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  • Valkyrie

    Upcoming Writing Events

    By Valkyrie

    Stay tuned for this year's anthology - In too Deep!  While the team works behind the scenes to get everything ready for posting, I thought it would be a good idea to reveal what's next on the agenda.   The Prompt Team is excited to announce our first prompt team event, which will take place in November.  Be sure to check out Friday's blog for more information.  We will be honoring our beloved late friend Carlos Hazday by again featuring stories/poems/memories in his honor on Janu

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 18 - Oct. 24)

Boo!!! So did I skare you ? It is less than a week now to Halloween. Does it seem due to Covid there just isn't the real excitement that most years have 😢  In my city/province trick or treating isn't banned or restricted, but some strong recommendations to keep both yourself and the kiddies safe. I wish I lived in a two story house, I so would have a plastic pipe or tube running from a second floor window and shooting the candy down to the kids that do come out. Heck, I would prob


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Guest Prompts #14 & #15

What is that??? Why is there Guest Prompts again?? Well thanks to an upstanding gentleman (@Tom ) and a schmuck (@wildone)  So lets see what is up for grabs this week! Still looking for some more     Prompt #14 - Creative   Brought to you by @Tom 6 men, one habitation unit, ten matter converters (only one assembled). Setting: First days of the first colony on the moon Suggested Complication: Two female androids programed strictly for child care, and 10,000


wildone in Prompts

October Classic Excerpt: Jack Scribe's Life's a Grind

Did you catch Monday's feature with Jack Scribe's Life's a Grind banner? Why exactly IS there a mask on it? Hmm... answer in the comments if you know! Or share what you thought of the story if you've read it.    I picked this section of the story, a few chapters in, because it gives you a good sense of Jeremy's character. He's pretty smart for a teen, certainly responsible, but wowsers... the curveballs life's bringing his way could be interesting. Well, if you're into that sort of thi


Cia in Classic Feature

October Classic Feature Jack Scribe's Life's a Grind

Happy October! Thanksgiving for our Canadian friends, Halloween for just about everyone, or all sorts of festival fun if you're not a follower of the candy trick-or-treats theme. The year is passing by so fast, and we're almost done with 2020 (whew!). I thought the title of this month's feature was apt for how many of us probably feel about this year.... Enjoy! Length: 97,474 Description: Jeremy and his group of friends are seniors at a Chicago high school. He juggles a part-time


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 11 - Oct. 17)

Goodness gracious, where the H E double hockey sticks did the week go  It just seemed like a couple of days ago I was doing up last weeks wrap up! The fact that we are losing weeks quicker than the Covid pounds a lot of are carrying around , means we are getting closer and closer to Christmas  Looks like I've secured a present from @clochette   So why am in saying this soooo soon? Well Friday we got a good snow fall here and today's high was -5C/23F 🥶. Yes, even in the Great White North, th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Guest Prompts #11, #12 & #13

So, I was really, really hoping that some new prompts would have rolled in. But alas, not to be .  @aditus has been a real trooper providing us with some great prompt ideas. So to close out the guest prompts, unless some arrive before next Friday, here is the final Guest Prompts. All from aditus      Prompt #11 - Creative   Brought to you by @aditus Write an instruction manual with a twist. (At least 500 words.) For example: How to put on a sweater with the lef


wildone in Prompts

Featured Story: The Answer

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  I've been doing lots and lots of school work!  Ugh!  Anyway, to help you start your week off right, take a look at this review that Parker Owens did on Wayne Gray's story "The Answer". Have a great week!   The Answer Wayne Gray Reviewer: Parker Owens Status: Complete Word Count:  5,848 Short stories can be riveting and entertaining, but they are often immensely difficult to write. An author must craft a compact, yet compelling, story ar

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 3 - Oct. 10)

Well Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends Although I'm sure many people are wondering what Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas will look like this year, I'm sure we will all return to what is most important to us and celebrate that! You tell me what that is to you.   So I do really want to take a moment out on this weeks wrap up to give a shout out to Carlos and all he does for the Ask An Author 2.0. He has a new one every month for Renee or me to share with everyone here. The


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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