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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Weekly Wrap Up (May 8 - May 14)

I think I'm going to start out today wrap up with a question for you all  Are you superstitious? This past Friday was Friday the 13th  Did anything untoward happen to you? Were you worried something might happen to you? If, and there probably isn't a lot of us, you like sports do you have rituals or things you do on game day or right before the game? If you wear a shirt or something before an event and the outcome isn't positive, do you avoid that piece of clothing going forward. My Ca


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Genre Fatigue

Genre Fatigue ::Giggles:: Really? Are people out there trying to make that a 'thing' again? It doesn't exist, you know? No, seriously...it's a business based illusion. Its not real. The idea that you cant write and release an awesome story because the 'idea' has been done to death and nobody wants to see it anymore…? Its all bullshit. Don't ever buy into that brainwashed mode of thinking about the stuff that you write. Your story is your own. Period. If there are 150 fantasy novels


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt May 13th

Do you want to write a story, maybe for the upcoming anthology,  but nothing inspires an idea? How about this? PT# 47 For weeks, someone has this uneasy feeling they forgot something important: a birthday, an anniversary, an invitation. Then a long-forgotten childhood friend calls them. “I just wanted to remind you about—” About what? I’m curious to read your story. Or, you send someone on a scavenger hunt. PT# 48 The protagonist steps out their door and finds


Aditus in Prompts

Grammar Guide 19 - More Clauses

This week we go over even more clauses. This week we continue our discussion on clauses. Clauses can be categorized by whether or not they are necessary to the meaning of the noun in the sentence.  An essential clause, also called a defining clause or a restrictive clause is essential to the meaning of the noun in the sentence. Example:  The car that I just bought in the driveway. The restrictive clause, that I just bought, distinguishes the car from any and all others.  


Myr in Grammar Guide

Featured Story: Brother by Yeoldebard

What a way to start the week off with another great review from our Review Team. @chris191070 presents this months feature!   Brother by Yeoldebard Reviewer: chris191070 Status: Complete Word Count: 191,715 Here we have Jason, a neko who lost his voice and parents aged six. He's adopted by a family of wolves and things change rapidly for him. Then we have Devyn, who was born a wolf and doesn't understand the rules of his two-legged family. All of a sudden Jaso


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (May 1 - May 7)

What a week it has been! We had May 1st, 4th and 5th all wrapped within the week! So before I get into N'Sync (as I was so rudely corrected about), May the Force, and Cinco De Mayo, I want to announce that spring has finally showed it's face where I live. The trees are budding, the flowers are popping up out of the ground, the bunnies are hopping around, the skunks are tooting . Also rain predicted for the rest of the week. Well, it is nice to finally catch up to most of you in the North America


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Heartbreak It hurts. If any of you guys have been through it, and I'm assuming that you all have at one time or another, same as me...you know just how much pain it can cause when it comes to experiencing a really painful heartbreak. I think the most damaging part behind the psychology of heartbreak itself is the fact that you have to willingly lower your defenses to truly love or be loved by anybody else. You have to break open. There's no way to truly enjoy and embrace love, while sti


Comicality in Writing Tips

Cinco de Mayo

May is a month full of days both fun and solemn.  We start the month with Beltane - Gaelic May Day at the approximate halfway point between spring and summer, to welcome summer, and end with Memorial Day in the US (a day we remember those who died in service of our country).  Memorial Day is also the unofficial start of summer in the US.  While not an official holiday, Star Wars fans celebrate their fandom on May the Fourth, usually by binge-watching the movies.  Another holiday growing in popul


Valkyrie in Prompts

Big Changes for Authors Posting Stories

We have a pretty big Story Archive change arriving very soon.  We have separated Adding a story to the system and publishing.  This should finally address the issues related to setting a publishing time. First up.  You now add all the story meta data first.  If you are still in the moderation queue and the story is not yet publicly published, editing the story will remove Moderation approval if you have it. These steps are the same, except you no longer enter Prologue or Chapter


Myr in Technology Archive

Grammar Guide 18 - Clauses

Welcome to week 18 of our ongoing Grammar Guide.  This week we are going to chat about complex phrases, the Clause. A clause is a phrase with a subject and a verb and any complements the verb requires. Depending on the type of clause, it may or may not stand alone as a sentence.   Independent Clause - Expresses a complete thought.  Two or more independent Clauses can be joined together with a conjunction. Example 1: The shingles blew off the roof. Example 2: I put them i


Myr in Grammar Guide

Ask An Author 3.0 #16

I swear we just had it! Where did it go? Did it fly away, or whiz past our eyes? Oh, well! April's gone and she won't be back until next year. Now we have May, and what a day to post the next Ask An Author! From this Star Wars fan, May the Fourth be with you.  While the featured story may not take place in a galaxy far, far away, we're still treated to a bit of fantasy. Welcoming back @C. Henderson, we'll be trading lightsabers for vampire fangs. Although the story's status says Temporary H
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