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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

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CSR Feature: Exit to Redemption by Valkyrie

Welcome to June! Can you believe this month marks halfway through 2019? June is often a month of vacation, trips, and time off beginning for many! This month we're featuring a story by a well-known GA author and the past anthology, Road Trip, with the short story, Exit to Redemption by @Valkyrie And, with this being a short story, you should have plenty of time to read the story before the discussion day... of course, Valkyrie tends to connect a lot of her tales, so you might just get sucked in

Weekly Wrap Up (May 26 - Jun. 1)

Another week under our belts this year! Only 206 days until Christmas 🎅🤶 Let's jump right into what happened at the GA Blog this week. Monday, The CSR Discussion Day was kicked off by Cia. This one had some great answers by @comicfan Then, in our shortened week lineup, on Thursday was the second round of the Spring Anthology with 4 more new stories to enjoy!   Finally yesterday, after a much deserved break, @Comicality was back with another great GA Article.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Spring Anthology: In the Stars & Snapped *Set 2* - NOW LIVE

Sorry for the little bit of a delay today!  But here it is, your next set of Anthology stories. If you missed last week, we published four stories in Set 1 and we'll post another four today! Since we have quite a few more for snapped, I'll only be including one for In the Stars. In The Stars & Snapped Set 1   Voyageur Parker Owens   Dead Ringer Defiance19   Black & Blue Thorn Wilde   A Hell of a Mess Aditus  

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

CSR Discussion Day: The Strange Life of Jonas Marks by Comicfan

Well, how has May treated you? Are you ready for Pride next month? This month we had a great double feature of @comicfan's story, The Strange Life of Jonas Marks, which included Coming Out, some fun fantasy, a romance, and so much more!! Did you read Puppilull's review or enjoy the story yourself? I hope you did! First, of course, is my interview with Comicfan, then you can share your thoughts on his story in the comments below! Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you

Weekly Wrap Up (May 19 - May 25)

Well I'm back A big thank you to Renee for stepping in last week whilst I was enjoying the Victoria Day Long Weekend. I know our American cousins are enjoying their Memorial Day Long Weekend this weekend. And correct me if I'm wrong, it is U.K. Spring Bank Holiday. So a lot of people enjoying either a short week last week or this week Before I forget, our list of Reader Recommended stories are nearly done. If you have read a story recently, in the past, or in the midst and it is finished,


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Spring Anthology: In the Stars & Snapped *Set 1* - NOW LIVE

Well, it's that time again!  Have you been looking for something to read? Wondering when the anthologies would start to go live? Well, wait no more!  Today we have 4 stories for you to enjoy, and each week I will make another set live. Enjoy!!! And don't forget to leave the authors feedback in the form of comments and reviews!   Himmelszelt (Canopy of Heaven) Aditus   Finding Joy AC Benus     Flashpoint CassieQ   The Visitor

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Classic Author Excerpt: The Confrontation by Adam Phillips

Did you catch Monday's blog sharing the ad and feature of this month's Classic author story, The Confrontation by Adam Phillips? This was another story chosen to go along with the Coming Out theme to kick off our promotion of Pride month, which is often what so many LGBT community members are thinking about when this time of year rolls around. How did it go in this story? Well... I chose this excerpt because it shows that first crucial moment and then the second... but you're left wondering


Cia in Classic Feature

Classic Author Feature: The Confrontation by Adam Phillips

This week we've begun featuring the site's new Premium features, which are stories featuring coming out themes. I thought I'd keep that going with a twist that is kind of interesting. What happens when two people meet online, maybe through a site like... GA? And they're not out, or one of them isn't? The story plays out in fiction and real life all too often, but let's see how @Adam Phillips did it with his short story!  The Confrontation by Adam Phillips Length: 4,219 Des


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (May 12 - May 18)

Wow. It's been a while since I've done one of these, but Steve is away for the weekend and asked if I could take care of it. Of course! Between not feeling the greatest the last couple of days and not having done it in a while, let's hope I remember how! So, let's take a look at what we had this week.     And don't forget to check out Myr's post about the recent update! Anthologies 2019 Fall Anthology: Fall From Grace - Due November 15th 2019 Fall Ant

Anthology Flashback - 2018 Anthologies

Well, I completely forgot that I needed 3 different Wednesday posts for this month. So the dilemma happened early in the morning as I wondered, what can I post for the day? Well... Since today is the last day to send in your anthology entries to the proof team, I decided, why not take a look back at the anthologies for last year! Notice, that I mentioned today is the last day? Yep, make sure you have your anthologies sent to @Valkyrie by the end of the day today if you want them included in the

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Featured Story: The Strange Life of Jonas Marks

For today's review, we have a review from Puppilull on @comicfan's story The Strange Life of Jonas Marks. If you haven't already started reading the CSR story for May, here is the review to whet your appetite. Don't forget to check out Cia's interview with comicfan at the end of the month and maybe ask your own questions. The Strange Life of Jonas Marks  comicfan Reviewer: Puppilull Starus: Complete Word Count: 57,189 Some jobs require a bit more of you. Though I bet you’

Weekly Wrap Up (May 5 - May 11)

What up buttercup? Strange thing to say, but 3 different people said that to me this past week, and after all, this is the weekly update  So make sure you try saying that phrase to someone this week and see what kind of reaction you get   So what's up with Gay Author News this week? On Monday, Cia brought us a new CSR feature for the Merry Merry Month of May ♪♪: Wednesday we has a reveal of the last Author Guess Who. Whooo are you, who who who who ♪♪: Friday, Wayne dro


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Author Guess Who #3 - The Big Reveal

Two weeks ago today, Renee brought us another edition of the new feature of Author Guess Who!  Well a lot weighed in and a few were pretty sure they knew who it was, or wasn't , but today is the day for the big reveal!!!                                 Aditus And check out these two stories and many more of his amazing compliment of works!                

