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Getting in shape

Prince Duchess

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Ok so recently i've been wanting to get in shape which is something ive never done or tried before and lately ive been really woried about my weight so i checked out my BMI and it told me some things i didnt wanna hear but i thought was true. I'm 60 pounds overweight for my height. And with the medica condition i have the more i excercise the better my treatment on dialysis goes. So im wondering whats the best way to excercise and how can i keep myself motivated enough to keep doing it daily.




Any thoughts

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depends what your medical condition is?


id say start walking twice a day and try to eat like fruit or cereal a few hours before you do and afterward but dont exercise again for a bit if you don't eat.


swimming is another good one.


its rough to keep a routine for exercising daily but the more you do it, the more youll want to keep doing it cause it releases dopamine. youll start to feel better more each time. just keep making yourself and soon youll be wantin to do it.


EATING- dont starve yourself. drop the soda (if you drink it) soda is the downfall of mankind lol.

Edited by C.L.L
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Good for you!


It's good to hear you're going to "make the leap" into fitness. It can be hard.


Here's what worked for me, posed as advice to you:


1. If you have a medical condition, talk to your doctor(s) about what exercises are appropriate for you. I have a bad back, I have to be pretty careful about strength training.

2. Do you have a morning routine? Incorporate exercise into it. It should be as fixed in your routine as bathing or brushing your teeth. After 1 week of routine exercise, you will miss it when you don't do it. This is where good results are born. If a morning routine doesn't work, then at least set aside an exercise hour, every day, and stick to that schedule.

3. You must eat breakfast within 1 hour of waking up. Blood sugars, and therefore appetite, will be all over the map if you don't. This is the most common reason for me to need a candy bar at 2 PM if I don't eat breakfast by 8 AM. A stable metabolism will make mealtimes predictable and you'll eat less too.

4. Change your diet to a healthy one - low in fats and empty calories, stop buying boxed food. Fruits, meats, veggies, some grains. Don't fall for a fad diet. All you need to change is calorie intake. A healthy diet will do this for you. But exercising doesn't help if you don't make calorie intake less than your energy output during exercise.

5. Don't fall into the trap of not eating - as you lose weight, you may actually eat more because you're using more calories. 3 meals a day.

6. Go for walks. Every day, after dinner, at least a mile (1/2 mile there and back). Even if it's mall walking.

7. Don't work for, and don't expect, instant gratification. Weight taken off quickly comes back quickly.

8. You will notice a rapid weight loss as you begin exercising and eating to lose weight - I lost ten pounds in a week. This is water loss. You will plateau as the real pounds come off. I lost 30 pounds in about 3 months and people were telling me it was too fast.



Thank you for asking this question. I have gained weight back because of an illness and now need to get back on the elliptical. :P


Have fun! Want to have a weight challenge?



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I don't go in for all these faddy diets, but I do try and stick to low fat foods. Plenty of chicken, salads, low fat dressings, fruit, nuts, yogurt and at least 2 litres of water a day.

If you feel hungry during the day don't snack! Drink a large glass of water, it will surpress the munchies.


I do, or did before I broke my leg, go to the gym 3 times a week and swim for an hour in the morning 5 days a week.

I like to have a blow out now and again, with the exercise I never have to worry about the chocolate muffins, beer or take outs. But I do try and limit them to the weekend.

Oh, and plenty of sex. That way you can have your cake and eat it. :P


It's not for everyone, but works for me.

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There must be a lot of it about. I broke my back in '97 and piled on the weight. I have tried dieting but not really got anywhere. Exercise is pretty much out of the question.... for a number of reasons, although I have tried to do more than I used to.... it is easy to let the dormouse take control when he has an excuse... and pain is only an excuse.


I cracked it by not dieting ... If I diet I obsess, if I just concentrate on eating more healthily and doing a little more exercise it seems to be working. I have lost almost 50 lb in a year. And I have about the same to go. I am so much better for it though.


I know how hard it is so I wish you all the absolute best of luck

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Before I cracked my ribs, I would run about 4 miles a day, 2 in the morning and 2 at evening and I take karate and brazilian jiu jitsu every tuesday and thursday. all i can do right now is walk and im ready to start running again and soon before i get lazy.

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Two things besides exercise: Eat right and eat often.


