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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept .22 - Sept. 28)

    By wildone

    Depending on where you live, how many days do you have to get in your entries for the In Too Deep annual Anthology? Calling on Poets, Authors, and even readers to get them in. So how many days do you have to the end of October 1st? 1 days 2 days Oh crap, still not too late but pushing it   I am just back from a relaxing week up in the mountains at the lake where I was having a nice, quiet birthday . I'm refreshed and rejuvenated, got a hair cut today as well. I was going to go f

October Classic Author Feature: Myr's A Ranger's Duty

October's a month for fantasy and fun, so who and what better to feature than Myr's short story, A Ranger's Duty? This is one of my favorites of his work, and I always hope he'll go back to write more. Let's encourage him, shall we? Length: 3,930 Description: A trade caravan left on the King's Way as soon as the roads cleared, but Winter hasn't quite given up yet. A storm is bearing down on them, and Ryn needs to get them off the road before it hits. A Reader said: I hope th


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 10 - Oct. 16)

Welcome to your weekly update brought to you by yours truly!  Big reminder to all our site authors, you only have until October 31st to get your Anthology into the Review Team. If this is new to you, see the anthology info below for more details.   Monday readers got a glimpse into The Thousandth Regiment by AC Benus with a review by Parker Owens on the humanization of war and the power of poetry. Please check it out!    Want to brush up on your Word-smithing? Learn what the


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Creating Dread

Now, when I talk about creating a sense of 'dread' in your writing, whether it be drama, thriller, horror, sci-fi, or romance...I'm not always talking about something life threatening or earth shattering every single time. It's not about action. It's not about gore, or heartbreak, or terror. The concept of dread, in my opinion, is much more evident in its subtlety than in its delivery of some major occurrence or surprise twist. The most effective way to use 'dread' in your stories is as a build


Comicality in Writing Tips

Wayne's Prompts #7

Well this is it  Today will be the end of Wayne's Prompts. We are discussing to see how we want to continue forward with this blog, and would like to hear any ideas you may have. Reach out to any staff member and we will take a look   So for the final prompts, we received this late addition by @Valkyrie! One she partook on was Prompt #316 from @comicfan. To even things out, we will also throw in prompt 317 as well. You can announce your prompt response for #316 and #317 by clicking on the n


wildone in Prompts

Featured Story: The Thousandth Regiment

Well, it's another Monday and a great time to look at another featured Story!  Thank you to the review team for all your work to share some of the stories you've read on site!   The Thousandth Regiment by AC Benus Reviewer: Parker Owens Status: Complete Word Count: 8,732 We learn of Shakespeare, Milton, and Spenser in high school, and many of us breathe a sigh of relief when the

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

That First Paragraph

"I hadn't even realized how much trouble I had gotten myself into...until I felt that first punch land directly on the side of my left cheek...sending me reeling back against the high school lockers. I really should learn to keep my mouth shut." Now, I'm going to assume what the heck is going on with those past few sentences. Hehehe! Rightfully so. What is going on? Who just got punched in the face? Who hit him? And WHY? Well, as I've said in earlier articles, the answer from me as a writer


Comicality in Writing Tips

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 3 - Oct. 9)

Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin   Just in case it has slipped your mind, you only have until October 31st to get your Anthology into the Review Team. Make sure you see the blurb below for more details.   Well, we are having our municipal election on the 18th of this month in my little city and ever other town, hamlet, village, etc. in the province. Provincially we have been given a few shall we say 'political referend


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Ask An Author 3.0 #10

Wow! Time flies! It's time for Ask An Author! We're dipping our tootsies back into some fantasy writing, but with a healthy dosage of sci-fi! This one is a little special because it's a sequel. I got the chance to interview another rising star in the GA community, @Yeoldebard! As a member of the Million Word Club, this author has a plethora of stories in their arsenal. Let's dive right in! A little message from the author first! This story can stand alone, but the first story, Wolf Pack, will he


astone2292 in Author Interviews

October CSR Feature: Happily Ever After, Ltd.

Who wants a happy ending? 😆 Come now, I meant this month's feature, Happily Ever After, Ltd by @Richie Tennyson. This lighthearted Cinderella remix is just what the season ordered! Happily Ever After, Ltd. by @Richie Tennyson Length: 62,791 Description: Prince Charming goes missing from the pages of Cinderella, resulting in chaos in the offices of Happily Ever After, Ltd. The manager of the Cinderella division, Dorothy Weaver, has to try to salvage a happy ending. She tempora


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

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