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Ghosts and UFO's: The truth is out there


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I believe in ghosts and have seen one with my own eyes (same one twice) and has an terrifying interaction with it. With witnesses who until that moment didn't believe in ghosts.


UFOs? I take them on faith. Can't say I've seen one.


God? God doesn't exist. My life is proof of that.

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I've had at least a couple of times in my life where the experience I sensed were perhaps best explained by the presence of ghosts. I suppose there are perfectly good scientific explanations involving sounds of wood settling or wind-gusts and refocusing on reflections in a window until I imagined a face there, but none of these scientific explanations account for the emotional responses following, like why my hand was shaking or why I felt more sensitive to the world.


And science doesn't explain why I woke up one night alone by myself but feeling as though someone had sat upon the edge of my bed, only to discover that the timing worked out with a close friend of mine dying in a car crash thousands of miles away at the time-zone adjusted same hour of my experience. Perhaps its all just coincidence, I don't know, but ...



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I think we've all had moments like that, where you feel like some-one's walking over your grave so to speak. However there seems to be a logical and scientific explanation for most things.


Coincidence maybe, yeah a big one, or the mind can play some wicked games with us sometimes. Either way, the chances of it being a ghost are close to zero I feel.


As for UFOs, well that is a totally different kettle of fish. Are we really naive enough to believe that we're the only living race in the universe. As vast as it is, there is, I believe, something out there! :P

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Seems like we are discussing UFO's and ghosts together, so I changed the title.


I get strange feelings when I enter certain houses like there is something in there. It's pretty odd feeling, I can't truly describe it, but it's just odd. They look like normal homes and seem fine to most people, but I get this strange feeling as I enter them. Maybe, I'm psychic. :D (Honestly, it's sometimes just nerves, but there are places that does cause my senses to go overdrive.)


I've seen a few possible ghosts in my life; once in a hospital after a surgery, and a second time possibly walking home. In the hospital, it was just a creepy experience as a kid just finishing surgery and meeting a cancer patient. I would explain it more from post surgery Anastassia and blurred vision from the eye surgery creating false sense of perception.


Next experience was walking home one night and being told by some stranger to take another route home. I walked a bit and turned my head, then he was gone. There was nothing wrong with walking my usual path home like an accident or something, but I don't know, perhaps there was. That experience was just plain creepy.


As for UFO's, I have seen the occasional light in the sky, but I am betting they are satellites rather than alien space craft. I do believe there has been first contact with other species, but it would be kept secret more for our benefit than anything else. Think what would happen if Religious fanatics learned we are not the chosen race of God. It would destroy a lot of our society with the implications of alien life forms, who are not human looking like in Sci-fi.

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I think that was Krista's shoe heading for Eric's head! :P


Darn right it was. :)



As for UFOs and Ghosts... I don't believe in either. There are a lot of unexplained things though, so maybe in the future, some of what a lot of people has seen or thought they saw will come to light.



Now Big foot.. is a totally different matter. ;)

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Darn right it was. :)



As for UFOs and Ghosts... I don't believe in either. There are a lot of unexplained things though, so maybe in the future, some of what a lot of people has seen or thought they saw will come to light.



Now Big foot.. is a totally different matter. ;)


B) ..........In Krista's defense, it was big something!!!

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That's explained by chaos theory in a controlled system. Computer theory is interesting.


It is actually explained very simply by bad or shortsighted programming.



Gosh, a lot of you people have disappointed me. You don't believe in God, ghosts, UFO's of anything else that isn't made of concrete.


You have limited your world to such a tiny place.


I would be interested in knowing WHY people are so uncomfortable with possibilities they can't explain?


Can one believe in suspended belief? I have no clue if there REALLY is a God or if there REALLY are ghosts or if there REALLY is such a thing as an honest politician or lawyer, but hey! I believe in the possibility of the option at least.


You call it limiting my world, I call it rational.


I am not uncomfortable with things I cant explain. On the contrary, I am comfortable with knowing that there is a rational explanation for everything which I may yet be unaware of.

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It's odd that people believe in UFO's and aliens, but they do not believe in ghosts. UFO's have fascinated people for just as long as ghosts have. Stories of strange flying objects have been around for centuries; they use to be associated with Angels and God/Gods. Aliens have become focused in the mid-20th century and onward.



Well, if you break it down, believing in UFOs is a litmus test on whether you think we're alone in the Universe; is their intelligent life out there? An existential follow up is "are we intelligent?" but that's not the issue here.


Believing in ghosts, that's the litmus test for belief in the supernatural.


My votes: UFOs - Yes, Ghosts - No.




I agree with Mark; I think believing in ghosts and believing in UFOs are two completely different things and aren't closely related to the same thought processes.


By and large I also agree with his assessment.