The 'three meals a day' rule works for most people, but not for others. You can make 5 smaller meals, if you can spare the time, or you can eat healthy snacks in between meals. If you are overweight because of calorie intake, then you need to gradually decrease that intake... otherwise your metabolism slows down considerably and you'll have no energy to exercise. Other important aspects of dieting are supplements: if you're taking out certain foods, or if your previous diet consisted of unhealthy foods, then consider taking a multivitamin pill. This will keep all your processes in check, which will help you shed off even more weight (the healthy way) and will even help control your appetite.


It is important that you season your food with spices... otherwise you'll be craving salty foods, and too much sodium=water retention. That doesn't mean you need to take sodium out of your diet, as your body needs it, just avoid salty/fatty foods and snacks like popcorn or chips. Another thing: not all vegetables are good diet food. Carrots and potatoes (I believe potatoes are no longer vegetables) are ridiculously rich in carbs.


That being said, there is no miracle diet. Your eating habits should be based on your lifestyle. If you're going to start lifting weights in order to lose weight, you need lots of protein (preferably plant or fibrous; ie broccoli or lentils... or even as a whey supplement). If you're gonna do cardio then you need about as much protein as you need carbs. In both cases, you have to limit the amount of fat you consume.


You have the rest of your life to lose weight. Being on a diet doesn't mean that you can't go out for fear of breaking it... it just means having more self control and being aware of the choices you make. Try to spend as much time outdoors as you possibly can, away from your refrigerator. Think of it as a long-term investment, or you will cave in.


Maddy (:

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I'm also gonna get some more exercise done, I have a pretty intense job (I walk the mail 2 times a week from 8am to 6 pm) but for now my weight has established itself at a point. I want to lose some more.

So I'm gonna do some pilates and maybe bodybalance for a couple of times a week (pilates on Wednesday morning at least and 1 or 2 times a week something else). I have bad joints (at the age of 20 :/ ) so weights aren't what I'm gonna use.


but some tips for you.

1. like said before, eat 3 meals a day. also take 3 snacks in between, pref fruits or a veggie. Also, eat smaller portions and fat free,

2. don't be too strict, if you "f**k up" once, don't pine over it but just go on with your schedule. Also, don't punish yourself, it only makes you hate the losing weight and you'll see it as a obstacle instead of a road.

3. Don't go stand on the scale every day, only once a week and pref once in 2 weeks. this is mostly to keep you motivated. your weight changes a lot per day....

4. Eat healthy and exercise healthy. Do it at your own speed and don't rush it. Life is hard enough as it is don't make it any more difficult.


anyway, good luck :)

Edited by Kia Zi Shiru
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I think you already good pretty good advice here...

I'd second some of the things already said from my own experience:


dont go for a "diet" (i.e. eat different for some time and then go back to your old eating habits). That doesnt work. Change your eating habits. Avoid sugar (sodas are really bad) and fat.

Oh, and dont fall for those "fat burner" pills or any other drugs that are supposed to help you lose weight. They dont work. If they do anything, they are really harmful for your health. And cost a lot of money. No good at all.


don't put too much pressure on yourself. be patient. It does take some timeto get rid of those additional pounds.

If you have a medical condition, check with your doc what kind of exercise you can do, or which ones you should avoid. Then pick something that you really like to do and do it on a regular basis. Don't overdo.


When i started my "getting back in shape" program 10 years ago i started with swimming 3 or 4 times a week. At first it was hard for me to do 500 m (20 laps in a regular indoor pool). But it does get easier ! It really does !

Again.. dont put too much pressure on yourself... be patient.


The goal is to have fun and feel good. If you don't like what you eat, you'll not stick to it. If you don't like the workout you do, you'll not do it for long. And the goal is to change your habits in the long run - not to do something different for a short period of time.

Any sport is good. Endurance sports like walking (or running if you are in better shape), cycling or swimming is best for buring fat. Swimming is the least harmful to your back/joints etc. (compared to running which can be strainful for you back and/or knees etc.). But yea, everything that gets you moving (and that you like to do) is good. Lol, yea, lots of sex burns calories as well :-).


have fun !

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Summarized: Stop eating crap, because you probably are. And exercise. Walk/run. You will lose that 60 pounds synchy like over the next month or so. Watch what you eat and move. Simple. Find a athletic hobby even, dancing works, so does fencing or becoming a pokemon master.

