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Wish me luck!


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So...there's this guy I used to work with. I haven't seen him in like two years, but when we worked together we were great friends. We had a whole lot of the same interests, I.E. we both are big Stephen King fans, comic book nerds, sci-fi fans, we have the same taste in video-games and music. We just clicked, you know?


And, I'm not ashamed to say, I had a HUGE crush on him.


Like, whoa.


Well, a while back, while chatting online he told me he was bisexual. I came out to him, and we've been keeping in touch pretty well, but I never dreamed I'd have a snowball's chance in Hell with him.


Yesterday, he was dropping hints. At one point when we were talking about art, he meant to say, "You do good art" but made a typo and said, "You do good artist". I fired back with, "As far as I know, I'm not 'doing' any artists."


He said, "You could beee". With the extra "e"s.


He's an artist too.




At the end of the conversation, he gave me his number and told me to call him. Not in the normal 'guy' way, like "Hey dude, give me a call", but in the flirtatious "Call me sometime" way. Lol.


I dunno, maybe I'm looking too far into this, but I think he's sending out some signals. What do you guys think? We're going to hang out soon, and I'll know more then, but do you think I have a shot?


Either way, wish me luck!




P.S.-Did I mention he's cute? Like, really cute?

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I dunno if you have a shot or not but it sounds like you are getting positive signals. Think of it this way, nothing ventured, nothing gained and at worst you get to spend some time with someone you enjoyed spending time with even when you thought they were straight!


Good luck!



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  • Site Administrator

Good luck! I think once you call him and meet him in person again, you'll know if you've been misreading things. I hope you haven't :D

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It really sounds like signal to me, the 'you could be' line was one discrete. But the call me, it tells me that he's interested in you. He wouldn't have said it if it wasn't the case.


I wish you all the best of luck. I hope that you get what you desire out of it and most importantly that you won't be disappointed.



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I guess I'll be the pessimist and tell you not to read too much into it. I've flirted with people many times, guys too, and not been serious. I'd suggest hanging out first and get a good look at his body *clears throat* signals 0:) before doing anything that might jeopardize the friendship... such as jumping the lad.


Whatever happens, good luck!

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So...there's this guy I used to work with. I haven't seen him in like two years, but when we worked together we were great friends. We had a whole lot of the same interests, I.E. we both are big Stephen King fans, comic book nerds, sci-fi fans, we have the same taste in video-games and music. We just clicked, you know?


And, I'm not ashamed to say, I had a HUGE crush on him.


Like, whoa.


Well, a while back, while chatting online he told me he was bisexual. I came out to him, and we've been keeping in touch pretty well, but I never dreamed I'd have a snowball's chance in Hell with him.


Yesterday, he was dropping hints. At one point when we were talking about art, he meant to say, "You do good art" but made a typo and said, "You do good artist". I fired back with, "As far as I know, I'm not 'doing' any artists."


He said, "You could beee". With the extra "e"s.


He's an artist too.




At the end of the conversation, he gave me his number and told me to call him. Not in the normal 'guy' way, like "Hey dude, give me a call", but in the flirtatious "Call me sometime" way. Lol.


I dunno, maybe I'm looking too far into this, but I think he's sending out some signals. What do you guys think? We're going to hang out soon, and I'll know more then, but do you think I have a shot?


Either way, wish me luck!




P.S.-Did I mention he's cute? Like, really cute?



;) ............Call him!! YES THOSE ARE SIGNALS!!

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I should hasen to add that he has told you he is Bi, so odds are he isn't gonna get violent if you seem interested in him.


:king: Dr. Mr. Snow "Snoop" Dog



B) ....I found it odd that he came out 1st and told you he was bi, was he testing waters? Me thinks he is more likely gay.

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B) ....I found it odd that he came out 1st and told you he was bi, was he testing waters? Me thinks he is more likely gay.


Well, how that came about was we were talking about books we like, and we got to talking about the Harry Potter series. This was around the time JK Rowling Outed Dumbledore, and I asked him if he'd heard that Dumbledore's gay. He said he hadn't, so I told him all about it.


Then he said something along the lines of, "Thats cool. I'm actually a semi-out bisexual, so I think that's real cool."


