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I think I'll pass on fisting. Soz, but it just sounds totally messed up to me.


Hmmm... JP and Mouse are going to be good together. I think it's wonderful for them to share their remaining time together. As for Robbie and Brad, there are some trust issues, and I am wondering if that is eventually going to be the end of their relationship.

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I was sorry to read about David/Mouse in Ch. 11...what a bombshell for him to drop in the middle of JP's announcement! I thought that being the bullied, abused kid, that was rescued way back in later Be Rad! chapters, that he might have also made it through all this crap to end up happy for a change.


Mark, I did ask others to pick up where there might have been holes in the description, but...sometimes the takers don't crawl out of the woodwork so fast...


Well...when fisting is "kink" it's usually being associated with the Dominant/Submissive or S&M sex practices :ph34r: , and the debasement, discipline and control :blink: , that it's usually associated with...


I don't even pretend to know what Robbie's issue was with needing to have someone as worthless as Neil :angry: taking control of him, I thought Robbie was better than that B) . Maybe his issue was that, being separated from Brad, he thought that Brad :wub: had fallen out of love with him and he was trying to find someone to fill that role, but couldn't.


Some fisting is done for that prostate stimulation...without control issues, and where the two partners are really in love with each other and really are partners (or married, for those of us lucky enough) and don't have any worries about breaking up to think about--this is where fisting is done with full, true, unspoken trust--to completely pleasure the other partner, and then it's not about "kink"....it's about love...and THAT is a wonderful experience that should be experienced :wub: .


It's been a long time since I was, the guy was one I had met at a bar--he was one of the bartenders, and cute--and I ended up closing the place that night since my grandmother, who I was living with, was on a cross-country trip for 3 months...I just was ready to leave, 'cause I know they just want to clean and go home, when he walked up to me and asked me to stay and then go back to his place with him...so I stayed through their closing cleanup...flourescent lights all of a sudden after nightclub lighting hurts the eyes...we went to his place, we had a good time...then he started by fingering me...eventually working up to three, then four...then he started twisting his fingers to different angles...and before I knew it, he was in...Wow! Good thing I had a size fetish at the time...I was used to larger sizes, or many fingers. I was glad I emptied at the bar. Then he started stroking my prostate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must've floated for hours--he was really good at this!!!!!


Any guy who's gay should try it if they've ever bottomed, maybe even if they haven't--total tops should know how to do this, although I don't think there's any such thing...how would they know they're a total top if they've never tried anything associated with being a bottom? Done right, fisting is something that shouldn't be missed in the gay "maturity" process...imagine fisting as though someone, no matter what length dick, regardless of their thrusting, was constantly massaging your prostate...and not just as their head or shaft passed by...fingers are much more manipulative, and gentle, than a cock head!

Thanks for stepping up and being candid. I'll put the info to good use later.


I have to say that when I started writing this story I tried to think of one of the kinkiest things, well, aside from Scat, which I just can't deal with. The ironic thing was that hearing from guys like you, and reading about it, makes it seem a lot less out there on the fringe than I thought.

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Thanks for stepping up and being candid. I'll put the info to good use later.


I have to say that when I started writing this story I tried to think of one of the kinkiest things, well, aside from Scat, which I just can't deal with. The ironic thing was that hearing from guys like you, and reading about it, makes it seem a lot less out there on the fringe than I thought.

The thing with the shrink in chap. 11 just reminded me of "Pray the gay away". For me "curing" Robbie from fisting is like curing him from being gay... I think that if they make fisting as a matter of expressing love, they shouldn't be analyzed or something, it's just another way of making sex. Although I'm not into it, it doesn't mean I have to despise those who like it.


I know that Brad doesn't like it or is not very happy about it but then it's up to two of them to talk about it and find a solution. If they love each other, they should be able to stay together with or without fisting - but without praying it out by some shrink.

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Thanks for stepping up and being candid. I'll put the info to good use later.


I have to say that when I started writing this story I tried to think of one of the kinkiest things, well, aside from Scat, which I just can't deal with. The ironic thing was that hearing from guys like you, and reading about it, makes it seem a lot less out there on the fringe than I thought.

I agree Mark - definitely perceiving this activity a little bit differently after reading the story and reader comments. It's not appealing to me, but in MIM you have skillfully highlighted the very individual nature of our experiences, including the sexual. I read a comment suggesting it is wrong for Robbie's psychologist to discourage him from fisting, but for Robbie it clearly was not a healthy experience, and I believe that the shrink got it right.


