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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

Prompt or Anthology Story? Why not both!

Having trouble coming up with a story idea for the anthology?  Then consider checking out some writing prompts.  There are many sources of writing prompts.  I have a whole box of prompt materials in a box in a cabinet. I've gotten them from a variety of places - Amazon, book stores, or as gifts.  When I get stuck, pulling out some of these materials is a great way to get the muse started again.  GA also has a vast repository of prompt ideas from Comicfan's prompts to the current Prompt Team prom


Valkyrie in Anthologies

It's Not too Late!

Thank you to all who have submitted stories for the Leap of Faith anthology so far!  Keep 'em comin'! There's still time to get a story written and sent to the anthology Proof Team.  Remember that stories can have a tangential link to the theme; they don't need to hit us over the head with it.  I will be spending this weekend working on my story   Now get writing! 😁    


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Anthology 101 - Revisited

The submission date for anthology stories to the proof team is fast approaching.  The proof team is already hard at work putting the finishing touches on several exciting anthology submissions.  It's not too late to start writing, especially if you're like me and have to wait till the last minute to do anything!  I thought it would be a good idea to re-feature the anthology guidelines and the anthology 101 FAQ.  Please feel free to ask here, in the anthology forum, or send me a PM if you need an


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2023 Anthology - Leap of Faith - Roll Call!

Who's getting excited for the annual GA Anthology?   The deadline for submission to the Proof Team is October first, which is approaching fast.  It's only six and a half weeks away! 😮 We accept submissions at any time, so send on your stories as soon as they are finished.  I've started threads in the Anthology forum for the guidelines, discussion, and links to stories.  I'm hoping to have two stories this time around, so fingers crossed I can get them both finished in time.  Who else


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Anthology 101 - Writing Short Stories

Now that the Secret Author contest is behind us, it's time to start focusing on the anthology.  What better way to kick off this year's Leap of Faith anthology than with a guest article by our Secret Author contest winner, @Libby Drew?  Libby, like me, is a big fan of the short story medium, and has written a superb article about writing short stories.  Remember that anthology stories can be as little as 1,000 words, and when done well, those words can pack a huge punch.  So, read Libby's articl


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Secret Author Stories Revealed!

Yes, it's time to unmask the Secret Author and put all the guessers out of their misery. Just so you don't forget who you guessed, here is the Guess the Secret Author! blog so you can compare who you thought wrote them versus who REALLY wrote these 11 great stories.  1.       14,000 Days of Virtue by Libby Drew *Contest Winner*  2.       Adrift by James Carnarvon 3.       Baring My Soul by kbois 4.       Learned to Lie by Krista 5.       Life of a Pet by astone2292


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Contest Winner!

Yes, you did it! You read the stories, liked, commented, reviewed... and voted! I have tallied the poll (it was so close!) and the story receiving the most votes was:  14,000 Days of Virtue by... LIBBY DREW!!! Libby has won custom advertising for her story or stories, and one reader who voted is also a winner, and that is: @George Richard   to both our winners  


Cia in Anthologies

Guess the Secret Author!

All right, then! You've been on tenterhooks with all hush-hush of the Secret Author Story Contest, but here's your chance to make a guess in the blog comments on who wrote which story. Guess one, guess them all.... It's up to you. Bonus, you'll have a few days, since just for funsies, I'm revealing the winning story and author on Tuesday, 7/25, but the rest of the contest authors won't be revealed until Thursday, 7/27. Yes, just because.... A reminder of the stories for your guesses b


Cia in Anthologies

Vote For Your Favorite Secret Author Story!

Voting is happening now! (click the image below) What, you say you didn't get a chance to read all the stories? Well just click on the preceding link or check out the list of awesome stories below! Or... maybe you want to refresh your memory or look for author clues. Yes, that's right! Monday we're going to have a fun 'Spot the REAL author' blog feature. Do you know? Of course not, only I know! Muahahahaha!      1.       14,000 Days of Virtue 2.       Adrift 3.    


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Story Contest Voting

Time to vote! What are you waiting for?! You read, you liked, commented, and reviewed the Secret Author Story Contest stories so now it's time to get out and vote. Wait... not out, stay in! Just click on the vote picture below to go make your choice!  Need a reminder of the stories first? Click on our Secret Author below (image) to visit the story listing 


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Story Contest-Voting Coming Soon!

Well, better late than never! You readers certainly haven't been slack in providing your feeback!! Wow! With just one more story to go, I have to feature how the 10 stories so far have been received, and we still have 1 to go. Keep it up! 10 stories in 10 days 323 Likes 190 Comments 45 Reviews Voting will start next Tuesday, so make sure you read all the Secret Author Contest stories so you're ready to vote for your favorite! Click on our Secret Author below (image)


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Story Contest... Still Going!

Yes, Secret Author still has more secrets to unveil! Have you been reading the stories posted so far? Many of you have and then shared likes, comments, and reviews, so thank you! How much fun are you having guessing who wrote what? Just don't tell if you think you have it all figured out! 🫢If you missed any stories, you can check out the story listing below, and follow so you don't miss the last few still to come.  1.       14,000 Days of Virtue 2.       Adrift 3.       Baring My


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Contest Going Strong!

