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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

Weekly Wrap Up (June 4-10)

Okay, so let me start out with a possible apology. I wrote the update earlier on and thought I saved it as a post dated blog. If anything pops up in the future saying it is today's wrap up, I do apologize   I wonder if this is covered in the GA Users Manual   Anywho...... It was a busy week in the GA News Blog. We had an extra feature this week! Make sure you check out Myr's Tech Blog post from yesterday to see about what has happened but also what is coming   Monday: W


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Ask An Author #50

Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors! In AtA #49, we heard from authors AC Benus, Parker Owens, HinderToyBL, and Milos.  Today in AtA #50 we hear from authors Mann Ramblings, Parker Owens, Mikiesboy, and W_L. First up today is Signature Author Mann Ramblings.  In addition to writing, this Michigan Man is quite the artist; have you seen the new avatar image? or the book cover he did for Cia? It’s been four and a half years since Man

June C S R Feature: The Others by Stannie

And just this fast, June is upon us and the year is half over. But the CSR event is still going strong, and I have a new story chosen for you guys to read this month. June's selection is by an author who's been on the site for a while but just completed posting his first novel. Let's all take a look at The Others by @Stannie and share some thoughts and comments on the site on the discussion day on the last Monday of the month, June 26th!   The Others by Stannie Length: 74,750

Weekly Wrap Up (May 28 - June 3)

Sorry all, once again I'm running a little behind schedule. Before we get into the wrap up, don't forget to check out the stories for the Take Two noun game from the newsletter! It was a busy week this week, so let's take a look. And this time, I think we're going to go backwards!         Contests Halloween Short Story Contest - Due September 15th, 2017   Anthology Announcements: ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof T

May C S R Discussion Day: Unison Island by Caz Pedroso

Okay, you've had two months to read Caz Pedroso's Unison Island series. Did you like it? Maybe leave a few comments? Well here's your chance to share your thoughts and talk about your favorite parts of the stories. First, enjoy this interview I did with Caz!   What’s the hardest thing for you, as an author, and what do you love best about writing? The hardest thing is finding time. Trying to balance my volunteer work, my family, my housework, and my writing. Then, of course, I wo

Weekly Wrap Up May 21 - 27

Well good day everyone With Renee still off enjoying some holidays in the mountains, being the Crazy Mountain Lady that she is, and Cia deserving at least one day of rest, I have been threatened volunteered to do the Wrap Up this week . Lots happened this week on the blog so lets summarize it all up. Another way to get the news is to sign up and have it delivered straight to your inbox with Gay Author's weekly newsletter which goes out every Sunday. psst, I'm reading Unforgivable and re


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Featured Story: Unforgivable

Being the start of a new week, Monday's are also a good time to take a look at some of the different stories that can be found on Gay Authors. With so many great works, it can be easy to overlook one and Monday's provide an opportunity for us to help make one of them stand out and maybe catch your interest. Today, we're bringing you a review by spikey582 of LitLover's story Unforgivable. Enjoy!   Unforgivable LitLover   Reviewer: spikey582 Status: Complete Word Count: 8

Weekly Wrap Up (May 14 - May 20)

Yes, it is the undercover Cia, yet again donning the mask of Renee to bring you this week's happenings on GA. I've actually done all this week's blogs while Renee enjoys a few well-earned days off. Did you miss something vital happening on the site? A favorite story update? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Another way to get the news is to sign up and have it delivered straight to your inbox with Gay Author's weekly newsletter which goes out every Sunday.       Anthology


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

May Classic Author Excerpt: The Price of Revelation by Tiff

Did you check out the banner from Monday's blog for this month's Classic Author Feature? Drew Espinosa chose Tiff's story, The Price of Revelation. This teen story is full of angst and romance, with a few life lessons tossed in. I asked Drew why he picked this story and excerpt to share, and this is what he had to say:   Drew said: With those opening words, I was immediately sucked in. For me, I had to know what happened. What caused the breakdown of Sean's dad? What did Sean do? I had


Cia in Classic Feature

May Classic Author Feature: The Price of Revelation by Tiff

This month's feature, The Price of Revelation by Tiff, is an older story that not many current members might be aware of. Originally posted back when promoted authors had their own websites, this story was migrated in the first GA Stories upgrade. It hasn't garnered too many views since then, but maybe that can change with this feature chosen by Drew Espinosa. Check it out, and if you want to support this month's feature, download the banner at the bottom of the blog to place in your signature!


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (May 7 - May 13)

It's that time of the week again! In case you missed any of what's been going on this week, never fear, because we'll take a quick peek at everything that we looked at from Monday on. Are you worried you might have missed a story update from one of your favorite authors? We'll help you out there too with the story updates from all of GA's promoted authors. And don't forget to check out the 2017 Spring Anthology and leave comments for the author!       Anthology Announcement

2017 Spring Anthology: Jagged Edges / Unintended Consequences *NOW LIVE*

Attention all GA Members! Put your pen and paper down and put on those reading glasses, if you have them. It's time to do some reading, as the 2017 Spring Anthology is now live for your enjoyment! We had twelve authors take up the challenge of the Jagged Edges/Unintended Consequences themes and there are fourteen new stories and poems for you to go through. Don't forget, if you like a story, leave the author a comment to show them your appreciation.   All authors who participated in th

