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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 11 - Oct. 17)

Goodness gracious, where the H E double hockey sticks did the week go  It just seemed like a couple of days ago I was doing up last weeks wrap up! The fact that we are losing weeks quicker than the Covid pounds a lot of are carrying around , means we are getting closer and closer to Christmas  Looks like I've secured a present from @clochette   So why am in saying this soooo soon? Well Friday we got a good snow fall here and today's high was -5C/23F 🥶. Yes, even in the Great White North, th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 26 - Jul. 2)

A belated happy birthday to all the folks up in Canada that had Canada Day on the 1st of July. And an early happy birthday to the folks down in the US of A that have Independence Day on Monday   Can't forget Burundi Independence Day on July 1st, Ghana Republic Day on July 1st, Territory Day in the British Virgin Islands also on the 1st, Philippine's Republic Day on the 4th, and Rwanda Liberation Day on the 4th. Now the question is, do you live in one of these countries other than Canada or


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 23 - Jul. 29)

Hello 😎 First off, I want to thank the ever elegant Cia for taking care of the wrap up for me last week  I think we will keep her around for a bit   Actually, with all your talk of bears, i had to leave my campsite temporarily as they tracked a gizzily momma and two clubs right close to our tent and campsite , but I survived. @Bill W, I can now say I survived the bears and the bares  Now if it was a blue bear, no bets on who would have won that one. I have to admit to myself, as I


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 11 - Jun. 17)

** Ear Worm Warning ** Skidamarink a doo, I love you. Skidamarink a dink a dink, Skidamarink a doo, I love you. I warned you   I was out at a mall today, and I heard this kid singing this song, which I haven't heard in years! Well gosh darnitt , now I can't git it out of my head. Maybe since I shared the song with you all, it will finally leave my consciousness I liked the song as a kid because it had the word dink in it  Can I say that word here @Myr ? Now before I forg


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug 09 - Aug 15)

Back for a week and then gone again! That's right, you're stuck with me again this week. @wildone got called out of town unexpectedly and asked me to do the wrap up. If you haven't already done so, please go vote in the Anthology Theme Selection for next year!  We've only had fifteen votes for the top themes next year. With almost 1,300 authors and almost 27,000 members in total, 280 of whom are already members of the Writer's Circle club, I had hoped for a much better turnout. All members are e

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 28 - Dec. 4)

Okay, let me put my grinch hat on   Has anyone got sick of the shall we call them 'Lifetime' Christmas movies?  I mean, they are all basically the same story, just different actors and slightly different stories. But there is always a woman, who has a male adversary at the beginning. The scheming and cajoling and finally they admit they are in love with each other and everything survives what was in peril at the start of the movie.  The bakery, the Christmas tree farm, shall I go on? Okay,


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up May 17 - 23

Happy Memorial Day to all our American friends!!  As Elen said, it is time to pull out your bikinis and use them as face masks   Now, I am not suggesting that you put the tops on your top and your bottoms on your face  You might get arrested and for me personally, I don't need to see that . What about your neck of the woods, is it bikini weather yet? I'd ask everyone to post pictures of themselves in their bikinis but I'm scared what I would get sent in   Shall we move on from bikinis


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 25 - Oct. 31)

Well happy Candy Hangover Day!!! If you partook in Halloween last night that is. I guess all day yesterday I wore a mask a lot of day, but not a scary one   Talking with some friends, they said they bought the same amount of Halloween Candy this year, knowing full well that they would probably have less than 10 percent of the usual trick or treaters. The reason? They felt they could eat all the candy they wanted and not feel guilty and not worry about running out before the end of the


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 5 - Jul. 11)

Well I never  😮  Usually I try to work a word of the day into the Weekly Wrap Up of late. Generally I try to look in everyday to check out the word of the day and see how I can use it in the wrap up. This week has been a hectic week and I have not been diligent in reading them everyday. So we find ourselves on a Saturday night and I check to see what word I can use, and I find this entry! I think this is the second time I have been used in an example of usage of the word, but wonderin


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 19 - Apr. 25)

Help So, did I get your attention  ? Seriously, we need help from as many members as possible! I have been in conversation with @Carlos Hazday and he has 1 question left to ask an author(s) for Ask An Author. Needless to say, no questions, no Ask An Author . Your question could be about anything you want to ask. You can specify an author or authors you want directed to, or just ask the question and Carlos will put it out there still. If you click on his name above and then click o


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug.29 - Sept. 4)

Well this week wrapped up nicely   Before I get into the usual, I do need to talk to you all about a serious issue that has been brought to my attention this week. Usually you are given much more notice than 20 days, but with everything going on as well as where the wrap up falls this month, I'm late letting you know   You only have 20 or maybe only 19 days left to get my birthday presents!  As usual, I have to ask that you keep them under $5000.00 USD  They can be sent to me at Wildon


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 8 - Nov. 14)

Is late better than never?   Okay I need a show of hands from the 10's of 1000's of you that read the weekly update religiously every Sunday  Yesterday I sat down to watch the heavily advertised Alex Rider Point Blanc. I thought maybe one, maybe two episodes and I'll be good. Next thing you know you are done the whole season and you look at the clock and it is 12:15 AM Have you done this? If so, what show(s)? Just a short preamble this week. Let's see what happened at the blog.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 12 - Jun. 18)

I read a joke in Chapter 5 of Dabegal's new story House of Frost the other day from @weinerdog: Q: What do gay horses eat? Okay, if you have stopped your uncontrollable laughter or maybe your uncontrollable groans, I want to mention that I think that falls in what people now refer to as 'Dad Jokes'. So here is the question for this week and what better time to do it than on Father's Day 2022, what is your best Dad Joke? Or maybe your worst ? Add them to the comments below and we will


