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[LittleBuddhaTW] WISYA - Chapter 2

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I'm enjoying your new story and am looking forward to chapter 3.


It's good that Grady is making new friends; that's really something new in his life and will help him overcome other inhibitions. His first kiss, too! :great:


Keep up the good work.

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  • Site Administrator

Great Chapter!


I'm beginning to wonder if the title "When I See You Again", is in relation to the the friends that Grady is making in this chapter. He seems to becoming a little less introverted, and I also think that Brandon is happy for him. Sometimes when we make friends at this age, we often look forward to meeting them once again down the road.


I liked the line about Brandon wanting to be the top, when he was describing the bunk beds. Wonder if that was as innocent as it should have been, or a little insight into the future of their relationship :D .


I know in the first chapter, there were concerns about the age of the characters, but I have to admit, Grady's description of interactions, thoughts, and feelings are not too far off what I felt when I was twelve and going to summer camp. I was chuckling at the scene where he was going to take his first "group" shower, and remembered the nervousness and agony I put myself through in the same situation. Which all worked out in the end, which I imagine is just part of growing up.


Looking forward to the next chapter.



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Great Chapter!


I'm beginning to wonder if the title "When I See You Again", is in relation to the the friends that Grady is making in this chapter. He seems to becoming a little less introverted, and I also think that Brandon is happy for him. Sometimes when we make friends at this age, we often look forward to meeting them once again down the road.

WOW! That's really insightful! I hadn't thought of that at all, but yeah, great idea!


I liked the line about Brandon wanting to be the top, when he was describing the bunk beds. Wonder if that was as innocent as it should have been, or a little insight into the future of their relationship :D .

LOL, I'm still thinking about the line in the last chapter about Grady pitching and Brennan (not Brandon :boy: ) enjoying catching for him :lol:




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  • Site Administrator
WOW! That's really insightful! I hadn't thought of that at all, but yeah, great idea!



LOL, I'm still thinking about the line in the last chapter about Grady pitching and Brennan (not Brandon :boy: ) enjoying catching for him :lol:






Good catch (bad pun) :P . So our esteemed author is trying to confuse us all. First we have Grady pitching and Brennan catching, but in the next chapter, Brennan likes to be on top, and Grady is resigned to being on the bottom.



Steve :D

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I haven't received much feedback on the new story yet, and as dkstories says, "Feedback is an author's lifeblood." So ... please contribute to the discussions, or even shoot me an e-mail to let me know what you think. We authors don't get paid for this stuff, so having feedback is the only inspiration we have to keep writing ...







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I thought it was interesting that, while Grady is worried he's holding Brennan back from socializing with other friends, Brennan seemed almost insecure with the idea that Grady was making a new friend and might ditch Brennan.



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I thought it was interesting that, while Grady is worried he's holding Brennan back from socializing with other friends, Brennan seemed almost insecure with the idea that Grady was making a new friend and might ditch Brennan.



Good point, Sharon. However, Grady seemed pretty ticked off that Brennan had been making out with Jenna. Which indicates, to me, that they're both pron to a great deal of jealousy where the other one is concerned.



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Good point, Sharon. However, Grady seemed pretty ticked off that Brennan had been making out with Jenna. Which indicates, to me, that they're both pron to a great deal of jealousy where the other one is concerned.




Good point back :D


But...just to complicate things a bit more. Do you think Brennan withheld the 'make out' info because he thought Grady would be mad or because, for Brennan, it wasn't that big a deal?.' And do you think Brennan would have had the same jealous reaction had the tables been turned and it was Grady kissing Jenna?



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Good point back :D


But...just to complicate things a bit more. Do you think Brennan withheld the 'make out' info because he thought Grady would be mad or because, for Brennan, it wasn't that big a deal?.' And do you think Brennan would have had the same jealous reaction had the tables been turned and it was Grady kissing Jenna?



Hmmm, Personally, my gut feeling was that perhaps Brennan was lying about it simply to impress the other guys. That's by no means unheard of, especially in that age group. However, assuming he did make out with her, I think he didn't tell Grady for a combination of the two reasons you offered: he didn't want to make Grady jealous AND he didn't think it was that big a deal.


And no, I definitely don't thin Brennan would have been jealous if Grady had been kissing Jenna!


What do you think?



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  • Site Moderator

You both make good points.


I'm also curious about any repercussion's about the kiss during the game. So far nothing has been said about it by anyone, and I think at some point that will change. Not knowing for sure if Brennan was being truthful about kissing Jenna, we still don't know Brennan's thoughts, or how he felt about Grady kissing another boy.


I also think that Grady saw a little of himself in David, I think it was, which was why he was able to befriend him so quickly. They do have a similar history. I also think that sub-consciously, Grady has learned some things from Brennan over their years of friendship. So he could be starting to come out of his shell and doesn't realize it.



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Hmmm, let's see, he's got a buzz cut now, kissed another baseball player (Conner), um, made a connection to a guy on another team...*sigh* Oh yeah, and he's made his buddy jealous a bit.


Honestly, it reminds me a bit of watching my niece and nephew since they have been out here in California. Seeing the kids open up out of their shell has been wonderful, just like it's good to see Grady opening up. Now, just how jealous will Brennan get?

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I'm also curious about any repercussion's about the kiss during the game. So far nothing has been said about it by anyone, and I think at some point that will change.

I agree, I think at some point there's bound to be some repercussions from it!


If Brennan is gay, he'd better get a move on before Grady connects with one of his new friends. First step...tell Grady again that he loves him and that the making out story was BS.

Hmm, but even if Brennan is gay, does he know he's gay? After all, I don't think even Grady knows that he's that he's gay, and I think he's given it more thought than Brennan has. So I don't think Brennan will try to "make any moves" on Grady just yet. I suppose I could be wrong though.

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Hmm, but even if Brennan is gay, does he know he's gay? After all, I don't think even Grady knows that he's that he's gay, and I think he's given it more thought than Brennan has. So I don't think Brennan will try to "make any moves" on Grady just yet. I suppose I could be wrong though.


What if none of them are gay? I know lots of straight kids who go through some serious issues of questioning their sexuality at that age and through their teens, only to turn out straight in the end ... :blink:

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Well, not all guys are gay! And sometimes, the good ones like Brennan can be straight (yes, there are good straight guys!)


I feel like Brennan and Grady will be mainly friends. Yes, a few foolings around can happen. But I dpn't see them togetjer. I want Grady to be with someone else. And I'm glad of the way, the story is going on! :) So, Connor? David? A Chinese? Or Rory? Nah, the last one.... I don't know!


So guys, I'm not in Brennan-Grady shippings! I'm for Connor or David. I really like David!



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Hey it was a good chapter overall. Just as much as someday out of the blue, I love the writting style. I think that there's still some developping that needs to be done, but in term of the story, I'm fairly sure that we're still in the intro phase.


What if none of them are gay? I know lots of straight kids who go through some serious issues of questioning their sexuality at that age and through their teens, only to turn out straight in the end ...


Well I'd say that it wouldn't be that much of a gay story if there's no real gay in the story point,, although I gotta agree that sometimes life makes you go through different things,,, a teen that always said that was str8 can turn out gay.



good chapter, and i'm looking foward for the next one

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