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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept .22 - Sept. 28)

    By wildone

    Depending on where you live, how many days do you have to get in your entries for the In Too Deep annual Anthology? Calling on Poets, Authors, and even readers to get them in. So how many days do you have to the end of October 1st? 1 days 2 days Oh crap, still not too late but pushing it   I am just back from a relaxing week up in the mountains at the lake where I was having a nice, quiet birthday . I'm refreshed and rejuvenated, got a hair cut today as well. I was going to go f

Ask An Author 3.0 #7

I promise, I won't sing this time! But it is the first Wednesday of the month and we got three more questions to answer. As soon as I got the message to go bother this author, I put my little "press" cap on and booked it! It's @Aditus, one of GA's Signature Authors! Are you excited? I definitely am! Let's jump into the interview! • • • • • The King's Mate Aditus TKM - a three book series detailing the lives of Diarmad, King of the Seraei--an aggressive alien species--and Noel, h

July's CSR Feature: Stories Written on Lined Paper by Drew Payne

How is July treating you? Sweltering in a swimsuit or swimming in wool to stay warm depending on your hemisphere? We've passed the midway mark for the year but we're still in the thick of 2021. How about slowing down when you need a break and enjoying something a little different... An anthology of sorts. You can pick any of Drew Payne's "Stories Written on Lined Paper" to read (or all of them on different days) and share your thoughts on the discussion day!  Stories Written on Lined Paper

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 27 - Jul. 3)

Howdy Ho! So this week has been very unusual for me  All week we here in western Canada have been hit by what the Western US has had as well. We've been in a heat dome Normally our average temp is 22 C (71.6F) and all week we were above the mid 30's (95F)  I was melting!!! Things could have been worse, one small village in British Columbia broke Canadian records by reaching 49.6 C (121.28). Then a  nearby fire happened and now over 80% of the entire town is gone  Downtown, houses, mostly ev


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Suspension of Disbelief

It's a part of every story that you've read. A part of every movie you've ever seen. Hell...it might even be a part of the people that you come into contact with each and every single day when you go to school or to work. There's no way around it...at least to some degree. Hehehe, can you imagine what ind of existential crisis you'd be throwing yourself into if you couldn't get yourself to believe that any of this is real? How would you function in any effective way at all? This is all


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt 890 and Prompt 891

Welcome to July. Did you miss me? Hopefully, you enjoyed the anthology. Time for some new prompts. Prompt 890 - Creative  Tag - First Line You touch a hair on his head and I will break your hand! Do you understand me? Prompt 891 - Creative Tag - Stanger  There had been filled with electricity all day. As evening fell, the storm finally arrived with heavy rain, lightening, and thunder. From the darkness he strode out, a large hat that hid his face. Nearly seven foot


comicfan in Prompts

June CSR Discussion Day: Misunderstood by Marty

Are you dying in the weather where you are? It's well over 100 here, so I'm hiding indoors. What better way to beat the heat than enjoy my interview with Marty and discuss his story, Misunderstood, featured in this month's CSR? I could use some cold, even if it's just reading about it!   Chocolate or Vanilla? I'm going to assume you are referring to ice cream here. So, if that's the only choice I am being given, I would have to choose vanilla (although raspberry would be my first prefe

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 20 - Jun 26)

Wow, it's been a while since I've done one of these, let's see if I remember how!  I'm going to get right to it before little fingers come help me (he's supposed to be sleeping, but that doesn't always happen). So let's get right into it! Before Cia could kick off the Classic Author Week, Myr jumped in on Sunday with a couple of blogs about updates to the site. Then for Monday and Wednesday, Cia brought us the Classic Author Features! Going back a day, on Tuesday I (Renee) share

Changes Coming to Profiles

As the schedule currently sits, we are planning on upgrading the forum software to the newest version in the next couple of weeks depending on how the software patching process for the Stories Archive software goes.  As part of that roll out, I'll be changing how we handle new member registration as well as the information available in the profile.  One of the more visible changes is that we are going to remove the birthday and Age in Years fields and replace it with the Age Range demographic op


Myr in Technology Archive

2021 Spring Anthology Wrap Up

So, has everyone read all the anthologies?  If not, here's another chance to check them out!       2021 Spring Anthology Support Team Anthology Coordinator Renee Stevens Tech Support Myr Proof Team Rec Valkyrie Parker Owens Anthology Banner Creation Mann Ramblings  

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

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