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 16 - Jan. 22)

What to do, what to do, what to do? The company that I work for has a fiscal year of May to April. So our holiday calendar year is also May to April. Turns out that I actually have 4 weeks to use up, due to carryovers. I'm thinking I'm going to carry over 2 again and try to use them in the summer. But now that I'm off this upcoming week, I have nothing really to do . I thought of visiting @Krista in Kentucky, but it is warmer up here right now . That and the promise, "If you show your face


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 10 - Jul.16)

Middle of July, so what should we talk about? What the heck, why not weather! I'm curious how things are shaping up in your neck of the woods as far as the weather goes. In my hometown, it is Stampede  week, and mother nature has so far cooperated. I don't think in the past 8 days we have had any rain. Temps have been around 30 C (86 F). This is too hot in my humble opinion. I know some areas of the world are having record breaking temps like Europe and elsewhere, so my heart goes out to th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 1 - Mar. 7)

*hiccup*  Sorry, I decided to start celebrating St Patrick's Day a wee bit early this month  Bet I'm the first one to wish you a Happy St.Patrick's Day as well  Duty still calls and no matter how many green beers I may or may not have consumed in the past 12 hours, I'm dedicated  to you all so give me a hug  Hands above the waist  !!!! Tell me why, I don't like Mondays...But this past Monday I enjoyed Cia's CSR Feature: On Wednesday, bloody Wednesday (sure you find a well kn


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 26 - May 2)

Whoa, just about forgot to do up the weekly update today. Why you ask? I've occupied most of my day playing with myself  Now get your minds out of the gutter. I woke up this morning and having nothing pressing to do, I sat down in front of the computer and played solitaire by myself. Then after some lunch, I fired up the PS4 and played the Campaign on COD 🔫 . Well that kept me occupied for a lot of hours. After dinner, I was tired of being online, so I looked in a not often used cupboa


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 10 - Jan. 16)

What does everything think of the new upgrade to GA? Myr and I were joking that the new font size was easier for us as we grow older Pretty soon, you might see this font which will be beneficial for both of us   Good Day Everyone! Now don't worry, I'm sure we will have virtual screens by the day that we need this, no monitors or physical screens any more. Hey, that might be a story idea  thinking how technology could improve older peoples lives. Now that I think of my dad trying to us


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan 1 - Jan 7)

Yep, I'm back with the wrap up! A huge thank you to the rest of the Admin team for helping to cover the blogs while I had to take care of family issues. As I'm sure many have noticed, GA no longer has a chatroom for members to hang out. Unfortunately, for the time being, this isn't going to change. If you want to know more about why chat is gone, you can check out Myr's chat topic, which explains what happened and why the chatroom is not feasible at the moment.   To start our week, and new ye

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 26 - Apr. 1)

So don't be like me and Valkyrie   Valkyrie as Spike and me as Chester.  So to avoid getting a back hand (paw) or two, I promise I will not ask her daily for when the Anthology will be out  I will though be sitting patiently by awaiting the release! I know entries are making their way to out super duper Anthology Proof Team and then when everything is looked over and ready to go, Val will turn on the power   Now that is is April 2, did any one get April Fooled?  I worked


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 4 - Jul. 10)

Well it is 1:15 AM in my neck of the woods. Why you ask, am I up so late? Well yesterday was the kick off of the Calgary Stampede  This really the first big event to be held in Canada. Yesterday numbers were small, but today seemed like normal Saturday. I volunteer at the grounds so I felt good enough to try and do it again this year. If it helps the charities that have basically been shut down the past 16 months, than it is the least I can do   Now, who cares about the Stampede? I do!!! Bu


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 26 - Aug 01)

Yep, that's right, you're stuck with me again. I think @wildone will be back next week, at least last I knew.  I slacked a bit for a Wednesday post, but we still had a couple new blog posts. Also, the theme suggestion thread is closed, and voting will start just as soon as I figure out how I'm doing the voting for this year. As all themes will have the potential to be used, things are probably going to be switched up a bit. So keep an eye out on the blogs for info regarding the voting for next y

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 30 - May 6)

Hey all So, if your city, town country, etc. has a beer festival and you don't fight the demons of the alcohol , I suggest you might want to check it out!! Today I went to the Calgary International Beer Festival and somehow I'm still of the mind that I think I can right this blog  Myself, I'm more a straight kind of pilsner kind of guy, seldomly venturing into the the likes of IPA's, stouts, ales, and all the others. Well, I surprised myself . I had a great day at the festival and think t


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 25 - Jan. 1)

Wow, this blog is going to cover A LOT of stuff. After all we are going to cover last year as well as this year too ! But if you were like me, it seems harder to remember the good stuff from last year, which there was, from the bad stuff . But we are in a new year with new expectations . I would like to remember a good friend of GA and to many on a more personal level as well, the passing of Comicfan. His contributions and participation on the site will always be in our memory   On the


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 12 - Jul. 18)

So, is it hot where you live? I've heard from my Eastern American and Canadian friends that the temperatures and humidity has been nearly unbearable. Then heard on the news that Death Valley, California hit 53.3°C/128°F  I guess I'm enjoying days around 25°C/77°F, but most evenings we have thunder storms rolling in. My city did have the 4th largest natural disaster in Canadian history in cost of damages due to hail a couple of weeks ago. I'm curious though, how is your summer going? Are you hidi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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