Reading MIM has triggered some very strong emotions in me. I find myself reliving the feelings a young me had as friends told me they were positive, or as they died, and how confused I felt by it. Everyone reacted differently, and my reactions changed constantly as I struggled to rationalize the AIDS epidemic with my identity as a gay person. Sometimes I got angry, sometimes I just felt numb, and often afraid that it was just a matter of time before I became infected. I think its good to write about this, and hope the younger generation of gays get a feeling for what this period was like for those of us who experienced it.


Thanks once again for this continuing bittersweet story that is so well written and captivating. Having read everything from CAP forward, I feel very attached to the characters. Now I find that I sympathize enormously with Mouse, and with JP. Against all odds he created a wonderful family and now he is dealing with the loss of yet another partner and the prospect that the family he has fiercely protected must watch him get sick and die. Mouse had a terrible life and it is unjust that now he must confront loosing his adopted father and the bright future that opened up for him. I hope they stick around, but I look forward to going where your imagination takes us.

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The thing with the shrink in chap. 11 just reminded me of "Pray the gay away". For me "curing" Robbie from fisting is like curing him from being gay... I think that if they make fisting as a matter of expressing love, they shouldn't be analyzed or something, it's just another way of making sex. Although I'm not into it, it doesn't mean I have to despise those who like it.


I know that Brad doesn't like it or is not very happy about it but then it's up to two of them to talk about it and find a solution. If they love each other, they should be able to stay together with or without fisting - but without praying it out by some shrink.

The point the shrink (and I) was making was that any kind of sex, fisting or otherwise, that a person does to bring themselves down, that is a form of self-abasement, is a psychological issue. If Robbie was enjoying it because he has amazing f**king orgasms, I think that's cool. But if he does it because he wants to feel bad about himself, that's another issue.


You know, it is entirely possible that as the story progresses Robbie evolves to the point where it becomes simply a pleasurable act, and in that context, maybe Brad will actually enjoy it as well. 0:)

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Mark M, I agree, MA's writing isn't near a brutal in descriptives as VLista's...but VLista's is also very real...the real horrors of child abuse are not to be discounted. His story Shane was the first I read here that had me in tears...I was belted by my stepfather (only the first one), but through Vlista's story, realized it for what it was...abuse from an uncaring person.


Yeah i found vlista made me really think on how i wanted to be as a person, how i wanted to treat people like me or different from myself. He made me listen to what was out there and teach me what "Could" happen....course if i never did read it i might have outed myself by now possibly...because what he write's is intimidating, but mainly i really wanted to work at an awesome bible camp that i've been going to for 10 years, and a junior councelor, so i decided to closet myself even farther and now i'm scared of being tracked down and sued or accused if i do come out now. ah well, i know now that i will never attend the camp again, because we had a guy named vavey from austraila come to our camp and say he was basicaly a homosexual who believed in God and got over it....and is "learning" about girls...i was just discusted. almost up and left, but then i knew i'd out myself right there....i just feel sad for them....Canadian relgions are starting to accept the "gay" factor but still any practise in homosexuality is a no right there...dissapointing. Vlista adressing the religious issue the way he did with his one story was amazing, it was the last story i've read (besides One moment of course cuz that's Technically new...tho it's two years old)


Anyway Chapter 12 right at midnight the next day i find compleatly hilarious there Mark. Never two chapters in a day! but in less then 24 hours is ok tho!! lol Really good chapter and i'm sooooooo pissed we are left hanging over who the father is...i hope it's jack just to piss myself off more....But i'm thinking Armand since i think he was partialy the same nationality as Darius...Lovley boy that one, can totaly tell when the 1990's roll around our point of view for the story might switch.


Anyway Keep em Coming! way to good!

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Vlista adressing the religious issue the way he did with his one story was amazing, it was the last story i've read (besides One moment of course cuz that's Technically new...tho it's two years old)

That would be his story Unbreakable Faith...very nicely done...but earthshaking in the terror that it induces...


There's one that I would ask you to read, I'll have to find the title for you and get back...it's not a VLista or Mark Arbour, but is well written, albeit definitely fantasy...the relationships in it are wonderful.

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Really good chapter and i'm sooooooo pissed we are left hanging over who the father is...i hope it's jack just to piss myself off more....But i'm thinking Armand since i think he was partialy the same nationality as Darius...Lovley boy that one, can totaly tell when the 1990's roll around our point of view for the story might switch.


Anyway Keep em Coming! way to good!

It's going to be some Hayes, you'll see! :-D the second child will be Hayes and both Brad and Robbie are going to have a godchild. :-D

But the father in question is that one of Darius - I thought that was some Iranian student or someone like that. But that could be just a cover. Really interesting theme for speculations, much lighter than who's gonna die or break up.


Armand wasn't Iranian, but from the French lower nobility as I remember, Isidore's nephew...

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That would be his story Unbreakable Faith...very nicely done...but earthshaking in the terror that it induces...


