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Never heard of Susan Boyle?


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OMG! She's my inspiration! Seriously! Society is too quick to judge a person based on his or her physical appearance; such discrimination obscures talents, such as Boyle's. Talents, not physical appearances, are priceless. According to psychologists, a person is able to form an opinion on anyone based on his or her appearance for the first 15 seconds. She's not just amazing, but she's like what Holden said, "the biggest wake up call ever." Her voice was sensational and truly amazing - perhaps even beyond that realm of 'sensational' in the near future.


I'm sure a lot of feminists will have something to say about her. :)

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I saw her last night on the TV here in Melbourne, on one of the current affair programs (my excuse was that I was channel surfing as she came on... 0:) ) The interesting part was the reactions of the judges. You could see that they weren't impressed and weren't expecting much when she came out, and then they went into collective shock when they heard her voice.

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I don't really see the big deal. I mean, yeah, she has a good voice, but it's not a *phenomenal* voice. It's lovely, and she interprets well, but if you'd just been sent that song without any video to listen to, I think most of you would've shrugged it off. I've seen Les Miz several times and the actresses playing Fantine in all of the performances were miles better.


I think the big deal was the judges admitting on national television that they are often too quick to judge based on external appearance. They're getting people to question their preconceived notions, which is nice.


But the next world superstar? Nah. It's a blip.

Edited by Cynical Romantic
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OK, I'm going to go all mushy here and say that I really found her performance to be heartwarming, in a humanistic kind of way. I mean think about it. Here's this ugly, 47 year old unemployed woman who has NEVER EVEN BEEN KISSED, lived all her life being teased and harassed (I bet no one here can relate to that) and she finds the balls to go out on this stage in front of a whole bunch of people and assholes like Simon Cowell. She stands there, simple and open about who she is and her goals, and everyone snickers at her. The judges, the audience, everyone. They're thinking they'll get a British version of "She Bang". And what happens? She opens her mouth and sings, and it is truly beautiful. She sings out loud, and proud, belts out the words and puts her all into it.


And all of the beautiful people who ridiculed her (either out loud or internally) are forced to sit up and realize that maybe, just maybe, what you see outside isn't the most important thing in the world. That maybe, just maybe, external beauty doesn't transcend internally, and that internal beauty can hide behind an ugly exterior.

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LOL! Bucket "it's Bu Ket".


I thought Susan was absolutly fantastic when she started singing and was like "YOU GO WOMAN! Show those people for judging you so fast" i like when she was wiggling her hips before she started singing. Everyone was laughing at her. They aren't laughing anymore.


I'll admit when she first walked out here's this woman who isn't the best looking woman and i'm like "Ok what is she gonna do? Then i'm like "What this show has no age limit to be a contestant?" I know our Idol over here is like 26 or 28 i think. And American Idol i think is 30?? The America's got talent has ALOT of freaks.


Les Miserables is one of my favorite plays it's depressing and everyone has to fight for what they believe in and what they want outta life. I thought the song was fitting :) . And was singing along with her.

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My mom showed me the video of Susan singing just a couple days ago. I was speechless, she's absolutely amazing.


And I watched the video for Paul Potts from the link and WOW. That man can project. He was brilliant. Why the hell was he working in a phone store? lol

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OK, I'm going to go all mushy here and say that I really found her performance to be heartwarming..... And all of the beautiful people who ridiculed her are forced to sit up and realize that maybe, just maybe, what you see outside isn't the most important thing in the world. That maybe, just maybe, external beauty doesn't transcend internally, and that internal beauty can hide behind an ugly exterior.

I agree 100 % with Mark. The song is wonderful and I had tears in the eyes to listen. But most important is the fact that 10 millions people could in a few hours feel the same emotion. We are living in a NEW world, we now communicate instantaneous earthwide and share our feelings with no limits !

The net as, an instrument of been together, in spite of the distance, is a powerful mean, for the best and perhaps for the worst. Sometimes I shiver....

