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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Author Guess Who #12

Okay all!!!!  I know I haven't been very active on the site for a while, and I appreciate the rest of the team, especially @wildone for helping get things done. I'm really hoping to be able to be more active on the site, but with a toddler and school, I still might not be able to be as active as I used to be. With that being said, who is ready for another installment of Author Guess Who? You will have until the 27th to get your guesses in. So check these answers out, and see if you think you kno

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Guess Who

Reviewers Needed - Short & Long term

As many of you know, we have an absolutely wonderful team of reviewers here at Gay Authors. The are the ones responsible for all the wonderful reviews you see at least once a month, sometimes twice! Sometimes real life gets in the way and our reviewers struggle to provide more than a couple of reviews a year. We're looking for some more reviewers to help us out! This is open to all GA members.  Can't commit to reviews on a regular basis? That's perfectly okay!  Maybe you've read an awe

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

2020 Reviews Revisited

What better way to start the year than looking back at all these awesome reviews from 2020!  If you're looking for new stories to read, maybe one of these reviews from the last year will catch your attention.  Thank you to @Timothy M. for compiling the list of reviews, and thank you to the review team for writing so many great reviews for us to read!   2020 January 13th: 2019 Reviews Revisited - Timothy M. Review comment: I always look forward to reading reviews from the review

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 03 - Jan. 09)

Please be forewarned!!! I'm on a staycation and I already did a deep clean on my condo today. So now I'm bored and have nothing to do as there is no traveling and such in my area of the world. So expect to see me creating havoc all over GA  I may be lurking around every corner, ready to pounce on the unsuspected people of GA. I will leave my calling card wherever I have been  . Be scared, be very scared   Now if you believe me,  I also have ocean front property in Arizona. Bought it unseen


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Getting Started 2021

A big, heartfelt, hug to all of you fellow writers who tuned in today, right here, at Gay Authors! Welcome to a new brand new flurry of writing articles that I hope will be useful to all of you who are already massively talented in everything that you do, but are ambitious enough to still search for an added edge wherever you can find one! And also for those of you who are looking for that little 'push' that might get you started on your first project! Honestly, I'm no expert on any of this


Comicality in Writing Tips

Exposition, Round 2

Ok, so you all may remember an article that I did on exposition in your fiction a few months back...but I'd like to go a little bit more in depth when it comes to finding ways to create and finesse that exposition, how it works, and why it works. Basically, it's the art of writing without writing. It's the craft of being able to paint a vivid picture in the minds of your readers to deliver a message without having to write it out for them. There are certain techniques that you can use to ac


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt 848 and Prompt 849

Greetings. Sorry if I am not a familiar face, but I had to take some time away from the site. However, I am back to tease and cajole you into possibly writing a prompt for us. Welcome to the prompts of 2021. Prompt 848 - Creative Tag - First Line "That was the last thing I ever expected to see." Prompt 849 - Creative Tag - New Man When you left work on Friday, your best friend told you he planned to start a weight loss program so he would be a new man by the end of


comicfan in Prompts


So...I want you all to take a few seconds, and think about your life in it’s entirety. Your entire life, as a whole. Childhood, adolescence, adulthood. How do you envision it in your mind? Do you think about that day you picked up some extra eggs and milk from the grocery store? Do you think about the night you sat on the couch and watched TV for six hours straight? Or maybe you’re thinking about that gas bill you paid, or that time you got a parking ticket? Hehehe, you might be, I don’t kn


Comicality in Writing Tips

Don't Listen to Me

Welcome back, you guys! My apologies for the extended break with new weekend articles, but ‘life’ was calling in a major way. Not to mention that I needed some time to come up with more valuable topics to talk about. I always want to give everything my best effort. So, no ‘fluff’ if I can help it. Hehehe! But I’m glad to be back to sharing some of my little lessons with you all. Spread the word, tell a friend! Now then, that being said...when it comes to writing advice... Don’t listen


Comicality in Writing Tips

Ask An Author 3.0 #1

Well, we didn't have any takers to take up Ask An Author, so with the start of the new year, I wanted to come up with a way to keep the Ask An Author feature alive. Since I'm the one who will be doing it, it needed to be something not too time consuming. Hopefully what I've come up with will work out well.  Instead of readers asking a single question and directing it to the author, I thought maybe we'd focus more on the story instead of the author. The way this will work is, the reader picks a s

Visually Speaking

One element of storytelling that really makes a difference when writing is the ability to immerse your readers into the world that you are trying to create. Now, that pretty much goes without saying, of course...but one thing that I’ve learned over time is that this immersion works better when there’s a balance between ‘imagination’ and ‘information’. (I hope I’m saying that right. Let me explain...) As I’ve stated in previous articles on my writing process, I always think of storytelling a


Comicality in Writing Tips


It’s the weekend again! So...let’s talk about climaxes! Wait! Not THAT kind of climax! Stay out of the gutter! Geez! We’re talking about story story climaxes. This is the grand finale to your story! This is the big finish! This is where you’re able to give your readers the big pay off that they’ve been waiting for since they got hooked on those first few sentences of your story. A story’s climax can really make or break a wonderfully written project, depending on how well it work


Comicality in Writing Tips

January CSR Feature: All Wet Series by Myr

Welcome to 2021! In honor of the new year, hopefully to be a fun, fast one, I'm featuring several short stories in the All Wet series by Myr. These start off with A Bad Day to be WET... but it's never a bad day to enjoy a story from Myr's Terran Confederation Spaceforce world! Follow Bill's adventure's in all 3 stories for the most enjoyment. Then come back to share your thoughts and enjoy my interview with Myr on our Discussion Day!  All Wet Series by @Myr Length: 11,720 Des


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 27 - Jan. 2)

I said my New Year wishes on Friday, so in case you missed them, Happy Hopeful New Year   I thought I would start the blog off a bit different as it was the last week of the year. How did we do on our Story Goals for the year? Well, I'm happy to say that I'm proud of everyone that contributed to the site over the past year from Authors, Poets, Readers, Editors, and everyone else that has a membership at GA  I was also thinking, just imagine our numbers if we had the 1000's of guest that pop


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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