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Irrational Fears, what are yours?


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I think Steve mentioned in a blog (not the one about being a Pr*ck in a previous life :lol: ) but about the evil puff of air glaucoma test that eye doctor perform. To this day, I still jump or blink my eyes early whenever I have to take that test. Rationally speaking, I know it won't hurt, so why do I still jump?


Then I started thinking what are my other irrational fears? Here they are:


1) Eye/Puff of air test

2) Opening up a tube of refrigerator dough like Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls or Biscuits - I always hold my breath or squint my eyes because I'm afraid that stuff will come flying out or explode all over the place

3) Popping a balloon - Still can't do it :(


What are yours?


ok, I'm a big sissy, so sue me :P

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I think Steve mentioned in a blog (not the one about being a Pr*ck in a previous life :lol: ) but about the evil puff of air glaucoma test that eye doctor perform. To this day, I still jump or blink my eyes early whenever I have to take that test. Rationally speaking, I know it won't hurt, so why do I still jump?


Then I started thinking what are my other irrational fears? Here they are:


1) Eye/Puff of air test

2) Opening up a tube of refrigerator dough like Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls or Biscuits - I always hold my breath or squint my eyes because I'm afraid that stuff will come flying out or explode all over the place

3) Popping a balloon - Still can't do it :(


What are yours?


ok, I'm a big sissy, so sue me :P


Nah, we all have a bit of 'sissy' in us. I can never pop a balloon either. The one time I actually did, though, was an accident and I freaked out thinking it would blow up in my face! :lol:


Also (and I know how silly this must sound), I sometimes worry that my parents or people around me can hear my thoughts. So if I have a crush on someone and fantasize about them I get paranoid and wonder if they're seeing me see them in my head. :blink:

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I actually do suffer from Glaucoma, so I am not afraid of that.


1. I am afraid of darkness and silence together. I am fine with either separately, but if they occur together like walking alone at night; I am really afraid. It's just eerie and you are expecting something from nothing.


2. This is a recurring dream of mine and a deep fear; I am afraid to have gained everything I could ever desire, but lose everything I ever loved. I blame this on a high school course, where we watched Citizen Kane and talked about the meanings behind it.


Irrational right or prophetic?

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I can't touch fish especially when it still has it's head on! Even fillets are a struggle, I tend to use a slice & maneuver them that way if I have to cook them. Strangely enough I can eat tuna, go figure!


Also, any dead mice or birds left my cats, I cannot pick them up, totally grosses me out. Have to get the pooper scooper to move them. :lol:

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Totally laughing about the tube of dough and not the least apologetic. :P


Rubber bands. Specifically when people stretch them in a way that resembles shooting them. Really freaks me out. :(

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Totally laughing about the tube of dough and not the least apologetic. :P


Rubber bands. Specifically when people stretch them in a way that resembles shooting them. Really freaks me out. :(


Well that's good to know. One of my hidden talents: I'm practically a marksman with a rubber band. :2hands:

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Mine are:


1.heights...but if im on an airplane i have to be in a window seat so i can see whats going on or i flip out


2. After Death...i have scared myself into a pit of pondering about what will happen to me after i die (i.e. heaven or hell, reincarnation or am i just a lost soul floating into the pits of space)

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Mine are:


1.heights...but if im on an airplane i have to be in a window seat so i can see whats going on or i flip out


2. After Death...i have scared myself into a pit of pondering about what will happen to me after i die (i.e. heaven or hell, reincarnation or am i just a lost soul floating into the pits of space)

I wouldn't have said heights was irrational. But after death is weird man! :lol:

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Being in an enclosed space, which is funny caves don't bother me. Lately I notice that I get uncomfortable with two many people in a room, I need to get space.

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For me, it's height. We have a piece of equipment we use at work that goes up maybe 30 ft. It tends to wobble some when I get up that high. Put me on 200, 300, or 400 ft. coaster and there's no problem at all.

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Umm, Mine is canned dog food, because of the smell and the horse testies that I've seen. YUCK!!! and also Bird poo. Participially Seagull poo. that makes me barf like a trooper.


I'm a demi-sissy I think. :)

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I can only think of three at the time. lol


1. Identical twins


2. Other people reading my thoughts.


3. Getting stuck and unable to move what-so-ever.




See, I always thought of identical twins as being erotic. :P

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Irrational fears huh? Hmmm


I honestly can't think of any off hand. I'm hesitant around snakes and spiders, but not debilitatingly so and I don't think it's all that irrational since they might be poisonous.


I used to have a phobia of blades, and cheese graters, but I'm mostly over it now.


I'm perhaps a mild germaphobe, but not too bad.



I actually do suffer from Glaucoma, so I am not afraid of that.



sorry to hear that :(

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Oddly enough I no longer have a fear of death, I went thru to much shit, prolonged pain is something I wouldn't want to feel before death, but it would only be excruciating pain that I would fear now.

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