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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

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Diverse Diversity

Before I get into today's blog, I just want to say how thrilled I am that submissions for both anthologies have started coming in! I'm loving the enthusiasm.  You guys are what make this site so amazing ⭐   Now back to today's regularly scheduled blog feature... One of the reasons I chose the theme "Diversity" for our poetry anthology is because poetry is... well... diverse.  There are so many forms to choose from, and exploring those forms can be a fun aspect of writing poe


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Diverse Connections

When I interviewed for a job a few years ago, one of the questions they asked me was "what does diversity mean to you, and why is it important?".  I told a story in that interview about a woman I had worked with at my old job who uses a wheelchair and is also non-speaking.  She had a communication device and was capable of using it; however, she wasn't very motivated to do so.  She frequently refused therapy and was depressed.  I knew her abilities and things that she enjoyed doing in the past,


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Diversity Exercise

Diversity is a topic that has been on my mind lately, which is perfect timing since it's the theme of our annual Poetry Anthology.  One of the things I love about my job is the diverse nature of the individuals I serve.  I've gotten a bunch of new referrals lately; many from cultures I am only rudimentarily familiar with.  So, I've been doing a lot of research to ensure I account for these individuals cultural heritage and beliefs when providing services.   I recently attended a continuing


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Future Anthology Blogs

I have some exciting plans for the anthology blog this year, including a series of writing tips.  I'd like to get an idea of what else authors/readers would like to see here in the Thursday anthology blog.  Please comment or message me about any topics you would like to see addressed, and I will do my best to accommodate.  Also let me know if you like the anthology rewinds, where past anthologies are re-featured.  It's not too early to get started writing for our Poetry Anthology - Diversity or


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2025 Anthology - Creature Feature - Guidelines

I'm super excited about this year's theme!  There are so many possibilities.... Do I go with a cute fluffy kitty?  Or maybe a fire-breathing dragon?  Or an army of Norse penguins fighting Canadian otters?   It's a good thing there's a lot of time before the deadline, although with my prowess at procrastinating, I probably won't start till the week it's due   The guidelines for this year's anthology are posted below.  So now that we know the theme and the parameters... start writing!  


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to

Auld Lang Syne - A Tribute to Carlos Hazday *Now Live*

Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?   To answer the question in the song - no, old acquaintance should never be forgotten, especially when they were a force named Carlos Hazday.  It's hard to believe our friend has been gone for over a year now.  Based on the stories submitted for this tribute, it's clear that his influence lives on.  So, let's raise a glass and toast to auld lang syne and fond memories of


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2025 Anthology - Big Announcement!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Joyous Kwanzaa to all who celebrate! I'm still in a bit of a food coma from Christmas dinner, but I wanted to bring a reminder and also some important news for next year's anthology.  First, submissions for Carlos' tribute event are due tomorrow, so be sure to put the finishing touches on your stories and post the link in the thread in the Writer's Circle.  Second, I decided to do things a little differently this year, and instead of having a committee decide


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2024 Events Recap

We had a busy year here at GA, with five different events for site authors and poets to participate in.  While we wish some of them hadn't been necessary, such as Carlos' tribute, the participation from readers and writers across all events was fantastic.  While we're busy working behind the scenes on next year's slate of events, I thought it would be nice to recap what happened in 2024.     We started out the year honoring a man who was a formidable presence on GA.  His loss is still


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Upcoming Events Reminder

First, I'd like to wish all our American members a very Happy Thanksgiving!  I will be spending the day at my aunt's, stuffing my face with turkey and all the sides   I'd be perfectly happy with a plate full of stuffing and gravy, though.  🤤 I am thankful for everyone who makes this site as awesome as it is!  I'm also thankful for everyone who participates in site events, such as the anthologies and other contests run throughout the year.     Speaking of site events, we have two


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2024 Anthology - In too Deep *Wrap Up*

What better way to celebrate Halloween than by checking out the twelve great stories submitted for the anthology this year?  Please be sure to leave the authors a review, comment, and/or reaction.  Thank you to all who participated by writing a story or poetry and also to all the readers for showing your support.  The annual anthology is a huge part of GA, and it's exciting to see how differently the same theme is interpreted.         Putting together the GA anthology is ver


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2024 Anthology - In too Deep - *Week 3*

Our month-long anthology adventure continues!  We have four more stories for your enjoyment, including one from the Grand Poobah himself!  Thank you to all who have supported our anthology authors with comments, reactions, and reviews.  Keep 'em coming!  Also be sure to check out the past two weeks worth of stories if you haven't already.          


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2024 Anthology - In too Deep - *Week 2*

The anthology is in full swing with four more great stories!  If you haven't already, be sure to check out last week's anthology stories as well.  Keep the reviews, comments, and reactions coming to show our authors how much we appreciate their hard work and participation!  Now on with the show....   


