


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2024 Anthology Theme Reveal!

Thank you to all who voted for the 2024 GA Anthology theme!  We had six great themes to choose from, and the votes have all been tallied.  So now it's time for the big reveal! The 2024 Anthology theme is... In too Deep   I already have a few ideas swimming around for this one.  Please see the guidelines below, and it's not too early to start writing!    2024 Anthology - Due: October 1, 2024 2024 Theme is: In too Deep Feel free to interpret the theme


Valkyrie in Anthologies

It's Time to Vote!

I'd like to extend a huge thank you to the Anthology theme selection committee for submitting some pretty awesome themes to vote on!  It was not easy narrowing down the entries.  In fact, we ended up with a top six instead of a top five!  We are trying something a little different this year to select our top theme.  Please click on the link below to rank your top three choices.  The theme that has the most votes for first will be our 2024 anthology theme!   https://gayauthors.org/surv


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Anthology Update

The anthology theme committee is hard at work narrowing down their submitted themes to a top five for the GA membership to vote on.  Stay tuned over the next couple of weeks for the announcement!  There are some pretty cool themes up for consideration.  In the meantime, be sure to check out the guidelines for the GA Poetry Anthology - Seasons, due April first.  It's not too early to get started on some poetry!    


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Announcing the 2024 Poetry Anthology!

I am happy to announce that the poetry anthology will be returning again this year!  Please check out the guidelines below, and I look forward to reading a lot of excellent poetry in April!    2024 Poetry Anthology - Due: April 1, 2024 The 2024 Theme is “Seasons” Feel free to interpret the theme in any way you want. The anthologies are not exclusive, but inclusive, so don't worry if you think your entry has only a tangential link to the theme. If you are inspired, then write


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2024 Writing Events - In Full Swing!

Even though we're only days into the new year, we've already kicked off our year of amazing writing events with our tribute to Carlos Hazday.  If you haven't checked it out yet, be sure to do so.  We have several other exciting writing events in the works, including a poetry anthology and our annual anthology.  We will be holding another secret author contest as well.  There are some really cool prompt-related events coming down the pipeline as well, so stay tuned for further information r


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Thank You to Our Anthology Team!

It's Thanksgiving week in the USA, so we thought a perfect way to kick off the week would be to thank our Anthology Team for their hard work throughout the year!  There is a lot of work that goes into producing the GA anthologies, from the behind-the-scenes technical support from @Myr, banner creation and general support from @Cia and @wildone, and the unsung heroes of the anthology - the Proof Team!   The Proof Team works diligently to ensure anthology stories meet site standards and basic edit


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2023 Anthology - Leap of Faith *Wrap Up*

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in making the 2023 GA Anthology - Leap of Faith, a success!  We had seventeen stories submitted by GA authors, and be sure to check out the links below for a bonus poetry submission by me.  If you haven't checked out the anthology yet, now is a great time!  Please leave our authors a reaction, comment, and/or review to let them know how much we appreciate them.  Stay tuned in the next few weeks for announcements regarding future GA writing events.  


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2023 Anthology: Leap of Faith *Now Live*

For this year's anthology, I challenged authors to match the turnout we had for last year's anthology, and while we didn't quite get there, I am thrilled to announce we still had a super turnout! So stay tuned over the next three weeks for some stellar writing, and be sure to leave a reaction, comment, and/or review to show anthology participants your appreciation.  Check out the links below for our first round of Leap of Faith!     


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Last Call!

Anthology submissions for Leap of Faith are due to the proof team by midnight, EST this Sunday!  I will be out of town this weekend, so there will be a delay in assigning stories to proofreaders, but don't worry - you will still have time to complete the proofs and post the story links in the appropriate thread.  Those of you who have stories that have already been proofread, don't forget to post your links in the anthology links thread.   If you have any questions or need assistance w


Valkyrie in Anthologies

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