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Yey 2. :D So glad to see that JP's first test was flawed & he's negative, but you have to feel for poor Mouse. He's gonna feel alone despite what JP says.

And Marcel getting turned on by two gay boys going at it, is there anyone straight in that family! lol


CH15 is up ok! No probs here.

Edited by Sir_Galahad
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ch 15....is great chapter in the story, because it's yet another interesting twist. Although i think i would've preferd Mouse get re-tested and turn out negative, mianly because nothings ever this perfect, and mouse has his whole life ahead of him.....so sad really, cuz i really do hope you get us all happy and then take it down a notch by....i duno a car accident? seriously that'd be the worst, but it would be another twist. I guess i've seen to many Goodendings to believe there real anymore. lol

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That chapter had a great ending!! B):2thumbs:


So who wants a threesome with Brad, Robbie and Marcel? I do! :devil:


I glad Robbie is so into his studies. He seems to be making the most of his time at the Sorbonne.


I'm surprised Brad's profs are saying there's no emotion in his work. Brad's a hotbed of emotion most of the time. He's now skipping classes. :(


Great news about JP! :wub: I just know he'll take care of Mouse, whatever happens. I have my fingers crossed for Mouse. I don't think JP could take losing another partner. :(


I'm curious. What does 600,00 French francs translate to in 1985 US dollars?


Great chapter, Mark! :worship::worship:

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I'm curious. What does 600,00 French francs translate to in 1985 US dollars? Great chapter, Mark! :worship::worship:

From what I've been able to find on french and US inflation, this is roughly equal to 75000-100000 current US dollars.
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Got this from a website concerning the exchange rate for buying French Francs using US Dollars


Average (365 days):8.98359 High:10.56000 Low:7.55500

This means $1 would buy 8.98359FF (on average for the year), and would have gone from a low of 7.555FF to a high of 10.56FF.


So, 600,000FF, would be, roughly


Average: $66,788.44

High: $56,818.00

Low: $79,417.60


While it seems that high and low look reversed, it refers to the exchange rate of Francs to $US. High is the highest amount of francs per dollar (the franc was cheap, the dollar strong), while low is the lowest amount per dollar (the franc was expensive, the dollar weaker). The average refers to the average exchange rate for the entire year, based on each day's rate, not between the high and low.


So they got Marcel's "freedom" for, roughly the cost of two automobiles, the way Brad buys them maybe 1 - 1 1/2...

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haha Intersting, not as expencive as ithought, and holy shit his father sure sold his son for cheap then...lol Oh well i'm glad he is in the story. lol

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Mark M: Yeah, I guess they got lucky when they found him...sort of...see the next comment on Ch. 16...


Mark Arbour: Marcel has been a naughty little boy, hasn't he?!?

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hehehe...Marcel is the obvious interloper. :P Which, of course, makes me think it's someone else. :wacko: I just can't think of who else it would be.


So why was Robbie at the library until 2 AM? The library wouldn't even be open that late.


I definitely see a King of Cliffhangers nomination in your future, Mark.



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hehehe...Marcel is the obvious interloper. :P Which, of course, makes me think it's someone else. :wacko: I just can't think of who else it would be.


So why was Robbie at the library until 2 AM? The library wouldn't even be open that late.


I definitely see a King of Cliffhangers nomination in your future, Mark.



But the thing is that Brad, in his drunken, tired state, couldn't discern the voice from Robbie's...and Mark didn't say whether they were speaking English or French...perhaps Marcel and Robbie sound alike in French? The only other one I can think of that it might have been would be Mouse, but he was never narrated as being anywhere close enough to big enough for Brad's liking. The people getting drunk whilst going out with Brad were JP, Mouse, and Marcel...I don't think JP would have fooled around with his own son, adopted or not, but Marcel HAD been watching Brad and Robbie a couple times, which probably made him bold enough to try this, and he is--after all is said and done--a horny 16 year-old.


However, you do bring up a good question, Connor: Why was Robbie out 'til 2AM? The library, as previously stated, is only open until midnight (which seems to be a universal constant as CSULB's library is only open until midnight during the week, also), so where was Robbie for 2 hours? I thought the library was only about 30 minutes away from the Ile' apartment? Is it possible that Robbie might have set Marcel up to do this with Brad? Hmmm....given his temper when he came in, I'd have to say no, he didn't.

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I immediately thought the interloper was Marcel as well only because he was watching. However, as I thought about it a little more my mind said that it seemed to obvious and another name came into my mind, Max. The way that Robbie reacted and was so angry about the fact that Brad had sex with someone else makes me think that it was Max.


