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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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MaryGary Sue

I have to be 100% honest here... I had NEVER once, in my entire life, heard the term 'Mary Sue' used in any writer's discussion, ever...until "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" was released in theaters a few years ago. Never. Not once. Since then it has become this weird 'buzzword' that a lot of people have weaponized to use as a criticism in a variety of stories, movies, and comic books, and while I don't really use it myself I think it is an attempt to point out a certain flaw that authors ma


Comicality in Writing Tips

Emote Control

And here we are, distinguished ladies and gentlemen! This is officially the 50th article in the 'Comsie Rambles On' series! Hehehe! I just want to take a quick second to thank you all for the likes and comments, and for offering your own touches and advice on the topics being discussed. I'm still learning too! So I love to see them! And now...let's take the first step taken towards Article #100!!! This weekend's topic took some extra effort, trying to figure out how to put it into words th


Comicality in Writing Tips

Writer Confidence

The biggest trick that any writer can pull off when it comes to their finished product...is making it look like writing is easy. Hehehe, getting your readers to think that you just sat down at a keyboard with a cup of tea or coffee, and tapped into some level of genius to type something out from beginning to end. (Cue snickers and laughter from the writing community.) Obviously, this isn't true. Sure, it becomes easier through practice and discipline, and we get used to the habit of ex


Comicality in Writing Tips

Taking Notes

As many of you guys already know, I grew up being a fan of Stephen King's writing. Something about it creeped me out, but more importantly...it spoke to me. The setting, the characters, the almost claustrophobic feel of the events taking place...I could feel it as if it was really happening at that very moment. So, I was, and still am, a fan. I remember watching an interview with him once as he was talking about his writing process, and he was asked if he actually sat down and took 'notes'


Comicality in Writing Tips

Happy New Year 2021: Author Contest Here!

Authors, you have been... so let us reward you!  Did you read our Thank You and Happy New Year message? Don't miss it! In 2020, you published 319 new stories and over 4,000 chapter updates. You have worked hard, and we want to recognize those amazing accomplishments. Let's keep the writing flowing with some inspiration reads, perhaps, with these prizes you could ! What can you win? Prize 1: 3 months free Premium membership Prize 2: 1 month free Premium membership



Happy New Year 2021: Member Contest Here!

Members, we have a New Year's prize for you! Will you win? Did you catch our Thank You and Happy New Year message? We want to thank you for reading and taking the time to share your thoughts with GA's authors, writing nearly 50,000 story and chapter comments and hundreds of story reviews!  What can you win? Prize 1: 3 months free Premium membership Prize 2: 1 month free Premium membership How can you enter to win? It's simple! Just do BOTH of the items below


Cia in Fun Stuff

Writer Flow

Can you guys believe that this is the 47th writing article I've done already? LOL! I talk too much! Geez! Reaching that big 50th milestone in the next few weeks! Can't wait! Anyway, let's get into it, shall we? Whenever you read something, whether you actually realize it or not, you are speaking the words on the page/screen aloud in your head. Even while you're reading these words right now...there's a voice in your head narrating the text for you. Then again, there are some people wh


Comicality in Writing Tips

All Stories Updated in 2020

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories Apart by northie The Horse Thief by Laura S. Fox Adrift by Mann Ramblings He Said Maybe by Cia Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories Holiday Rush by Comicality Christmas Confidential by Valkyrie Baby, it's cold outside! by Aditus First Snow by Cia Watching You, Watching Me by Comicality The Keys to the Far Castle by CarlHoliday Born Again by Valkyrie Battle for So


Myr in Reading Archive

Staff Prompts #13 & #14

Happy New Year!! Hope you have a Happy HOPEFUL New Year Well I think after the past year of 2020, we are all really not in the mood for making New Years Resolutions, are we?  Well just in case you have, and one of those happen to be to do more writing, they you have come to the right place. Especially for the first day of the New Year  So, let's start the year off with a couple of great prompts from the ever lovely, Cia   Prompt #13 - First line by @Cia He found something tha


wildone in Prompts

Plot Holes

There are five words that always make me laugh whenever I watch one of the videos from the Youtube series below, hehehe! Because it's SO true for every story and every TV show and every movie that I've ever seen! And it's true for your work too. Can't help but to get a few chuckles out of it! Those five words? "Super easy! Barely an inconvenience!" Don't worry, an explanation is coming. One thing that I hope many of you will take from this week's discussion is the idea that a


Comicality in Writing Tips

Killing Off Characters

When writing your stories and creating a tapestry of drama and conflict, occasionally putting your readers through a roller coaster ride of ups and downs from beginning to end...you may make the choice to lose a character or two in the process. It happens. It's a part of more stories than most people realize. In fact, with very few exceptions, all of your favorite Disney cartoons from when you were young...have an orphaned protagonist. From Peter Pan, to Bambi, to Dumbo, to Aladdin, to Cinderell


Comicality in Writing Tips

eBook Publishing

I have such fond memories of working in a big music store in the heart of downtown Chicago for a number of years. Easily, the best job that I've ever had in my life! No other job has ever been more fun, more meaningful, more beneficial to me in my growth as a person. No contest. Hehehe! Just a bunch of high school and college kids with a love and passion for music and art and film, to the point where we appreciated the 'misfit' in one another and embraced as being something to be proud of, inste


Comicality in Writing Tips

Writer Burnout

This week, I'd like to talk about something that I face from time to time, and it often takes a few days for me to power through it, but it can be done with a little bit of patience to balance out the frustration of not being able to sit down and write when you really want to. I'm talking about writer burn out. Don't panic, hehehe! It's not a permanent condition. But it does happen from time to time, and it's never a good feeling. But there are ways to get those rusty wheels turning ag


Comicality in Writing Tips

Author Guess Who #11 - The Reveal

Well, well, well. Have your new toys still capturing you full attention? If not, well maybe this will interest you! It is time for the Author Guess Who #11 The Reveal. Since tens of people participated (some in silence ) I don't want to keep any of you in suspense anymore! This month's mystery author was...   comicfan (aka Wayne) Was that who you were thinking it was? Now you can check out some stories from @comicfan          


wildone in Author Guess Who

Connective Tissue

I can't imagine anything feeling better than finding some level of pride in one of my projects. (Well, there might be a few things that feel better, but I can keep my clothes on for this one! Hehehe!) And that pride doesn't just come from favorable responses and good ratings. In fact, it comes from finishing a new chapter or project before anybody ever even sees it. It's like the planets and stars align, and everything is finally fitting together the way that I pictured it...or at least as close


Comicality in Writing Tips

Ensemble Casts

Ensemble In one of my stories, "Savage Moon", I write about a teenage boy who gets drawn in with a bad crowd of misfits...who later turn out to be a pack of werewolves. (Don't worry, that's not a spoiler. It's, literally, the plot of the story. And it's practically given away in the title. So I didn't ruin any surprises with that one! Hehehe!) However, the 'alpha' tells their potential recruit about what it takes to build a strong pack. A family unit. And the key is in the personality traits of


Comicality in Writing Tips

Leave Room for Readers

One thing that I have always loved about writing stories is the idea that I can finally allow my mind and my emotions to exist in a world that I, alone, can actually control! Hehehe, and that probably sounds pretty narcissistic, but it's the truth. In the worlds that I create, the shy guy can get their first kiss from the prettiest boy on the block. The lovable 'friend zone' kid can get the boy of his dreams to finally see him for the perfect mate that he is. Justice is always served where neede


Comicality in Writing Tips

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