Good morning and whew, what a great start to the Secret Author Story Contest. We've already had 45 likes, 39 comments, and 8 reviews on 3 stories, with one story just posting a few hours ago! Thank you all for taking the time to read these great stories and share your appreciation. The author(s) will share the love right back once Secret Author, that sneaky devil, gives them back! Click on our Secret Author below (image) to visit the story listing or follow the profile to get notifications


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Story Contest Kick Off!

It's no longer a secret that 11 authors took up the challenge for the Secret Author Story Contest! From today, July 4th through July 14th, a new story will post each day and readers can enjoy these great stories with the theme "secret". Don't forget to like, comment, and review as the stories will revert back to authors once the contest ends.  Voting for your favorite story happens on Tuesday, July 18th through Monday, July 24th, so remember, through this whole time... Tuesday, J


Cia in Anthologies

Deadline Approaching! Secret Author Story Contest due July 1st

Do you have a good story idea? Are you interested in writing for the Secret Author Story Contest where readers will vote on the Secret Author stories to determine the best of the bunch?  STOP! Shhh! Don't tell anyone because it's a secret!  The deadline is this Saturday, July 1st!!  Time's running out, but you still have a few more days. If you haven't sent in your story, get it to me (Cia) fast!! Review the contest info here and please, please...


Cia in Anthologies

2023 Poetry Anthology: Exploration - Wrap Up!

I'd like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped make the return of the GA Poetry Anthology a huge success!  We had 14 poetry submissions to read, all of which are linked to below.  If you haven't already, I highly recommend checking them out and leaving our site poets a comment, reaction, review, recommendation, or all of the above!  Based on the reception of this year's anthology, I think it's safe to say it will be back again next year.  So thank you, site poets for your incredibl


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2023 Poetry Anthology: Week 3 Now Live!

Welcome to week 3 of the 2023 Poetry Anthology, and the release of several great poems or poem collections by some of GA's authors & poets. This year the theme picked is so open, authors really can take readers anywhere on a journey of...   Exploration   *Additional poetry chapters posting this week: Backwoods Boy's Autumn Explorations, Headstall's Treasures Found, & Parker Owens/AC Benus' Cadence Don't forget to like, comment, and review! 


Cia in Anthologies

2023 Poetry Anthology: Week 2 Now Live!

Welcome to week 2 of the 2023 Poetry Anthology, and the release of several great poems or poem collections by some of GA's authors & poets. This year the theme picked is so open, authors really can take readers anywhere on a journey of...   Exploration         Additional poetry chapters posting this week: AC Benus' Second Sight: Remembering Some San Francisco Neighborhoods Don't forget to like, comment, and review! 


Cia in Anthologies

2023 Poetry Anthology: Week 1 Now Live!

Welcome to week 1 of the 2023 Poetry Anthology, and the release of several great poems or poem collections by some of GA's authors & poets. This year the theme picked is so open, authors really can take readers anywhere on a journey of...   Exploration   *Additional poetry chapters posting this week:  AC Benus' Miracles & Aditus' Delicious Delights.  Don't forget to like, comment, and review! 


Cia in Anthologies

Special Announcement! 2023 Writing Events

Writing Events in 2023!    We have an exciting lineup of writing events happening in 2023!  We're still fine-tuning the details, so stay tuned for further information about each event.   4 months from now we're bringing you a Poetry Anthology - Exploration!  All Submissions due Saturday, April 1 Many of the usual anthology procedures will still apply, but ask questions below, and we'll make sure the information is included in the Rules/Discussion topics posted soon!  7


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2023 Anthology Announcement

After taking into consideration the results of the polls I conducted about the anthology, the team has reached a decision about what we’re offering next year.    In 2023 we will be offering two site-wide events for authors to participate in – one anthology and one secret author contest.  Stay tuned for further details on both!   People overwhelmingly voted to have one theme for the anthology, and the majority wanted a committee to decide on themes, but also wanted to v


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Anthology Flashback - 2010 No Going Back

I'm on vacation this week, so decided to re-feature one of our past anthologies.  Check out the stories from 2010's anthology "No Going Back".  Also, please be sure to vote in the two current polls in the Anthology section of the Writer's Club.  Both polls close on November 17th.   https://gayauthors.org/stories/browse/category/27-2010-fall-no-going-back/    


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Anthology Flashback: Winter 2007 - Worth Fighting For

This week we are promoting our Winter 2007 Anthology: Worth Fighting For. In no particular order:   Be sure to read and review!   For Authors! We'd also like to remind all authors that we have 4 Anthology themes for 2018 and a Novella Contest: Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due May 15th


Myr in Anthologies

2022 Anniversary Wrap Up!

Wowsers, did you see the numbers of stories and comments posted in September? I bet a lot of that had to do with all the great stories posted by our Anniversary anthology authors, and all the amazing readers who took the time to read, react, and comment. So thank you to everyone! If you missed a story, or you just want a single shop stop to find links to every story in the Anthology, this Wrap Up is for you.                       


Cia in Anthologies

2022 Anthology: Anniversary Week 4 *Now Live*

Well, here it is, the last week of GA's Anniversary month and the last of our anthology entries. We've had some amazing entries, but we have more for you to read! Keep up the energy and don't forget to like, comment, and review these stories. We'll feature all the stories next week in one place for readers in case you missed one or you want to save the list to go back to your favorites! Authors, keep your eye on the Anthology Club soon for a chance to share your feedback on this year's anthology


Cia in Anthologies

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