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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept .22 - Sept. 28)

    By wildone

    Depending on where you live, how many days do you have to get in your entries for the In Too Deep annual Anthology? Calling on Poets, Authors, and even readers to get them in. So how many days do you have to the end of October 1st? 1 days 2 days Oh crap, still not too late but pushing it   I am just back from a relaxing week up in the mountains at the lake where I was having a nice, quiet birthday . I'm refreshed and rejuvenated, got a hair cut today as well. I was going to go f

Fall Anthology Due 10/31

Upcoming Anthology Due: October 31st, 2021 Top Themes A Winding Path An Unconventional Gift Pot Luck Themes Pick Your Poison     -     Lockdown     -     Left Behind     -     Dire Monotony     -     Mutation is Progress     -     Blood Moon Birthday Presents     -     Falling for Fall     -     Elves or Elvis?     -     Life’s Past     -     The Woods Rings of Fire     -     Plateau Wolves     -     Rock     -     Men and Women     -     A Legend Retold E


Myr in Anthology

Story Archive Update - 9/19/2021

Greetings all!  We have once again made some updates to our Story Archive.  There are two big ones that affect readers.  We have added "Highest Chapter Read" to the "My Reading History" page.  (For those of you that have opted-in to reading history.) There is also now a note in the reading History description, blue box as of this writing, that tells you how many stories and how long the stories will stay in the Reading History.  I also added some notes to the image as some helpfu


Myr in Technology Archive

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 12 - Sept. 18)

Good Morning, day, evening, night or everything in between. We are a bit late today for the simple fact that I do not know what day it is anymore  I mean, I don't usually work on Saturdays and Sundays, but for some reason I didn't recognize yesterday was Saturday. I do think I know the reason why  In four days I will be older than dirt  I'm so old that I think I forgot to tell everyone ahead of time where to send my birthday presents. Oh wait, I guess I did . Let's jump right into things no


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Who's In Charge

When trying to put the idea together of this particular article in my head, I had to be careful to steer clear of the whole idea and philosophy of 'determinism' and 'free will', hehehe...which is an entire novel's worth of intellectual discussion that would probably ehaust all of us before I even BEGIN to scratch the surface of the point that I want to make here in terms of our skills as writers, and crafting a story of our very own. Simultaneously using one side of the argument while giving the


Comicality in Writing Tips

Wayne's Prompts #6

Well, well, well, we are back again this week with another one of a favourite prompt that Wayne presented to us.  Last week we looked at one of @Mikiesboy favourite prompts and it's partner. Here is what Prompt #500 brought us: https://gayauthors.org/story/mikiesboy/onlyprompts/5 Sorry I can't make a box like below .   This week, lets look at a couple of prompts from @Headstall. One of his favourite prompts that he wrote a story for was Prompt #801. His submission to that one can


wildone in Prompts

Anthology Entry Revisited: Moon Dogs

Upcoming Anthology Due: October 31, 2021 Top Themes A Winding Path An Unconventional Gift Pot Luck Themes Pick Your Poison     -     Lockdown     -     Left Behind     -     Dire Monotony     -     Mutation is Progress     -     Blood Moon Birthday Presents     -     Falling for Fall     -     Elves

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Featured Story: Days Like This

Sorry all, running late today, so let's get right to today's story review! Days Like This by Drew Payne   Reviewer: Timothy M Status: Complete Word Count: 98,599 Some authors on GA attract attention from many readers the moment they start publishing a story. Others sneak up on us, quietly putting out a short story here and a longer tale there, until one of them gets noticed, often acquiring a small group of dedicated fans who like the author’s style. It’s always rewarding

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 5 - Sept. 11)

I'm giddy   My football team has been having a really, really bad year this year. If you are thinking of the CFL, then you got the right league. If you don't know what the CFL is, then there is no hope for you as a true football fan  But, I imagine the majority of you are saying something like why the hell does he talk about sports here! Not a question, but a statement . So they kind of lost on Labour Day against their arch rivals and the rematch was tonight. Needless to say the won, bringi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Anthology Entry Revisited: The Keys to the Far Castle

Upcoming Anthology Due: October 31, 2021 Top Themes A Winding Path An Unconventional Gift Pot Luck Themes Pick Your Poison     -     Lockdown     -     Left Behind     -     Dire Monotony     -     Mutation is Progress     -     Blood Moon Birthday Presents     -     Falling for Fall     -     Elves or Elvis?     -     Life’s Past     -     The Woods Rings of Fire     -     Plateau Wolves     -     Rock     -     Men and Women     -     A Legend Retold Ech

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

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