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My mom showed me the video of Susan singing just a couple days ago. I was speechless, she's absolutely amazing.


And I watched the video for Paul Potts from the link and WOW. That man can project. He was brilliant. Why the hell was he working in a phone store? lol






Where did you find these guys? A band where ALL the guys are cute?!?!? That's so rare today--there's usually one that's a throwaway...

Can I take them home? :P

Edited by kjames
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My mom showed me the video of Susan singing just a couple days ago. I was speechless, she's absolutely amazing.


And I watched the video for Paul Potts from the link and WOW. That man can project. He was brilliant. Why the hell was he working in a phone store? lol


:) , yeah, he won the 2007 series of Britain's Got Talent and now performs around the world. he has just released his 2nd album I think.


this is him performing on stage in Glasgow last year - i love this song, even if it maybe isn't his best ever performance.

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Where did you find these guys? A band where ALL the guys are cute?!?!? That's so rare today--there's usually one that's a throwaway...

Can I take them home? :P


I have to debate the guy sitting on the left. not sure about him :) . but mcfly been around aggges.

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I have to debate the guy sitting on the left. not sure about him :) . but mcfly been around aggges.


I don't know. He looks to be about 25, probably pretty wealthy if the band is doing well..


Hey James, I think we found your man! :P

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I don't know. He looks to be about 25, probably pretty wealthy if the band is doing well..


Hey James, I think we found your man! :P


Oh he was wealthy before the band I think. Or maybe it isn't him, but one of the others. But he is the main songwriter I think. I think I'm biased, I met him once, and I am convinced that he 'stole' my new poncho as it disappeared just after he left the seat next to me. have no other clue what happened to it :) .

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She's simply amazing. She also sang one of my favorite songs ever, and her rendition was superb! :wub:


B) .........She was stunning in her performance, I hope she will go far, but it seems she already has made 'deals' in the works after that night. I was astounded by her voice, I looked into it after it became a sensation and listened to the audience along with the judges before she sang. I have to admit I was with the crowd thinking we had a flake out there pushing herself where she didn't belong, and I'm ashamed to say that I also pre-judged her before hearing her talent. No matter how far she goes, I will always remember that I pre-judged her, and at my fault, she is very talented.

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B) .........She was stunning in her performance, I hope she will go far, but it seems she already has made 'deals' in the works after that night. I was astounded by her voice, I looked into it after it became a sensation and listened to the audience along with the judges before she sang. I have to admit I was with the crowd thinking we had a flake out there pushing herself where she didn't belong, and I'm ashamed to say that I also pre-judged her before hearing her talent. No matter how far she goes, I will always remember that I pre-judged her, and at my fault, she is very talented.

Yeah, everyone at work was of the same opinion, I love this show! :lol: We have some real beauties on tonights installment, I like the really bad ones though. :D

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She wasn't WONDERFUL... but she was damned good. It's so sad that she's 47 and not polished. If she were 27 years younger, 50 pounds lighter, and had an eyebrow wax... she'd have it made. Sooooo rooting for her. ~sigh~ People deserve a decent break at least once in their lives.


And I did see this a while back, and was impressed by her. Thought they were gonna rip her apart and was wincing at first. Hehehe, btw, Paul Potts... found him a bit overrated. He should not have been singing Nessun Dorma. In fact, no one should ever sing it again, because against Pavarotti, everyone sounds laughable. It's just one of those songs that is a huge no-no, regardless of who you are. He was good, don't get me wrong, but I think it was poor choice on his part.

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She wasn't WONDERFUL... but she was damned good. It's so sad that she's 47 and not polished. If she were 27 years younger, 50 pounds lighter, and had an eyebrow wax... she'd have it made. Sooooo rooting for her. ~sigh~ People deserve a decent break at least once in their lives.


:lmao: Meow! You saying she needs a makeover & liposuction?! :P

Agreed though, she deserves her time in the spotlight, because these days it doesn't seem to last very long!

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