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  • Valkyrie

    Oh Sh** Prompts

    By Valkyrie

    We've all had moments where all we can do is say "oh, sh**" and then either brace for the inevitable or stare in disbelief as the inevitable cockily saunters past.  For example, I was driving home from work one day and was sitting in my car at a red light.  There was one car ahead of me.  The light turned green, and the car ahead of me proceeded through the intersection.  For some reason, I didn't go right away.  I hesitated and allowed a good couple of car lengths between us before proceeding. 

Prompt 846 and Prompt 847

Well we made it to the end of May. Who knew it could seem to last forever, but here we are. I have to admit, I have new prompts to distract you. Prompt 846 - Creative Tag - First Line "If you touch my child, I promise you, death would be considered a prize in the world of pain I'll create for you!" Prompt 847 - Creative Tag - Demon A month after signing the deal the demon shows up on your doorstep in the middle of the night. "What do you want?" You demand. "Look the


comicfan in Prompts

May CSR Discussion Day: Timber Pack Chronicles by Rob Colton

Okay, so I usually do an intro, but seriously? Do you care about what I have to say? No.... really? I'm hurt! 😢 Bah! Fine, I'll just post this awesome interview where Rob gives some AMAZING news that has me rubbing my hands and will make all of you clamor with your comments about the story and his news below. What, you want to know what it is? Really? Should I share? Shhhhould I? 😛 If you were an animal, what would you be? That’s a tough one, but I think the easy answer would be bear,

Weekly Wrap Up May 17 - 23

Happy Memorial Day to all our American friends!!  As Elen said, it is time to pull out your bikinis and use them as face masks   Now, I am not suggesting that you put the tops on your top and your bottoms on your face  You might get arrested and for me personally, I don't need to see that . What about your neck of the woods, is it bikini weather yet? I'd ask everyone to post pictures of themselves in their bikinis but I'm scared what I would get sent in   Shall we move on from bikinis


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 844 and Prompt 845

Here it comes again, just when I've begun to get myself together. Here is another Friday and another set of prompts. Let's jump right into them. Prompt 844 - Creative Tag  - Royalty Having been laid off from your job you decide to play around online. You order a DNA test from one of the online ancestry sites and begin to fill in your family tree with the few facts you have. A week and a half later you get your results and an official letter from a small country you'd never heard o


comicfan in Prompts

May Classic Author Excerpt: All I Wanted by Viv

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring this month's Classic Author? Viv wrote a story of Halloween treats and troubles for teens that just can't be beat. Have you read it? Monday's reader comment was someone who enjoyed this story as a teen, who found it as their first and one of their favorite stories on the site. What do you think?   Want to read more? Click here.


Cia in Classic Feature

May Classic Author Feature: All I Wanted by Viv

May is a month of seasonal changes. Here in the northern hemisphere, the flowers and blooming and love is in the air.  Time for a romance? Or maybe I can tempt you away to a darker pursuits with this Halloween short story, All I Wanted by @viv from the 2006 Fall Anthology. I know someone was certainly tempting someone in the tale.... Length: 9,732 Description: Okay so I can admit it, I’m a freak. It’s official, and I say that only because it’s true. Sitting here, waiting for the


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (May 10 - May 16)

Sorry Myr, I'm going to takeover the word of the day and give a new one for the overnight period of Saturday into Sunday morning. Now it isn't glamourous and I"m sure that many of you have used it a lot in the last while. Bored. Yep, plain old bored. It is a long weekend here in the Great White North, as I'm sure it is in most of the Commonwealth as we celebrate Queen Victoria's Birthday. What that means is a Monday off for a 3 day weekend for some, even longer if you haven't bee


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 842 and Prompt 843

Well, we are half way through May. The world is coming out of lockdown and praying for no second wave. To help you to focus on something besides Covid 19 here are the prompts. Prompt 842 - Creative Tag - First Line "Pardon me, but damn it got cold in here." Prompt 843 Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a bloody shirt, a broken door, a school bag, a new book, and a calico cat. Enjoy your week. Remember to read, write, comment, and like. Sta


comicfan in Prompts

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