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Happy Birthday, corvus!


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It's begun, somewhere over there on the other side of the globe. I wonder what I was doing on that day -- I probably had an organic chemistry lab, or a lecture, or both. That would explain a few things. :P


Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day today. :D

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*Gazes at the myriad of stars hanging in the night sky*

I think I see a small quadrilateral constellation in the southern hemisphere near Virgo! Holy! Is that birthday cake beside you?


HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :D May your constellation shine brighter than any other stars at night!!!

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Happy Birthday Angel

You wrote in your profile :

"I'm an engineering student who grows cell lines and works really hard on making literature, which is a questionable pastime for any self-respecting engineer-to-be.".

How wrong you are ! Any "engineer-to-be" should have other interests as technical ones !

You are on the right path, keep going and enjoy life.

I wouldnt be as happy as I'm without my studies in ancient greek and latin, which opened my mind.

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