I would say that other life out there somewhere in the universe is pretty much a given. Statistically it just seems ridiculous to think otherwise. I think that other intelligent life, advanced enough to travel around space - and visit us in particular - is much more iffy, but certainly possible.


Ghosts? I'm remarkably neutral. Intellectually I'm inclined to not believe in them; spiritually I'm inclined to give them some credence. If I had to pick I'd say I don't believe in them, but it's not a "no way" kind of a no, it's more of a shrug with a "I don't really think so."


I'd take the whole thing pretty casually. If it turned out ghosts did exist the extent of my reaction would be along the lines of, "oh well, guess I was wrong." Sort of like saying, "nah, I don't think it's going to rain," only to hear thunder an hour later. No big shocker, just not really what I was expecting.


I don't really care either. I have no particular reason to assume they are either unilaterally malicious or benevolent. If they are the incarnation of people deceased, then I imagine the vast majority are pretty well balanced between mean and kind - just like living people. So I don't really care if they exist either. I mean not from a, "oh no they're going to get me" perspective nor from a "yay someone to protect me," perspective. If anything, I'd just be a bit annoyed that they might be invading my privacy.



Eh, just my thoughts,



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Have you been slapped across the face when it's only you in the room? Have you been caressed at other times when it's only you in the room? Have you felt a hot breath on your ear? Tripped/pushed down when there is nothing to trip on? Had something slapped out of your hand (drinking glass) ending up on the other side of the room shattered? Have you had two different people from opposite side of the country who have never seeing each other tell you what's going on? Tell you there is a spirit with you (and I won't even post his description here!!! it ain't pretty!)? Have you been showering and all of a sudden had a very strong smell of cigarette smoke?

But that's just one spirit, there have been MANY others, but those have been good to me.

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Have you been slapped across the face when it's only you in the room? Have you been caressed at other times when it's only you in the room? Have you felt a hot breath on your ear? Tripped/pushed down when there is nothing to trip on? Had something slapped out of your hand (drinking glass) ending up on the other side of the room shattered? Have you had two different people from opposite side of the country who have never seeing each other tell you what's going on? Tell you there is a spirit with you (and I won't even post his description here!!! it ain't pretty!)? Have you been showering and all of a sudden had a very strong smell of cigarette smoke?

But that's just one spirit, there have been MANY others, but those have been good to me.


:hug::hug::hug::hug: You need a few of these hugs.


Psychological ghosts, they are just as horrifying as the worst poltergeist of fiction

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Psychological???? WTF?


Sorry, I thought you were referencing something else. I have heard about abuse victims having latent memories of their abuse. Being haunted by ghosts of things past is another aspect.


There is an interesting line between psychological ghosts and physical manifestations of the deceased souls. Mark and Kevin have highlighted doubt on the existence of ghosts, but I would say psychological ghosts under their presented views would still be real.


The physical manifestation of deceased people is something that extends beyond just mortal fears or memories; it extends to the very boundaries of knowledge and perception. It wouldn't just be a question of life after death, but the very ability and limitation of scientific thought for the creation of the paranormal. If skepticism is the beginning of scientific inquiry into the natural order of life, then I would counter the disbelief in ghost and other paranormal phenomena by scientific evidence and say skepticism of scientific principles is also necessary.


UFO's had a similar history of disbelief due to the association of UFO's with sensitive issues of national security and secret black projects. As for the alien connection, as I stated earlier, it would not really alter my view that there is alien life and we have made contact. The issue would be in our ability to deal with alien relations. Human beings are stupid and small minded in many ways. Religion, societal patterns, and other things might be changed inexorably by these beings.


For instance, let's hypothetically say these beings have one sex and believe in no higher being. What would happen to the God fearing people of earth at that point? Some will condemn these beings and cause an interstellar incident that might turn a peaceful first contact into a bitter feud. Before we can accepts our friends from the stars, we must accept ourselves and without that first step of accepting human differences among our species, then we will not be ready for the strange life forms in the universe.

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Wen i totally agree with you on this "I get strange feelings when I enter certain houses like there is something in there. It's pretty odd feeling, I can't truly describe it, but it's just odd. They look like normal homes and seem fine to most people, but I get this strange feeling as I enter them. Maybe, I'm psychic. biggrin.gif (Honestly, it's sometimes just nerves, but there are places that does cause my senses to go overdrive.)"


There's an abandoned building near this apartment building i used to live in. It used to be a mill of some sort. Well this guy broke in or worked there or whatever killed himself and set the building on fire. This building was built in 1929 i think it says on the one doorway. Theres no roof no doors and you can go walk around in there it's one floor and the floor is dirt lol. As a kid i always found that building creepy but fun to play in. There's handprint paint on the windows and doorways.


