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Author Guess Who - #1

Renee Stevens


I wanted to do something new for 2019, and what better than to start the new year off with a brand new feature. This one could be interesting as Authors were sent interview questions and had to answer them. The author's name has been omitted, and you'll have until the 26th to guess the author. The weekly wrap up on the 27th will reveal who our mystery author is. Each member gets three guesses, after that, guesses won't count. Happy guessing!




What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you?

I have never been hang gliding.

What prompted you to write your first story?

My grade 5 teacher. I’d always made up stories but she pushed me to write one.

What genre of books do you enjoy reading and have you written for that genre?

Many types are including comedy, drama, historical, horror, and science fiction. I’ve written a number of them.

Is there a genre that you haven’t written for that you would consider trying later on?

Perhaps one day historical or horror. Both would be a challenge.

What do like most about publishing on GA?

That would have to be the interaction with readers.

Do you have any unique writing habits or rituals to help you get into a writing mood?

No, nothing in particular. I do like to have a cup of coffee, however.

How has your writing style evolved over time?

Yes, it most definitely has evolved. Practice makes perfect as they say. Most people know I need a lot more practice.

Do you have a significant other?

Yes, I do.

Do you have any pets?

No, I do not have any pets. Do pet rocks count?

Do you post multi-chapter stories as you write? Do you wait until you’ve finished writing the entire story? Or is it something in between?

I prefer to write the entire story. Doing so ensures that you do not write yourself into a corner. So much less embarrassment that way.

What is your favorite television show?

Well, that’s a hard one. After much thought, I would have to say, Fortitude.

What is your favorite movie?

The Legend of Hell House

Do you write poetry? Prose? Or both?

I enjoy writing both. Each of them brings a different sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would it be?

I would enjoy meeting John Steinbeck. He is an author I much admire.

What would you say is your greatest accomplishment?

Beyond my writing, I would have to say my marriage. It means a great deal to me.


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Recommended Comments

1 hour ago, Mancunian said:

I'm not sure but I'll take a stab in the dark, is it mikiesboy ?

I agree.

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i don't know any other authors as well as i know tim

but there are a few of these answers that don't say "yes, yes, this IS tim"

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12 hours ago, aditus said:

So, what happens IF we can't guess the author? Do they get a couple of additional questions? Or did we lose this round of the game?

The questions in the post are the only questions the authors get asked. 

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It's me, folks... it's me.

No, it's not, but wanted to through throw some doubt in there.


I Think it might be tim, but you can't ever be sure... ;)

Edited by BHopper2
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1 minute ago, BHopper2 said:

It's me, folks... it's me.

No, it's not, but wanted to through throw some doubt in there.


I Think it might be tim, but you can't ever be sure... ;)


Oops, sorry A, but the editor in me kicked in!

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2 minutes ago, BHopper2 said:

You know, thinking about this some more...


I'm torn on if it's @Mikiesboy or @AC Benus. I know they both like Steinbeck.

That's true we both do. I like Steinbeck's advice about writing ... i try to do that. 

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1 hour ago, BHopper2 said:

You know, thinking about this some more...


I'm torn on if it's @Mikiesboy or @AC Benus. I know they both like Steinbeck.

You got the Steinbeck connection with me right, but Fortitude..... Ummm, I didn't enjoy that show very much. 


Spin the wheel again! hehe 

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