CSR Feature: The Strange Life of Jonas Marks by Comicfan

Well happy May to everyone! Is it moderate and beautiful where you are? The year is moving faster and faster, but and we're approaching Pride month next month. Did you catch the feature call for the Premium short stories themed with coming out stories? It's something many gay authors face, no matter what orientation we claim (and can't that be interesting to explain?!) and it's no surprise it's often the subject of teen fiction as well. Let's take a look at another long-time favorite GA author's

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 28 - May 4)

So what is going on in your neck of the woods? I guess I get to say 'May the fourth be with you', as technically in my time zone, the west coast of N.A and S.A and Hawaii, it is still Saturday With the first of May past us, I just wonder when spring will start here Snow, snow go away and to down to Australia today Oh, before I forget Everyone should take note of the upcoming deadline to get their Anthologies in. 10 days and counting!! And one more thing, lol, if anyone has finishe


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Ask an Author 2.0 #19

May Day! May Day! I’m floundering, here. I know April has thirty days. So thinking the first Wednesday in May was next week was a total brain fart. My apologies for the late posting and the brevity of this issue. Coffee has yet to properly do its job. A member sent me a question and suggested I ask it of either Cia or Mann Ramblings. Not one to waste an opportunity, I approached both. @Cia   You are an artist in many forms, be it the written word, photography, sculpting,

April CSR Discussion Day: The Assassin by Lilansui

How'd you enjoy The Assassin? I know when I read it that I couldn't stop. I just had to know what was going to happen next, what sort of plan was unfolding, who was coming after the guys, who they might turn to... so many twists and turns in the story evolution. I enjoyed it, and I hope you did too, so make sure you share your comments below. But first...! My interview with Lilansui is below, so you get to know all the deep details of the writing journey before you comment.  Have you ever g


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 21 - Apr. 27)

Tiptoe through the window By the window, that is where I'll be Come tiptoe through the tulips with me ©Warner Chapell Music Inc Well wouldn't that be nice  So far tonight in a couple of hours, we have had 8"/20cm of heavy wet snow and winds up to 55mph/90km/h and will be going on through the night. Killed any tulips or the possibility to do any tiptoeing for me  Also, now my lights are a flickering so I'm going to post this early before I have no power. So how was your week? We h


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Author Guess Who #3

Well, it's time for another Author Guess WHO!  You'll have a couple of weeks to guess the author. Good luck! Sorry about the lack of extra formatting. Posting using my phone again.     What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? Something unimportant maybe, but people ask me about it again and again: I have two colors in my irises.   What prompted you to write your first story? There was a particular story percolating in my head that n

Featured Story: A Bad Day to be WET

Another Monday, and another great story to be featured! If you have overeaten ham, turkey, or other holiday weekend fare, then why exercise when you can sit back and read another fascinating story brought to us from our great Story Review Team!     A Bad Day to be WET Myr Reviewer: spikey582 Status: Complete Word Count: 5,341 For this review, I felt like looking at something a bit different from what I've reviewed in the past. My first love, as far as genre fiction is


wildone in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr.14 - Apr.20)

It is a sad weekend for me . My beloved Flames went down into a burning ring of fire 🔥. Both BHopper and me are both crying in our beers 🍻 notice the plural. If you are of the Christian faith, Happy Easter Sunday. If you are of the Hebrew faith, Happy Passover. I'm sure I'm missing some others, so make sure you comment below on what I did miss Looking back at the GA Weekly Blog this week, it all started off on Monday with Cia bringing us a New Classic Author Feature: And


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

April Classic Author Excerpt: First Encounters by Underthehoodster

Did you catch Monday's featured ad sharing Underthehoodter's story, First Encounters? The story takes you back to those early days when the world was a different place and romance was something new and scary and amazing... and you need to read the story find out more! If you weren't intrigued before, how about after reading this excerpt?  This moment is that first conversation, that first interaction... that WHAM! You all remember it, right? When you felt the stomach churn and the other...


Cia in Classic Feature

Anthology Flashback: Author's Choice

So I asked for authors to send me one of their favorite Anthologies that they'd written, this was the response I got. Don't forget, you have just under a month left to get your anthology entries to the proof team. @CassieQ Statuary was probably one of the anthologies that I enjoyed writing the most and when people want to see what my writing is like, that is the story that I usually show them.  I took the theme pretty literally and while the story itself is pretty basic, the op

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

April Classic Author Feature: First Encounters by Underthehoodster

Happy April and welcome to this month's Classic Author Feature! These blogs are all about bringing some of the older stories from our inactive authors that were once some of our most popular promoted authors that newer readers might have missed. Last month's story took you a bit forward, and this month's story takes you back. Revisit those early teen years and the crush you might have missed out on in @underthehoodster's First Encounters.   Length:  51,634 Description: Perry


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 7 - Apr. 13)

I'm shocked  I'm surprised  I'm flabbergasted  And you all should be too! When I found this out yesterday I was left with my mouth agape . Just when you thought you knew a guy, you find out how little you know! And then, to top it all off, he chooses to use deceit and misguidance to throw everyone further off the track. It has been pointed out that he didn't lie, but to me he might have just well have . I'm not willing to turn my back on him and I think no one else should either .   Au


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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