Then i came out to him, lol.


;) ............Call him!! YES THOSE ARE SIGNALS!!


I called him tonight! lol. He couldn't talk long, but we might be hanging out this weekend. (!!!!)


I guess I'll be the pessimist and tell you not to read too much into it. I've flirted with people many times, guys too, and not been serious. I'd suggest hanging out first and get a good look at his body *clears throat* signals 0:) before doing anything that might jeopardize the friendship... such as jumping the lad.


Whatever happens, good luck!


I know, I'm not going to rush anything. I guess I'm just a little excited, lol. He's cute, sue me. :P As for the jumping him...as great as that sounds, I don't want to destroy our friendship before it really gets going, lol.


Yes to everything.

Yes he's flirting.

Yes you should call him.


This gets a big "Awwww" from me.


:*) lol


It really sounds like signal to me, the 'you could be' line was one discrete. But the call me, it tells me that he's interested in you. He wouldn't have said it if it wasn't the case.


I wish you all the best of luck. I hope that you get what you desire out of it and most importantly that you won't be disappointed.




That was my thinking as well, lol.



Well, I guess we'll just have to see how this turns out. Hopefully he'll be free this weekend, and I'll be able to get a better read on him then, lol.


Thanks to everyone for the wishes of luck! hehe I just hope it works out!





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I wish you the best and hope it goes out great. Chatting online is so easy to give the wrong signals. I have 1 guy friend all the way from england who i have fell madly in love with. He's straight(YIKES!) And there was times when i was on the camera and hes telling me how gorgeous i am. LOL Worse is when he will say "I heard "OUR" song on the radio today" Its "Dreams" i like the Stevie nicks version and he likes the corrs 1. He calls me Muppet. And has me reading Laurell K hamilton. Her main char Anita gets called Ma Petite and i say all the time "ooh you could just call me Ma petite" Then he'll call me a freak cuz i like guys. Smilies and all that are just hard to work with i like voice chat it helps to judge if the person really means it. OR camming cuz you see there facial expressions. But if you liked and worked with this guy before then you should have no problems. Once agian good luck.

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So...there's this guy I used to work with. I haven't seen him in like two years, but when we worked together we were great friends. We had a whole lot of the same interests, I.E. we both are big Stephen King fans, comic book nerds, sci-fi fans, we have the same taste in video-games and music. We just clicked, you know?


And, I'm not ashamed to say, I had a HUGE crush on him.


Like, whoa.


Well, a while back, while chatting online he told me he was bisexual. I came out to him, and we've been keeping in touch pretty well, but I never dreamed I'd have a snowball's chance in Hell with him.


Yesterday, he was dropping hints. At one point when we were talking about art, he meant to say, "You do good art" but made a typo and said, "You do good artist". I fired back with, "As far as I know, I'm not 'doing' any artists."


He said, "You could beee". With the extra "e"s.


He's an artist too.




At the end of the conversation, he gave me his number and told me to call him. Not in the normal 'guy' way, like "Hey dude, give me a call", but in the flirtatious "Call me sometime" way. Lol.


I dunno, maybe I'm looking too far into this, but I think he's sending out some signals. What do you guys think? We're going to hang out soon, and I'll know more then, but do you think I have a shot?


Either way, wish me luck!




P.S.-Did I mention he's cute? Like, really cute?

It sounds like you have a good chance with him. I wish you the best of luck.

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I agree with those guys, even if I'm haven't got a relationship in my life. If "the call me" signal is out, so go for it! if it don't work out, ah, well... at least you try your best.


Like Hylas, I hadn't involved in a relationship yet and I'm only 17!

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LMAO Benji!


The Three Sad Musketeers.


:,(:,( :,(


Ok. now I need to find the Three Vurjeen Musketeers... /me runs off


Oh yeah. :off: Any replies to this post will be subject to torching! :fire:

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AWW DANG. biggrin.gif


Looks like you're gonna get a boyfriend soon!


Aww, I'll go out with you H.


Good Luck Magento.


Oh yeah. offtopic.gif Any replies to this post will be subject to torching! fire.gif



Edited by Jeebus
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