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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to

Pride Flowers

June is halfway over and summer is just around the corner, although with the high temperatures lately it feels like summer is in full swing!  Pride month celebrations are still going strong.  I've been seeing lots of pictures in my FB feed of friends celebrating Pride all over the country.  For my birthday this year, I decided I wanted to get some flowers, something I don't tend to keep in the house since I am death to plants  The grocery store I shop at had a display of Pride-themed bouquets, s


Valkyrie in Prompts

Featured Story: CDMX by Carlos Hazday

Hey all!  Our Review Team put their heads together and came up with a great review of an author who is also our CSR author for the month as well  Make sure to enjoy both and let us know what you thought.     CDMX by Carlos Hazday Reviewer: chris191070 Status: Complete Word Count: 139,904 Three years after Carlos concluded the CJ story, he returns with this new story which starts to fill in the gaps. We follow CJ, Ozzie and Liebe as CJ takes a job at the US Embas


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 5 - Jun. 11)

I'm glancing out my window and in my neck of the woods the saying it correct: June showers bring July flowers  Seriously, we are out of the periodic snow now and after a dry first bit of the month, we are getting some rain.   Can you believe we are nearly at the summer solstice in North America? Tonight, dusk was around 10:15. I always like to be camping at this time of year, so you can have a fire going late into the night after a long day of fun! Not sure how many of our members fall in t


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

The Hero Protagonist

The Hero Protagonist When writing a story...there needs to be a main focus. Naturally, there can be many characters and many different events and situations surrounding that character, but I truly believe that it's important to keep things primarily concentrated on the thoughts and actions of a single protagonist in your narrative, in order to keep things tight and interesting without wandering off into La La Land. Your protagonist should be the first thing that you think about when you


Comicality in Writing Tips

June and the Advent of Summer

The warm, long days of summer are just beginning.  In fact, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere occurs in just two weeks.  We celebrate Father's Day, Flag Day, and the beginning of the summer break for students.  And, it's Gay Pride Month!!  There is so much to write about. First, let's do a random word one. Prompt #55 - Use all the following words in a story.  It can be about anything, of any length, but it must include these words:  Bug, frigid, oozes, sidecar, ban

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Grammar Guide 23 - Apostrophes, Contractions, and the dreaded Its versus It's

Welcome to a new week for Grammar Guides!  This week is all about the humble apostrophes their main usages and the one of the most messed up set of words in the English language. Apostrophes are punctuation marks that are used in three primary ways: Contractions - uses an apostrophe to replace missing letters in combined words such as "They are" being replaced by "They're" To Show Possession - Uses an apostrophe to show ownership.  ex: The cat's ball.  The cats' balls.


Myr in Grammar Guide

Ask An Author 3.0 #17

Holy crap, I'm late! Well, not late late. I don't think Noah and I are ready for that kind of commitment. Maybe in a few years. Ooooooooooh, if Renee sees how late this is, I'm sure she'd throw something at me. Enough rambling; got's to get right into the interview! We have a wonderful and exciting story by an equally awesome author. @kbois I promise a bottle of your favorite stuff is on the way! • • • • • Spirit Wolves kbois 27 Chapters / 125,766 Words / Rating: Mature / Status

June CSR Feature: Dolphin Delivery by Carlos Hazday

So I'm a huge sucker for ocean animal stories--even if they aren't paranormal ones. As one of GA's most popular authors, I knew if I picked one of Carlos' works, readers would love to share their thoughts and comments on the discussion day, and it's been far too long since his last CSR feature. So if you have a short reading window, pick this story to read, or reread! As a bonus, Carlos has 4 total Earth Day stories to enjoy, so you can keep reading if you get caught up in his storytelling. 

Weekly Wrap Up (May 29 - Jun. 4)

I was thinking of skipping the Wrap Up this weekend as I don't know if anyone is around ? I mean it is the May long weekend down in the US of A and it is the Queen's Jubilee Celebrations in the UK. BTW, do you Brits call every long weekend a bank holiday? Not sure how that works. Here in Canada we had our long weekend the week before. Where in my neck of the woods it would be better to wait another week so we don't get snow  Yes, snow. Actually up until about 10-12 years ago, I used to make


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Catering Ok...let me start this entire article off with three simple words when it comes to catering to your audience. K? DON’T...DO...IT!!! Please don’t. The temptation is going to be there, and you may even get a lot of praise and admiration for trying it out...but at the end of the day, the ONE thing that is going to separate you from a billion other writers online is going to be your personal voice. Your thoughts, your feelings, you sense of humor, your drama...you have a chanc


Comicality in Writing Tips

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