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Weekly Update (Dec. 22 - Dec. 28)
By wildone
Ho Hum LOL. Do any of you feel that that the time off between Christmas and New Years can be a bit challenging? I mean I have visited with family and friends and such over the past week and a bit, but now we have 2 more days before New Years and then things can return to normal Well, as normal as my life can be . Geez, not even 100 words in and I'm at 4 emojis already. I must be emotional today 😢. Okay, enough about me, or so you think. Was this years Christmas profita- 4 comments
Guess the Secret Author!
Cia in Anthologies
Weekly Wrap UP (July 16 - July 22)
Author Experience
Vote For Your Favorite Secret Author Story!
Cia in Anthologies
July Signature Excerpt: Torn in Two by Graeme
Secret Author Story Contest Voting
Cia in Anthologies
July Signature Author Feature: Torn in Two by Graeme
Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 9 - Jul. 15)
Against The Grain
Origin Stories - The Possibilities are Endless
Secret Author Story Contest-Voting Coming Soon!
Cia in Anthologies