Then theres normal pretty homes like the ones the nuns here live in whenever i go for coffee and if i take that street i'll cross the street most of the time so i don't have to walk beside the nun's house. My 1 friend even finds the nuns house creepy. That might be just nerves and me and my catholic guilt ? ha ha.


Though there is times when i'm by myself i feel like people are watching me in the hedges and that. I will not walk through this 1 dirt road at nighttime when i had to go visit my 1 friend down at them same apartments i'll take the extra 20 minutes and walk the long way. Only time i will ever walk through there is if i'm with ALOT of people an flashlights. Same thing goes for the mountian by my house because i know people were killed up there back in the day. I won't go through there at nighttime. And theres another house where this killer used to live i'll always cross the street before i get there. Unless in the day time. Though that has to do with being chased through it by people were not going to get into here. "Pyschological Ghosts" as you said.

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I thought he meant that you were crazy. :D


LOL thanks for your support dear Mark! LOL but we already knew i was. By the way, I will read the reply left by W.L. tomorrow since I'm not in shape to read it right now, but let me just say, about the abuse victim bit... The man/person that is going to abuse me ain't born yet!

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Though there is times when i'm by myself i feel like people are watching me in the hedges and that. I will not walk through this 1 dirt road at nighttime when i had to go visit my 1 friend down at them same apartments i'll take the extra 20 minutes and walk the long way.


Stop smoking that wacky backy and they won't look at you anylonger!! :P

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Fascinating topic! I'm not sure what to make of it all. There are plenty of creapy things I can explain away. For example there is a wooden floor in my home that creaks as though someone is walking across it. There is a temperature gradient across the floor. One end is hot while the other is cold during the day and the hot end gets cold while the cold end gets hot at night.

Then there are the things that do not make much sense like hearing footsteps aproach me on a marble floor and seeing no one comming. I have seen some orbs of light flying around a room once. (I think technicaly that could count as a UFO too.) I blame that on too much cafeen but who knows.

In any case I love a ghost story. I watch Ghost Hunters all the time. For those not familiar with the show, it is a reality show where plumers try to understand hauntings. They bring a down to Earth common sense aproach to the paranormal.

As for UFOs, I can't say a whole lot. I'm near sighted so I am the last person to try identifying things. I have no doubt that there could be life in another solar system. There are many extrasolar planets and there is no reason why there could not be creatures living on them.

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I believe in ghosts and all that great stuff. I love ghost stories, and I love ghost hunter shows. I want to go on a ghost hunt at some point. I've never seen a ghost or had a paranormal experience, but I hope it happens someday!!!


One of my mentors worked at the haunted museum Fort Delaware in Delaware. He's seen ghosts and such. He's explained that there are two different types of ghosts- the first, and most common, are ghosts that work as "snapshots" of a previous time, like a place memory. Here, you're seeing somebody going about their daily business on some long-ago day, unaware that they are no longer living. They do not interact with the living. The second type are the "smart" hauntings, in which the spirit is able to interact with the living. These are the ones who do the moving about of objects and such. Much less common, but they get told about more, it seems.


Here's a clip from the show "Most Haunted", which investigated Fort Delaware. I love the over-the-top campiness of this show, LOL.




Anyway, I'll ask around my friends; see if any of them have some good stories.

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They're out there, they may not make contact with us but they are there. The Green Bank Equation (N=R*fp ne fl fi fc L) states that even with 1 as each of the values still leaves a minimum of 1 million planets sustaining intelligent life in our galaxy wioth the average distance being a few hundred light-years away.





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I love learning about regional stuff. There are plenty of places around Boston that is supposedly haunted as well. Methodwriter if you hear anything good please tell me.

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I am a mystic healer...I can manipulate the power of blue energy (originating in the larynx) to control death and disease to a greater or lesser extent. However it comes at great risk to myself as I open the doors of death to myself, so I've almost killed myself several times during healings.


At every funeral I've gone to I can see the deceased there in the physical form they most enjoyed during life. A funeral is a celebration and death a new beginning from the dead's perspective.


Some call it an aura, but to me it is their raw emotion spilling out. I can sense how those around me are feeling and reacting to conversation and the general course of the day.


Everyone has a guardian, guide and protector...they are your spiritual family. People you may or may not have known in your life, but their purpose in death is to guide you along your life's journey...they do not and cannot intervene unless you allow them to.


As for my haunting? I killed a man to protect my 'innocence' if you will. Now he's pissed off and wants revenge My first post accurately enough describes what he does, along with appearing in mirrors and taking a traditional 'ghost form' during the summer solstice (Northern Hemisphere)

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Christians do not believe in Reincarnation


Interesting, most Christians believe in an eternal soul, but they do not believe in reincarnation.


The examiner article is interesting. I remember some one saying that believing in ghosts means you accept the paranormal or spiritual concepts of life, but what does believing in reincarnation mean if spiritualist reject the concept.

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