Who's ready for week 3 of the Anniversary Anthology story releases? Last week we celebrated GA's 20th Anniversary, and we're not done yet! We've had 2 weeks of great stories, and we have 2 more to go! It's been awesome to see the participation from our readers and authors, so thank you to everyone! I hope you will all continue to enjoy the stories shared by our great authors on the theme of "Anniversary".
Welcome back to Week 2 of our special 2022 Anthology themed Anniversary! Thank you to all the authors who shared stories for us to post last week and all the readers who took the time to read, like, comment, and review. Of course we're back with even more variety for you to enjoy. Keep up the enthusiasm and show your appreciation for these takes on the theme of Anniversary!
Well, on this 20th anniversary year of GA we wanted to get at least 20 Anniversary-themed stories to feature for our 2022 Anthology, and our authors pulled through and then some! We have short stories, long stories, poetry, and exploratory fiction. This month of September (which just so happens to my anniversary month on GA & in real life!) we have stories that will go live every single Thursday for readers to enjoy. Make sure you check here for links to each one!
Enjoy these Anniversa
Well, that's it for this year's anthologies! A lot of great stories by some very talented authors. Thank you to everyone for participating, whether you are an author or a reader! If you haven't gotten to read all the stories, don't fret, I'll link them all in the wrap up so that you can easily get to any that you missed!
A huge thank you to the team who made the anthologies possible!
2021 Fall Anthology Support Team
Anthology Coordinator
Renee Stevens
Welcome to the final week of Anthology postings! This week, we're releasing the "Potluck" themed stories as well as a final one for the theme of "A Winding Path". Again, Thank You to all the authors and their teams for their hard work on their stories and for participating in the anthology. All stories posted are complete, so please remember to do a quick story review after reading to thank the authors!
Happy Reading!
Who's ready for Week 2 of the Anthology postings? Some more great authors and stories this week, so be sure to check them all out! Thank you to all the authors and their teams for participating in the fall anthology! All stories posted are complete, so don't forget to leave the authors a story review after reading their offerings!
Happy Reading!!!
Hello hello!!! Who's ready for a great selection of stories to read! We had a great turnout for this anthology, and in total you will now have 15 brand new stories for your enjoyment! Each week, for the next three weeks, we will release five of the stories entered into the anthology. We want to give a huge Thank you to all the authors and their teams for participating in the anthology! All stories posted are complete, so after reading, please leave the authors a story review to thank them fo
With the deadline for the upcoming anthology looming, we thought it would be a great idea for you to meet the dedicated team that does the final proof reads on stories!
Thank you @Valkyrie for putting this together for us!
The anthology proof team works hard prior to the release of each anthology to ensure stories meet basic editing criteria and follow GA guidelines. Proofreading requires a meticulous eye for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and correct word usage. We’re al
Upcoming Anthology
Due: October 31, 2021
Top Themes
A Winding Path
An Unconventional Gift
Pot Luck Themes
Pick Your Poison - Lockdown - Left Behind - Dire Monotony - Mutation is Progress - Blood Moon
Birthday Presents - Falling for Fall - Elves or Elvis? - Life’s Past - The Woods
Rings of Fire - Plateau Wolves - Rock - Men and Women - A Legend Retold
Upcoming Anthology
Due: October 31, 2021
Top Themes
A Winding Path
An Unconventional Gift
Pot Luck Themes
Pick Your Poison - Lockdown - Left Behind - Dire Monotony - Mutation is Progress - Blood Moon
Birthday Presents - Falling for Fall - Elves or Elvis? - Life’s Past - The Woods
