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  • Valkyrie

    Upcoming Writing Events

    By Valkyrie

    Stay tuned for this year's anthology - In too Deep!  While the team works behind the scenes to get everything ready for posting, I thought it would be a good idea to reveal what's next on the agenda.   The Prompt Team is excited to announce our first prompt team event, which will take place in November.  Be sure to check out Friday's blog for more information.  We will be honoring our beloved late friend Carlos Hazday by again featuring stories/poems/memories in his honor on Janu

Character Flaws

Are any of us perfect? I mean, I'm sure that a lot of us realize that we're not actually perfect...and the few that do believe they're perfect are often blind narcissists...hehehe, and therefore NOT perfect! Honestly, that's not even something that I would ever want to shoot for. If perfection is determined by some sort of direct formula or standard, if it's a bunch of little boxes that all have to be checkmarked to be considered a part of that group...then that would mean it's our imperfections


Comicality in Writing Tips

December CSR Triple Feature: Holiday Sprinkles

That's right, this month we have a holiday triple feature! These Christmas stories are like sprinkles of joy you can use to brighten your day and hearts. Just the right length for a short read, please enjoy these stories brought to you from 2 of our Signature Authors and 1 of our Classic Authors.    The Christmas Cracker by @Mikiesboy Length: 1,528 Description: Hawken picked up the red Christmas Cracker and offered the other end to Lori-Anne. She grasped it. They pull


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Set the Stage

Imagine if you were watching a movie or a play for the first time. You've never heard of it before, you've never seen any advertisements about it, and you don't even know what it's going to be about. Now...imagine if you could hear the dialogue and everything that's going on...but the stage or the screen is shrouded in complete darkness for the first fifteen minutes. You can't see anything at all. You just have to sort of listen to the words and use your imagination to figure out what's going on


Comicality in Writing Tips

Weekly Wrap Up Nov. 29 - Dec. 5

Yes, it is December already!  Only 19 more sleeps until 🎅 comes to see all the good boys and gurls at GA  If he is still alive   I'm going to be short and sweet, I have a killer headache and body aches. Note to anyone out there that if you have a prosthetic leg and you and not wearing said leg, and stand up and turn around to put your residual limb (stump) on your wheelchair, ensure wheelchair hasn't moved 4 feet away I saw my fall in slow motion, not as graceful as Keanu in the Matrix tho


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

M.I.C.E. Quotient and Skills

What in the world is MICE? The MICE Quotient is a writing tool introduced by Orson Scott Card ("Ender's Game" Hugo Award-winning Author) in his Characters & Viewpoint (Elements of Fiction Writing) and How to Write Science Fiction. The MICE Quotient tool makes analyzing your writing easy and can help identify and fix issues with a paragraph, a scene, or even a whole story.  MICE: Milieu- stories focused on the setting. Think Lord of the Rings books that spend many pages discussin


Myr in Writing Tips

Staff Prompts #11 & #12

Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi (Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi) Hey-de hey-de hey-de hey (Hey-de hey-de hey-de hey) He-de he-de he-de he (He-de he-de he-de he) Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi (Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi) Nothing like a little Cab Calloway to kick off our weekend programing . Yes, it is Friday, the day we all used to look forward to  Well if you have nothing planned this weekend, why not for the heck of it, sit down with a pen and paper and crank out a story!! I'm sure you can find someone here tha


wildone in Prompts

Who's Next? Ask An Author 3.0?

I want to start out this blog by saying a HUGE thank you to @Carlos Hazday for all his work doing the Ask An Author feature for the last 3 years!!!  I am deeply appreciative of all the work that Carlos has put into the feature over the years. To be honest, keeping a single feature going on a monthly basis for that long is A LOT of work and yet Carlos managed to always have one ready for us. Unfortunately for us, after 3 years of dedication to the Ask An Author feature, Carlos has decided that it

November CSR Discussion: Amafi Coast by CLJobe

Holy cannoli! November is over! The holiday season is upon us, but first we must enjoy and discuss this month's featured story, Amafi Coast by CLJobe. Did you get a chance to read it? Share your thoughts below, or just enjoy my interview with this month's featured author!  Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? Since I am in bed, 100 percent of the time, I have a care giver who helps to change my bed. What is something most people don’t


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 22 - Nov. 28)

Wow, what a busy week here at the GA News Blog. I should have started this earlier so I could have it maybe done by midnight local time. It is already 11:30 😮  So without large flashing lights and sirens, maybe an announcer with a mike dropped down for the rafters like at a boxing match (I believe he was busy with the Mike Tyson match ), we will be a bit more subtle today in the Weekly Update. So here it goes, we have two days left to get your edited copy for the Fall Anthology into the Ant


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Return of the Weekly Writing Tips

Greetings everyone! I'm happy to announce that we will be returning next week with a weekly writing-related tip in our Writing Tip blog. We will feature the blog on Saturday mornings. For those authors that were following in the late 2018-early 2019 timeframe, we had a separate blog called "Gay Authors Articles." We will be updating these blog posts with additional links and resources and reposting them as we go. The Writing Tips in the Stories Archive will also eventually be consolidated to the


Myr in News Archive

Staff Prompts #9 & #10

So here we are again on a Friday, and not much to do in my little world  Maybe, just maybe, I'll see if I'm inspired by one of these prompts  Who knows   Oh, did anyone notice that mess that I posted last week  Guess I shouldn't be too reliant on copy and paste.   Prompt #9 - Creative scene by @wildone You run into school knowing you are late, again. You quickly stop at your locker and ditch your jacket and grab some books. As usual the halls are quiet during classes. You das


wildone in Prompts

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