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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Wreckage and Redemption

Wreckage/Redemption I, honestly, can’t help but to love a story about character redemption! We all do to some degree, don’t we? There’s just something about it that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Considering that we all have fears and insecurities, flaws and weaknesses...it’s extremely easy to relate and empathize with characters who find that special moment in time when they’re able to overcome the odds and find the courage to grow and evolve and navigate their way beyond what’s b


Comicality in Writing Tips

One Line Wonders

Here's part two of my language learning app prompts.  I wasn't going to do more of these, but after reading @wildone's take on PT Prompt #134, I had to after seeing another lesson mention underwear.   PT Prompt #141 - First line "No, you aren't allowed to put on my underwear." PT Prompt #142 - First line  "Your dad always steals my sausages."    Check out Wildone's response to PT Prompt #134 here.  Maybe we can encourage him to write a sequel!       


Valkyrie in Prompts

2023 Anthology - Leap of Faith Guidelines

The submission date for the Secret Author contest is rapidly approaching, so hopefully everyone is putting the finishing touches on their Secret Author stories and getting them over to Cia.  In the meantime, I have finalized the guidelines for this year's anthology - Leap of Faith.  There have been some changes, so make sure you read them over and let me know if there are any questions.  Let's see if we can beat last year's number of participants!    2023 Anthology  - Due: October 1, 2



Featured Story: Good Guys Don't Date Bad Boys

So is this a rule to live by? This review by @spike382 of a great story, I'm partially into and I would highly recommend the read!!   Good Guys Don’t Date Bad Boys by Laura S. Fox Reviewer: spike382 Status: Complete Word Count: 227,576   My favorite genre of story to read here on GA has always been Romance.  But a particular flavor of Romance I particularly enjoy is that of the College Romance.  Maybe because I wasn’t lucky enough to have a romance of my own in colle


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 4 - Jun. 10)

Interesting way to start of the blog this week   Sooooooooo, I think I listen to this song at the beginning of each summer as my kick off song to the summer. I like the lyrics and the video. I always wanted to be a boy of summer for a boy . Add in the fact that the kid playing the drums is so intense, who couldn't like this video?  I'm not sure if putting links to videos takes up a lot of bandwidth or not, but why not post a link to your favourite kick off to summer song. I'm sure everyone


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

How To Ruin A Series

How To Ruin A Series Let’s say that you have yourself an amazing series online that you’ve been writing for an extended period of time now, and you can’t help but to have a blast working on it. You get excited sitting down at your keyboard with your juice or your coffee or your ‘miscellaneous’ cocktail of choice, and you’re ready to dive back into that world and continue the adventures of your readers’ favorite characters, ummm...’Slappy’ and ‘Hammy’! Hehehe! How can you go wrong? It’s


Comicality in Writing Tips

Scary Tales and Creepy Stories

At the heart of every scary story is a nugget of truth.  We use fiction and storytelling to process emotions including fear, terror, and that lingering emotion called anxiety.  As writers, we need to use life experiences to flesh out our creations.  Fright isn't just about dark nights and ghosts.  It's about what's unknown and about what we know only too well.  Let's practice that channeling of our most negative emotions.   #139 - You are a camp counselor.  Make up a story that will scare t

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Secret Author Contest Rewind #4 - Halloween

The next in our series of Secret Author contests centered around Halloween.  I don't recommend reading these in the dark though.  Or alone...    Link to stories: https://gayauthors.org/stories/browse/category/117-2017-halloween/   There's still time to work on entries for the current contest, but the deadline is fast approaching!  Information can be found here:    



Ask An Author 3.0 #29

Gah! Ugh! June! It's... so... HOT! I'm burnin' up, folks. Our poor little air conditioner at home can barely keep up. From muggy Kentucky, I hope y'all are finding ways to stay cool out there. Stay hydrated! You know what else is hot? This month's Ask An Author! We got ourselves an awesome author to feature. With over forty stories in their piggy bank, our interviewee might seem familiar. I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with @CLJobe! Scroll down and see what questions were asked. 

June CSR Feature: Geeks by CassieQ

Light-hearted, love is just the right mix for the Pride month CSR, and I wanted to feature one of our long-term Signature authors on GA too! What better mix of the two than Geeks by CassieQ!  Geeks by @CassieQ Length: 69,166 Description: A shy Star Wars geek love falls in love with an outgoing anime geek. As friends, family and old flames get in the way, will the two find a way to make it work? A Reader Said: Such a cute story, mikeal is beyond adorable and adam is such
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