Rings of Fire - Plateau Wolves - Rock - Men and Women - A Legend Retold
Upcoming Anthology
Due: October 31, 2021
Top Themes
A Winding Path
An Unconventional Gift
Pot Luck Themes
Pick Your Poison - Lockdown - Left Behind - Dire Monotony - Mutation is Progress - Blood Moon
Birthday Presents - Falling for Fall - Elves
Upcoming Anthology
Due: October 31, 2021
Top Themes
A Winding Path
An Unconventional Gift
Pot Luck Themes
Pick Your Poison - Lockdown - Left Behind - Dire Monotony - Mutation is Progress - Blood Moon
Birthday Presents - Falling for Fall - Elves or Elvis? - Life’s Past - The Woods
Rings of Fire - Plateau Wolves - Rock - Men and Women - A Legend Retold
Upcoming Anthology
Due: October 31, 2021
Top Themes
A Winding Path
An Unconventional Gift
Pot Luck Themes
Pick Your Poison - Lockdown - Left Behind - Dire Monotony - Mutation is Progress - Blood Moon
Birthday Presents - Falling for Fall - Elves
Upcoming Anthology
Due: October 31st, 2021
Top Themes
A Winding Path
An Unconventional Gift
Pot Luck Themes
Pick Your Poison - Lockdown - Left Behind - Dire Monotony - Mutation is Progress - Blood Moon
Birthday Presents -
Upcoming Anthology
Due: October 31, 2021
Top Themes
A Winding Path
An Unconventional Gift
Pot Luck Themes
Pick Your Poison - Lockdown - Left Behind - Dire Monotony - Mutation is Progress - Blood Moon
Upcoming Anthology
Due: October 31, 2021
Top Themes
A Winding Path
An Unconventional Gift
Pot Luck Themes
Pick Your Poison - Lockdown - Left Behind - Dire Monotony - Mutation is Progress - Blood Moon
Birthday Presents -
So, has everyone read all the anthologies? If not, here's another chance to check them out!
2021 Spring Anthology Support Team
Anthology Coordinator
Renee Stevens
Tech Support
Proof Team
Parker Owens
Anthology Banner Creation
Mann Ramblings
Happy Thursday, y'all! Hope you are all having a great week.
First thing first, I missed an anthology entry for On The Road last week, so we'll start with that one and then go into the "Potluck" themes.
Happy Reading!
Ready for a couple of new stories to read? It's time to post the first set of anthologies, which will consist of the theme "On The Road". We had two takers for this top theme, so we hope you enjoy!
Happy reading and don't forget to leave the author a comment!
Upcoming Anthology
Due: October 31, 2021
Top Themes
A Winding Path
An Unconventional Gift
Pot Luck Themes
Pick Your Poison - Lockdown - Left Behind - Dire Monotony - Mutation is Progress - Blood Moon
Birthday Presents -
Upcoming Anthology
Due: October 31, 2021
Top Themes
A Winding Path
An Unconventional Gift
Pot Luck Themes
Pick Your Poison - Lockdown - Left Behind - Dire Monotony - Mutation is Progress - Blood Moon
Birthday Presents -
Upcoming Anthologies
Due: May 31st, 2021
Top Themes
On the Road
Pot Luck Themes
But Wait; There’s More - Through a Glass Darkly - Of Gods and Monsters - It Takes All Kinds - Darkness Falls
If you have any questions, send me a message or you can always comment on the blog or in the forum thread!
Roll Call: if you have an anthology entry, comment below! If you want, you can even share your story name and description to make your readers drool in anticipation!
~2021 Spring/Summer Anthology~
Now, let's take a look at the themes and guidelines for the first anthology of 2021!
The themes of the 2021 Anthology #1 are:
Top Theme #1: On the Ro
First off, let me start by saying that the Anthology deadline of April 1st has been extended to May 31st!!!! Hopefully that will give everyone time to write something for the anthology.
So, what does that mean for the mid-year anthology? Well, that deadline has now been extended to October 31st.
Which leaves us with the Pre-2021 themes anthology. Sometimes we have to make some tough decisions, and it's become clear that the anthology participation has been declining for the past few
Upcoming Anthology
Due: April 1, 2021 (1 week remaining)
Top Themes
On the Road
Pot Luck Themes
But Wait; There’s More - Through a Glass Darkly - Of Gods and Monsters - It Takes All Kinds - Darkness Falls
Boys of the Hills - You Wouldn’t Understand - On the Beach - Great Balls of Fire