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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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January CSR Discussion Day: All Wet Series by Myr

I hope you weren't intimidated by the word series! It's just a little over 10k in length for all the short stories in the series, but boy are they fun to read. What did you think about Myr's scifi psionic storylines? Share your thoughts below! But first, of course, enjoy my interview with him! Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? I make the bed once per week to avoid wear and tear on the sheets. What’s something personal about you peop


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 17 - Jan. 23)

First and foremost, let me apologize ahead of time. This blog has been completely done on my iPhone 😁. It appears my computer won’t start anymore 😢. But shall we see how this goes? If any staff see any blaring errors, feel free to jump in and edit 😏. Or everyone can point them out and laugh at me   On Monday Cia was here to bring us the January Classic Author: If that wasn’t enough to entice you, how about checking out the January Classic Author Excerpt: Then on Thursday, Renee


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


If I was in the back seat of a taxi (Or an Uber)...and the driver took a couple of suspicious left or right turns without asking me, or had a shortcut that I didn't quite recognize...my first question would be, "Hey, where the hell are you taking me? What's happening here?" If the driver was racing down the streets at breakneck speeds, or if they were slowing around as if I had all damn day to get where I wanted to go...I would be thrown off, and probably pretty frustrated. When it comes to


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt 852 and Prompt 853

Hello all and welcome to another Prompt Friday. Are you ready for another set of teasers? Well, here they are. Prompt 852 - Creative Tag - First Line "Oh, damn. Now what?" Prompt 853 - Creative Tag - The Library The librarian slowly crossed the room, carefully holding the small crystal on a pillowed tray. "Here is the life you wished to see. Just remember you will see and experience their entire life in twenty-four hours. Just be aware this will become a part of you


comicfan in Prompts

Anthology Entry Revisited: The Teacup

I'm going to try a new feature. This year, each story will get it's own day, in the future, it will depend on how many entries we have for the previous years anthologies. Sometimes, there might have to be two entries for each of these blogs. Each of these blogs will begin with a reminder of the upcoming anthology, and then we'll take a brief look at one of the anthology entries from the previous year. So, let's get started!!! Upcoming Anthology Due: April 1, 2021 Top Themes On the

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

January Classic Author Feature: Days of Farewell by Gabriel Morgan

Welcome to 2021 and a new series of Classic Author features. A lot of these stories are older ones you might not have read before, since many of our Classic Authors aren't active on the site anymore. Enjoy this year's features starting with Gabriel Morgan's short story, Days of Farewell, as we say farewell (and good riddance! to 2020). It's all about the goodbye.    Length: 705 words Description: A Short Story. Thanks to John Mellencamp for the title and story prompt. A


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 10 - Jan. 16)

What does everything think of the new upgrade to GA? Myr and I were joking that the new font size was easier for us as we grow older Pretty soon, you might see this font which will be beneficial for both of us   Good Day Everyone! Now don't worry, I'm sure we will have virtual screens by the day that we need this, no monitors or physical screens any more. Hey, that might be a story idea  thinking how technology could improve older peoples lives. Now that I think of my dad trying to us


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Kill The Dog

Hehehe, you know when I was in college, I had a writing teacher that had a somewhat comical, but very true, rule to follow when it came to getting your audience to truly feel a moment of intense emotional pain in your project. Works every time. He used to say, "If you want to make your audience cry...kill the dog!" And, yes, he meant that literally. Script wise, anyway. You can have Rambo gun down an army of enemies in a foreign land, or have Iron Man burn a bunch of terrorists to ashe


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt 850 and Prompt 851

Welcome back to another Prompt Friday. I have some offerings to tempt you into writing. Prompt 850 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - London Bridge, swiss chocolate, a torn ticket, a Welsh Corgi, and a blue umbrella. Prompt 851 - Creative Tag - Destiny It was the day from hell and you weren't sure you could handle any more stress. Falling into you bed, you curse, saying "It's all Destiny's fault." You wake to find an older man who is


comicfan in Prompts

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