Valkyrie in Anthologies

2024 Anthology - In too Deep - *Now Live*

It's time to release the first batch of stories for this year's anthology!  I will feature more stories over the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned for more amazing anthology stories!  Please support our authors by reading their stories, leaving a reaction, comment, and/or review to let them know how you liked their stories.  Now start reading!    


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Upcoming Writing Events

Stay tuned for this year's anthology - In too Deep!  While the team works behind the scenes to get everything ready for posting, I thought it would be a good idea to reveal what's next on the agenda.   The Prompt Team is excited to announce our first prompt team event, which will take place in November.  Be sure to check out Friday's blog for more information.  We will be honoring our beloved late friend Carlos Hazday by again featuring stories/poems/memories in his honor on Janu


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Time's almost Out!

Hear ye, hear ye!  The anthology deadline is almost here!  Arrrr.... I be wanting yer stories now, maties!  Oh wait... national Talk like a Pirate Day was Saturday   Don't mind me... lack of sleep and massive brain fog make for very strange blog posts      Anyway... we've got a great selection of stories so far, with more on the way.  I'm in the process of pairing proofreaders with authors for the submissions I've received so far.  Authors should expect to hear from me within the


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Write, Write, Write!

The deadline for the 2024 anthology is just about two weeks away, which is not too late to submit a story to the proof team!  Here are a few tips about participating in the anthology: Stories can be as short as 1,000 words The link to the theme can be tangential - it doesn't have to hit us over the head.  So, keep that in mind if the theme isn't speaking to you.  Participating in the anthology is a great way to get new readers.  A lot of people read all the anthology stories, so i


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Anthology Check-In

The deadline for the 2024 Anthology - In too Deep - is fast approaching!     I'm about halfway done with my own story.  It's based on some experiences I had while visiting England earlier this year.  Comment below if you're planning on participating in this year's anthology, and feel free to post a short teaser!  There's still time to get a story written and submitted, even if you haven't started yet.  Don't like the theme?  Remember that the theme doesn't have to knock us o


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Wee Nede Pruf Teem Memberz

First, the deadline for the 2024 Anthology - In too Deep - is fast approaching, so I hope there are lots of authors working on getting their stories ready for the proof team!  Mine is about halfway finished, and I can't wait to share it with you all Second, if the title of this blog entry has you twitching in the corner clutching your blankie, then you're just the person we need!  We need people with a good eye for catching spelling errors, misused words (such as they're, there, their), in


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Secret Author Story Contest Winners!

Thank you to all the authors who participated in the contest! You make this whole event possible by sharing your stories with the Secret Author (that evil devil themself!) so we can play this fun game each year of guessing who wrote what. Our winners will both get 3 months free Premium membership. This year our theme was Secret, and I've kept the winner of the poll a secret until now. However, the favorite story of this event was....  Hide and Seek by @kbois And, while it was a tr


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Stories... Revealed!

That's right, at LONG last! I know you've been waiting so long, with bated breath... and yet, you gasp, knowing... you guessed... so WRONG! *cackles maniacally* Authors, you all did great keeping everyone guessing! 🕵🏻‍♂️Thank you so much for playing along with this contest and keeping the fun going for so long. It's been a blast. But yes, the Secret Authors have been unmasked, and now, your hard work must be revealed. Just click below, if you must know.  Revealed by randomized story listing


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Story Contest Quiz Time!

Okay, readers... time to flex those thinking caps. Did you guess the Secret Author was... 😮me? That's right, me, Cia... I've been doing all the posting. That's just a HUGE shocker, huh?! 😋😆 There are far more authors behind the Secret Author, and I have a list of those and the stories for you to guess. I'm going to put that in the Secret Author Contest Talking Topic, just to keep it all in one place. We'll also have a poll next week for you to vote on your favorite story. Keep an eye on the topi


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Contest-Stories and More Stories!

Well, I know everyone has been enjoying these stories our Secret Author is posting... Way to go on the comments and reviews!! And the Secret Author Contest Talking Topic is going strong too! Are you having fun guessing who wrote what? *cackles*  Let's see what has posted so far!  As, always, keep chatting on our talking topic too! We still have more stories to come, but after they are all posted I will share a list of all the story titles and the author names for members (authors can


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Stories Kickoff!!

That's right! Get your spy glasses, red herring hunting, secret revealing blacklights on (okay, maybe not that... who knows what you'll see?!!) 🫢But today is the kickoff for the Secret Author Story Contest Stories. One will be posted per day until they've all been revealed... but the authors are still hidden. Just who wrote these stories?!   Read today's kick off story here or find each day's new story featured in the Stories tab.      Discuss your thoughts (after you read


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Story Contest-Deadline Today!

Okay, there's no secret around the deadline! Today's the last day to send me your submission for the Secret Author Story Contest. The theme is "Hidden". For readers, I hope you're ready! Authors, remember, don't share that you're in on the contest quite yet!! One story will be posted each day by our "Secret Author" until all of them have been posted. Please like, comment, and review! A topic will be started for readers to share their thoughts on who wrote each story.  After


Cia in Anthologies

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