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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Grammar Guide 14 - Subject-Verb Agreement

Welcome to Grammar Guide 14!  This week we are discussing Subject and Verb Agreement.  In this day of endless agreements, isn't it good to know that we are focusing on making sure that our words are lining up properly? There is only one rule in Subject-Verb Agreement, but, being the English language, we need to make this complicated. Verbs must agree with subjects in number and in person. First up, we need to discuss Indefinite Pronouns. Each, everybody, everyone, everyth


Myr in Grammar Guide

Ask An Author 3.0 #15

Ah, the first week of April! A fresh rain. Blooming flowers. The head-jerking reaction you'll have when a bee flies too close to your face. No? Huh. Guess that's just me then! I've never cared for bees, if I'm being honest. The memory of stepping on one barefoot when I was little is forever imprinted in my brain, and I've been careful to never get stung by one again. That, and the husband's allergic.  Anyway, on to more important details. It's the first Wednesday of the month, so let's Ask

April CSR Feature: Corporate Galactic by astone2292

Sorry for the late start, but the upside is this month's selection--while also being one of my favorite genres--is a short story. I hope you will enjoy Corporate Galactic by astone2292 and come back on the CSR Discussion day!  Corporate Galactic by @astone2292 Length: 10,247 Description: Companies were always out to make a profit. They want to sell product, expand their business, and wreck the competition. As technology advanced, so did efficiency. Like most planets in the Ga

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 27 to Apr. 2nd)

Wildone figured out a way to make the Weekly Wrap Up new this week, he went on a trip... so I'm doing it! Do you think he had that plan already in the works last week?🤨 Well, I'll have you know I spent my first Saturday of Spring Break on a day trip, and for once the coast was B-E-A-uuuutiful! Take a peek in the spoiler below if you want to see. But I'm back to bring you all the news you might have missed, salt-soaked skin and all. Wave to the crusty crab we found peeking out in the tide pools! 


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

MacGuffin Devices

Shhhh....hehehe, there's a deep, dark, secret that I need to let you guys know about. And I'm going to reveal it all in this article! It'll blow your mind! ::Giggles:: So...the big question is...what the hell is a MacGuffin, and what the hell does it have to do with my story and how I write it? This makes no sense at all. This is a writing device that most people credit Alfred Hitchcock with, but it has existed in the art of storytelling long before he came along and gave it a name. Ba


Comicality in Writing Tips

Quarter 1 2022 Reading Report

Quarter 1, 2022 Reading Report Top 9 Most Recommended Stories Spirit Wolves by kbois Jay's Loelife by Mrsgnomie Boss Nanny by Mrsgnomie Ridley by Krista I Believed In Leprechauns by drsawzall Tied up in Knotts by Mrsgnomie Death in the Shadows by astone2292 Still You Want Me by Mrsgnomie Another Brother by quokka   Top 10 Stories Per Primary Genre for Quarter 1, 2022 Top 9 Most Read Fantasy between 01/01/2022 a


Myr in Reading Archive

April Fools - 4/1/22

April Fools’ Day was always an exciting day in my house when I was a kid.  It was a good idea to check out everything before ingesting food, walking through doorways, or opening drawers.  I got my mom good one year by putting orange juice in the milk carton.  She never drank from the carton, so I figured my prank wouldn’t work, but wouldn’t you know she actually drank right from the carton that day and got a mouth full of juice instead of milk (she hates juice)!  What are some pranks you’ve pull


Valkyrie in Prompts

Grammar Guide 13 - Subjects & Predicates

Last week we started to discuss sentences.  This week, we continue.  Sentences are made up of two parts.  Subjects and Predicates. Subjects - The person, place, or thing that is the topic of the setence-- along with the words that describe it. Predicate is what the person, place, or thing is doing or what condition it is in -- along with the words that modify it. Implied Subject - Imperative sentences often have an implied subject.  "Go fly a kite!"  The implied s


Myr in Grammar Guide

GA's Newest Promising Author: Mawgrim

Please join myself and the Author Promotion Team in congratulating @Mawgrim in becoming GA's newest Promising Author. Mawgrim has only been a member at GA for less than two years, but in that time he has posted over 700,000 words across twenty-three stories. While many of his stories are fan-fics set in Anne McCaffrey's world of Pern, he also writes in other genres including his current intriguing mystery Hidden Secrets. His most recently completed and popular Pern story, Empty, Open, Dust


Graeme in News Archive

March CSR Discussion Day: Ridley by Krista

Who enjoyed reading Ridley by Krista? If you did, please make sure you share your thoughts on the story in the comments below. In the meantime, enjoy the interview with her below!  If you were an animal, what would you be? – I used to be into nature documentaries, until I found out they were mostly stock footage with a fake story/narration based on loose science. I’ve always liked Leopards though; they are beautiful and female leopards are one of the more elegant animals in nature. I k


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 20 - Mar. 26)

So what can I do to make the Weekly Wrap Up different this week?  I could ask someone else to do it  Or, I can throw everything in the blender and see what it comes out as   So no usual Sun to Mon this week and in order, lets see what happens. Also, tonight I will be watching one of the greatest rivalries in sports, not basketball , not baseball not football (either kind) , but the coolest sport on earth, ice hockey The rivalry is between the Edmonton Oilers *spit* and the Calgary Flames *Y


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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