There's one that I would ask you to read, I'll have to find the title for you and get back...it's not a VLista or Mark Arbour, but is well written, albeit definitely fantasy...the relationships in it are wonderful.

Oh!! Awesome that's something i wouldn't mind reading again. I miss Vlista's Writing :( I've read everything like twice and after that...you know whats gona happen...so you wait some years and then read it again :D


It's going to be some Hayes, you'll see! :-D the second child will be Hayes and both Brad and Robbie are going to have a godchild. :-D

But the father in question is that one of Darius - I thought that was some Iranian student or someone like that. But that could be just a cover. Really interesting theme for speculations, much lighter than who's gonna die or break up.


Armand wasn't Iranian, but from the French lower nobility as I remember, Isidore's nephew...

Armand Lower french nobility....cool. Hmmm Iranian? Petra Arkan!!(just kiddin, if u've read "Enders Game" In high school you might know her as a Battle School Student.)

Now i'm pissled(pissed and puzzled) lol i wana know >.> :P Exciting!!


Maybe Ace is the father of Darius! Wouldn't that be a twist & a half! :D

Um....i think i'd have to have brad hit Ace. Cuz they are family....then the kid will be Brused!! or born with a disability, and frankly if i knew a child i was having with a wife, which never will be, was going to have a "Sickness" or a "Disability" i'm Pretty much all for abortion because why would you put anyone through that??? Course that's my opionin and who am i to make the decision who lives or dies....or at least that's an arguement that's been put up against it for years.

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hehehe...maybe Mark is vying for a 2009 "King of Clifhangers" nomination.


There hasn't been an Iranian character in the story that I can remember. Maybe that's a ruse? :blink: Bitty did imply that Darius' father would be someone Brad knows. I can't figure it out.


Ace??? That would be so wrong! :angry: Besides, he's already getting plenty. :D

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Looks like Robbie is getting over the whole fisting thing, but I can't help but wonder if it will last.

Very little surprise at Sam & Jake being HIV+, really a shame because I liked Sam's character way back when he wasn't a ass....


I only said that Ace might be the father of Darius, he has the right heritage for it! Though not falling for the Iranian student ruse.

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Looks like Robbie is getting over the whole fisting thing, but I can't help but wonder if it will last.

Very little surprise at Sam & Jake being HIV+, really a shame because I liked Sam's character way back when he wasn't a ass....


I only said that Ace might be the father of Darius, he has the right heritage for it! Though not falling for the Iranian student ruse.

Darius is half Iranian, a look that gives him an almost Hispanic appearance. Ace is French. The only thing they'd presumably have in common is dark hair. Just to set the record straight.

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Interesting. I had kind of wondered what Jeff had been up to when JP left him in Paris. Not sure I am liking the direction Mouse is taking. poor guy needs a break. :(




Hang in there. I'm a sucker for happy endings.

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ch. 14 was a nice treat in Paris...nothing too eventful for a change...Marcel was a nice twist...although I was sort of expecting Jeff to have left a son behind somewhere...just a coincidence that it was the city they moved to, hmm?


I'm feeling really sorry for Mouse...there's never been any indication of either JP or Mouse being on any retrovirals or early cocktail drugs to keep the HIV at bay...so Mouse may have one of the faster mutations of the HIV virus...sorry to see him go if that's the case..."Abuse victim falls to AIDS" as a storyline, even a backstory, is such a hard thing...

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ch. 14 was a nice treat in Paris...nothing too eventful for a change...Marcel was a nice twist...although I was sort of expecting Jeff to have left a son behind somewhere...just a coincidence that it was the city they moved to, hmm?


I'm feeling really sorry for Mouse...there's never been any indication of either JP or Mouse being on any retrovirals or early cocktail drugs to keep the HIV at bay...so Mouse may have one of the faster mutations of the HIV virus...sorry to see him go if that's the case..."Abuse victim falls to AIDS" as a storyline, even a backstory, is such a hard thing...

Your a year ahead of your time. AZT, the first retroviral drug, was introduced in March, 1987

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Really enjoyed Ch14. Loved the fact another kid pops outta no where. lol. They sure got around in the 60's :D

Just wonder how Marcel is going to react when he finds out Mouse & JP are HIV+. If I remember righhtly, people wern't too nice back then, even to the point of being downright evil. Sadly in some quaters that's the case today.

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YAY, MARK!!! Ch. 15 was great!

I'm so glad to find that Marcel has been given over to the Cramptons, et al., and that JP is now negative!

But I still feel really bad for Mouse...too bad he couldn't have a similar situation...or could he? What if his system has just been compromised by the drugs and drinking he was doing,

and his test was also, as a fluke, a false positive? His fatigue could be, perhaps, the onset of hepatitis or something


Edited by kjames
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