As to what Robbie is up to I have been consistently bothered by that. I have been thinking he has been sneaking around and cheating and maybe that is a cause for his anger at Brad when he catches him with someone else. I also wonder if maybe he has been trying to build or arrange something special for Brad's birthday. I am not sure which it is but I really do hope that it is not Robbie cheating on him or going to someone to fist him. Though if he was getting fisted I think Brad would have noticed Robbie getting loose in the ass area again.


I think Robbie and Brad are going to be fine together and get back together and love each other. This can be Brad's brithday present again, last time he got forgiven for Marc and this time I think he should get forgiven again. Though to be honest at this point in time knowing how drunk Brad was from his birthday I have to wonder why Robbie is so mad. I mean its obvious that Brad is confused and does not know what is going on or who he was with. I have to think they will work this out but I see therapy or something in the near future for both of them.

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Ummm, Max isn't in Paris unless I missed something! I have no doubt it was Marcel, after all, the person was still in the bed when Robbie got back & he's horny enough!

Things are gonna be a tad tense once the booze has worn off, but Robbie should forgive Brad. After all as someone said, what has he been up to in the early hours of the morning?

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Ummm, Max isn't in Paris unless I missed something! I have no doubt it was Marcel, after all, the person was still in the bed when Robbie got back & he's horny enough!

Things are gonna be a tad tense once the booze has worn off, but Robbie should forgive Brad. After all as someone said, what has he been up to in the early hours of the morning?

The only reason I said Max was because it is Brad's birthday and he could have come as just a surprise but I am not sure. I just think it is odd that Robbie would get so mad over Marcel when he has let him watch before. I think his anger might be more warranted if it was Max then if it was Marcel. Either way I do hope that he forgives Brad because that is what Brad deserves after putting up with Neil and all of the deception that Robbie put him through with that ordeal.

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I concur, I just hope that it is posted soon...very soon...like in the next 5 mins maybe?

In your dreams. :lmao:

Yeah I think Mark is going for the cliffhanger award for next time, how many is that now? Grrr. lol. If I remember rightly Max never topped Brad, so I would still say it's unlikely. Plus Robbie's angry because there is a difference between watching, then Marcel doing his boyfriend! Can't say I'd be happy. Still, we should have answers pretty soon.

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So, I guess sometimes things are just what they appear to be. :lol: My bad for starting the paranoia. :P


It's great to have Marcel aboard....as it were. :wub:


That (chap 17) was one horny making chapter. B)


Robbie's negative!!! :2thumbs::great::music:


If they make a movie of this story, I'm going for Dr. Cambronne's part. 0:)

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I think I was right...Marcel was a bad boy... On Ch. 17: Yay for Brad and Robbie, and for Robbie being (-)!


I do hope that Brad gets back into the Sorbonne, though...when he started with all of this it was under an exchange program through Stanford, so his education will suffer if he doesn't go back...

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Actually, Gal', I did it first at 9:57am, Connor's following comment wasn't until 11:17am...check our posts on page 9 of this thread... :D

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I hate to say I told you so, about Marcel, but...... hell I did! lol.


I know I know, I was wrong. I just wonder if Max or Neil or any of these other characters will be coming back. I also wonder how many chapters this story will have in total. It always seemed like in Confessions, and The Land Whore that all these characters that were only in the beginning of the story kept coming back to haunt or to reinvigorate the couples in those stories. I just wonder if the same thing will happen here. It did not happen as much in Be Rad and then at the beginning of this story we finally saw Lark again, and I kinda miss that. I am glad that they have not come back to cause problems for Robbie and Brad but I do miss this sort of OMG moment of having this character back in their lives.


PS Kjames, I think Sir Galahad the pure was referring to me :)

Edited by keith34595
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I know I know, I was wrong. I just wonder if Max or Neil or any of these other characters will be coming back. I also wonder how many chapters this story will have in total. It always seemed like in Confessions, and The Land Whore that all these characters that were only in the beginning of the story kept coming back to haunt or to reinvigorate the couples in those stories. I just wonder if the same thing will happen here. It did not happen as much in Be Rad and then at the beginning of this story we finally saw Lark again, and I kinda miss that. I am glad that they have not come back to cause problems for Robbie and Brad but I do miss this sort of OMG moment of having this character back in their lives.


PS Kjames, I think Sir Galahad the pure was referring to me :)


He might have been, but I gave him the benefit because he posted a sufficient amount of time after I did...

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That's sad about Sam, but I guess it was coming. And what a jerk that Cambronne is. :angry:


Not sure what's going on with Mouse, I really don't want to see him go the route Jake took. Hopefully, he's just acting out from angst and self pity and not a permanent change.

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That was a shocker about Cambronne, considering how selfish he is with sex! I think our guys should still be ok though. The chances of contracting HIV through oral sex is minimal.

It was sad about Sam, though not unexpected. I just wonder what Mouse has been up to all the time he's been gone. Probably having one last orgy before he gets too ill.

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