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Ask an Author 2.0 #35

Carlos Hazday


Here’s hoping this month’s issue proves as popular as the last one. We are back to one question for several authors but this month’s query is somewhat different from our usual fare. It does, however, dovetail nicely with Myr’s history of Gay Authors so many enjoyed in August. As usual, responses are in alphabetical order and posted as the respondent submitted them without editing.

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We are putting together a Gay Authors Time capsule. This capsule will be opened in 10 years. You have been asked to input your thoughts. What would you like to include in this time capsule?


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So I've given this a lot of thought. I would like to see the work of some of the older Author's who haven't written in a while to preserve their stories. The liking of DomLuka, NicolasJames8, Vlista, Afriendlyface and CJames. 

These are some of the Authors who have inspired me to write and I always enjoyed their stories. 

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@Bill W


Seeing this would be for Gay Authors, I would suggest articles about how the current administration was trying to push back against the LGBTQ community with their 'religious freedom' claims and remove them from guaranteed rights, such as employment, health care, etc., and that the Supreme Court had decided against some of it.  I think any articles about the current situation for the LGBTQ community would be good, so in ten years we can see how much we've gained, or lost.  

If you're asking specifically for Gay Author related items, I'm not sure.  The library should still be available by then, but possibly a memorial tribute to those who contributed to the site, but are no longer with us.  This way in ten years new members can read about those we lost that helped to make GA great. 

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Hello GA!

Today is Sunday, August 9, 2020, and I’m currently sitting at my desk and typing this message for the Time Capsule. First off, I want to say congrats on being around in 2030! I hope the community has continued to be a thriving place, for authors who want to tell a story beyond just erotica. I hope that everyone is finding the place inclusive still, and that any old hatreds have been settled. Life is too precious and short. Cherish every moment you have with friends, family, and each other.

Aside from this letter, I’ve placing in the capsule some items that I feel would be a reminder for how crazy 2020 has been.

1.      A Covid-19 test kit.

2.      A Mail-in Ballot for the US 2020 Election Cycle.

3.      A Facemask from Universal Studios during Pride Month.

4.      A video archive of my online classes.

Remember to break the rules of writing from time to time. It’ll make your story unique. Say yes to Infodumps, they are the bread and butter of certain genres. A good Infodump won’t read like an Infodump and will lay a foundation for the reader to engage with your world. Say yes to “Tell, Don’t Show.” Because sometimes, dogmatic adherence to “Show, Don’t Tell,” will bog down your story. Sum it up and move on. Bottom line, it’s your story, tell it like you want to.

If this capsule is resealed, and buried for another ten years, then I hope the community at GA continues to thrive, and new stories and content is added. May you write your stories and continue to be kind to each other. Cherish each other.

Thanks for listening,

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When this Time Capsule is opened, I'll not be here. I have lived my life trying to help those who have a hard life because of the ills of society. I write my stories illustrating some of the problems the gay community faces because of the bigotry and the lack of sympathy among those who could help. If you read any of my stories, I would hope the world is better than it is now, 2020. People care about everyone, gay or not, Love overcomes hate, and most of all gays are accepted as a normal human being. As much as you would like to live forever, it isn't going to happen. Leave you mark on this earth, love your neighbor, gay or not.

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Thanks for the question. My thoughts for a time capsule? The question is a broad one, but here some of the things I think about now that I hope for the future.

§  I hope GA is still around and offering a home to LGBT+ authors

§  It’s my hope that people are accepting of each other no matter, colour, race, sexual preference, or religion. I hope we see each other as brother and sister finally.

§  I hope we have learned from the past. It has much to teach those who bother to learn from it

§  I pray for a new breed of politician; one who believes in the People and their rights

§  I wish for a world where community and the good of all, not the individual, is what’s important, where more wealth and health are available to all.

§  And it’s a wish really, that we learn and respect all life on this planet. That we see that each life is worth living and it is not any one person’s place to snuff out another.

§  On a personal note, I hope my Husband and I are still around in 10 years. I hope my friends are also.

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Just a reminder about how far we've come in the last seventy years and a hope we continue to make progress in the ten years between 2020 and 2030.

Without younger people, and the increasing and casual acceptance of gay people since 1990, I'm not sure there would have been gay marriage.  And without the people who started working for acceptance in 1950 and continued, maybe specifically in 1970 and the mid-1980s, I'm not sure there would have been the casually accepting young people from the '90s onward.

And no matter how hard it sometimes seems, it's a lot easier to grow up gay in 2020 than it was any time earlier.  So let's not forget that, and let's hope growing up gets increasingly easier.

And thanks for asking.

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@Wayne Gray


What a wild question! Okay, cool.

A GA time-capsule. I'll approach it from this angle - what would I want GA to know in ten years about what is happening right now?

To GA in the year, 2030.

It's September of 2020 right now, and we are in the middle of an historic event. We're watching our governments struggle to control the COVID-19 pandemic. While that issue is important and worth talking about, it'll be in the history books by the time you read this. I'm sure those will do a much better job of explaining it than I. To that end, I wanted to talk about something that probably won't be nearly as discussed. That is the problem of disinformation in this time of ever-increasing connectivity.

So what I'd like you to know about these times is that the need for critical thinking has never been higher. As more "information" becomes available, more of it is simply junk that has to be filtered out in order to understand what is really going on. COVID-19 has truly rammed that lesson home.

Access to information is no guarantee from drawing the wrong conclusions. Be critical. Look at your sources. Think about what a source has to gain from earning your trust and belief. Because if we're dealing with this now, in 2020, then 2030 will prove even more of a minefield of misinformation and outright lies.


That’s all for this month. Still hot in South Florida, and I’m still sitting naked beneath the AC vent as much as possible. I took the Harley out yesterday and, after an hour riding around, my arms and my face were screaming for relief. Even through the hair on my arm, the outline of my watch on the skin is more noticeable. My face’s also tanner.

Once again, thanks for reading. Same GA channel, same GA time next month. As usual, I’m in the market for questions.

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