Ask An Author #49

Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #48, we heard from authors JackBinimbul, Mikiesboy, Palantir, and WolfM.  Today in AtA #49 we hear from authors AC Benus, Parker Owens, HinderToyBL, and Milos.   First up today is Promising Author AC Benus.  Hailing from the city of San Francisco, USA, AC got a chance to visit Iceland earlier this year in 2017.  Perhaps he’ll write a new story based on some of his experiences t

Featured Story: The Navigator

Monday, Monday, Monday. What could we possibly have for you on a Monday? Oh yeah! We have a new featured story for you. This week, courtesy of Timothy M., we are taking a look at The Navigator by Cynus. Hopefully you'll like what you read and it will prompt you to go and read the story itself!   The Navigator Cynus Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 93,473 The title of this story is sheer genius, and I’ll never forget the person or the concept which

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 30 - May 6)

Almost time to start a new week, but before we do that, we get to take a final look at what happened this past week! Before we do that though, Myr has been cleaning up around the site a bit, so make sure you check out the following threads on the forums:   And now let's see what happened in the various GA news blogs!     Anthology Announcements:   ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team 2017 Fall Anthology: The Fall Out /

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 23 - Apr 29)

I hope everyone has had a great week. Before we get into the wrap up, I want to remind everyone that the deadline to get your anthology story to the proof team is TODAY! Don't miss your chance to enter a story in the 2017 Spring Anthology. Another reminder, Invision is discontinuing it's chat service after today and at this time we have no immediate plans to replace it. For the time being, we will be focusing on bug fixes, completing Stories 2.0, as well as development of Stories 2.1 and 2.2. Wi

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

C S R Double-Feature... Whoops!

So... who wants an extra month to read Caz Pedroso's Unison Island series? I hope you're all raising your hands because with everything going on, I completely spaced sending her the interview, and then I thought I had another week before I started to panic this morning because I realized that and then thought I had another week. But no... I just ended up being the flake. Sorry!! So, fortunately for me, Caz is very understanding and we picked a CSR Feature with a lot of content for you to enjoy,


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 16 - Apr 22)

Well, that's it for another week! Before we get too deep into this week's wrap up, please check out this blog entry from Myr. There has been a lot going on at Gay Authors this week. We've been updating the FAQ and there was a recent update to the site that fixed a few of the issues plaguing members including the one that kept the second page of story comments from being read. You can read about the recent fixes here. Also, there's a possible new blog feature if enough authors are intereste

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

April Classic Author Excerpt - Chosen of Honorus

Did you miss out on the feature on Monday? You can still visit it here and download your copy of the signature banner featuring Andrew Q. Gordon's story, Chosen of Honorus. It represents this scene chosen by Caz Pedroso as her favorite in the story. Let's find out why Caz picked this particular scene:   Caz Pedroso said ~ I picked it because I like this bit because it shows a lot about Farrell. It shows that no matter how scared, tired, or unprepared he feels he will stand up for himse


Cia in Classic Feature

April's Classic Author Feature:

This month we're featuring another one of our Classic Authors who was nominated by Caz Pedroso. It's my great pleasure to share some thoughts on Andrew Q. Gordon's high fantasy novel, Chosen of Honorus. Did you know this went from free to Premium to published? And the 4th book in the series with just published with Dreamspinner Press Publications! Talk about a GA author success story!   Chosen of Honorus by Andrew Q. Gordon *Premium Story*   Length: 115,380


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 9 - Apr 15)

I'm not going to do a huge intro today, instead, let's just take a look at what happened in the various GA News blogs today! Oh.... and.....       And for those interested, Cia has started a Treasure Hunt in the Games and Humor forum! Myr has also updated his Bug blog entry!   Anthology Announcements:   ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team 2017 Spring Anthology: Jagged Edges / Unintended Consequences -

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Author Promo: Headstall

It's time for another author promo! I'm completely out of these promos, so if you'd like to promo your own work, take a look at the thread for guidelines and then PM me. For this month, our featured promo spot is for Headstall. There were three questions that Headstall had to answer for each story. The questions were What gave you the idea for this story? What was your favorite thing about writing this story? & Please tell us something about this story that is not already in the description.

Featured Story: Hypnotic

I hope everyone had a great weekend, but now it's time to start off a new week. A great way to start the week is to take a look at a story that can be found on Gay Authors. Today's feature is Hypnotic by Cia. Litlover was nice enough to provide us with this great review. If you haven't already done so, maybe it will inspire you to take a look. If you do, don't forget to leave Cia some comments. Enjoy!     Hypnotic Cia   Reviewer: Litlover Status: Complete Word Coun

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 2 - Apr 8)

Are you ready for a new week? Before that happens, let's end the week with a look back at what happened this week in the various GA news blogs.       Anthology Announcements:   ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team 2017 Spring Anthology: Jagged Edges / Unintended Consequences - Due April 30th, 2017 2017 Fall Anthology: The Fall Out / Secret Spaces - Due November 15th, 2017   Premium Updates: Negative S

Ask An Author #48

Ask an Author #48   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors! In AtA #47, we heard from authors Riley Jericho, SkinnyDragon, Craftingmom, and Roberto Zuniga.   Today in AtA #48 we hear from authors JackBinimbul, Mikiesboy, Palantir, and WolfM.     Please welcome Texan and Author JackBinimbbul to the blog.  Jack has been with GA for almost a year but has dabbled in writing for a long time.  He’s the author of the popula
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