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Summarized: Stop eating crap, because you probably are. And exercise. Walk/run. You will lose that 60 pounds synchy like over the next month or so. Watch what you eat and move. Simple. Find a athletic hobby even, dancing works, so does fencing or becoming a pokemon master.


A Pokemon Master? :lol:

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depends what your medical condition is?


id say start walking twice a day and try to eat like fruit or cereal a few hours before you do and afterward but dont exercise again for a bit if you don't eat.


swimming is another good one.


its rough to keep a routine for exercising daily but the more you do it, the more youll want to keep doing it cause it releases dopamine. youll start to feel better more each time. just keep making yourself and soon youll be wantin to do it.


EATING- dont starve yourself. drop the soda (if you drink it) soda is the downfall of mankind lol.


Don't worry about giving up Sodas...if you're a Coke or Pepsi drinker switch to Coke Zero (or Zero Cherry), or Pepsi 0 (0 Carbs, Sugar, Calories). Both of those "diet" sodas taste like their regular counterparts, except that the Cherry Zero is more like Black Cherry than Wild Cherry...good nonetheless...I think the soda change for Rob & I has been the biggest factor in our weight loss consistency. Our eating hasn't changed much as far as our choices of food goes, so we were already picking the right foods, but our issue was quantity and using sugary sodas. Also add the diet teas, especially the Green Teas...they're good for you. All can be counted as liquid intake toward that 64oz of water we should all be drinking. If you're earning some...get on Weight Watchers...the online support (if you sign up for their montly pass program) is excellent with weight and points tracking, and access to a recipe points builder as well as a recipe database.


I realize you're doing this for the health benefit, since you're so darned cute anyway, but Dragonfire's suggestion of plenty of sex is both good and bad...sex is terrific exercise but the endorphins released can promote weight gain if you've eaten too much and too recently--save it for well after your food is digested...or first thing in the morning... 0:)


Good luck in your efforts to improve your health! :boy:

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I wanted to be the very best - when I was younger



Yeah right... I bet 'when you were younger'. My ex is 36 and he is still collecting and still playing with out son... whether he wants to or not. I'm not sure if he is still watching the programmes though.


My son is more into Yu gi oh I could paper the walls with the cards he has, I keep finding them all over the house.


Get your game on

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I realize you're doing this for the health benefit, since you're so darned cute anyway, but Dragonfire's suggestion of plenty of sex is both good and bad...sex is terrific exercise but the endorphins released can promote weight gain if you've eaten too much and too recently--save it for well after your food is digested...or first thing in the morning... 0:)

Maybe you should eat nuts before hand then! ;)


Hehe, I can hear it now: "Babe I can't possibly have sex now, have to wait an hour for my food to go down before I can!" :lol:

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Good for you and good luck.


Depending on whether you're trying to become an adonis or just trying to be more healthy....


Walking for 20+ minutes at a good pace, breaking a sweat if you can. Eventually go farther, faster.

Eat whatever the hell you want - just keep the proportions reasonable, (That's less than the entire Haagen-Dazs container!)

Cut back or quit with the soda. Diet soda has crap in it that's hard on the kidneys and joints. Good, clean water is what a body requires.


Hide the TV remote - get up and change the channel.

Don't sit at the computer for more than 45 minutes at a time - get up and MOVE!


Find a workout buddy that is deaf to your complaints about working out. And working out doesn't have to be in an expensive gym - or even indoors!


Just move more. Plant a garden full of veggies and weed it by hand, make extra trips up or down stairs, walk to places close enough to get to; just move more. Take your nieces and nephews, cousins, siblings, whoever to the playground and PLAY!


If you're shooting for adonis status, get a personal trainer that knows what they're doing. You have specific situations that need to be kept in mind. When it's your (healthy) life we're talking, is it too expensive to go organic or pay the trainer who is nothing more than a teacher? Think of it as higher education, they can teach you a GREAT deal about how to be healthy.


I always get a kick out of people who say they can't afford to eat organic, healthy food. What they're saying is that they would rather pay for the doctors and medication...? Helloo! (As they light their cigarette or open a beer.)



Edited by Tipdin
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Everyone's pretty much said everything that's useful.


So i'll just have to go and throw WII FIT out there.


When real sports are too much effort, you can just stand in your room leaning from side to side and findng out that it's actually somehow beneficial. Plus it weighs you and does your BMI (which is hilairious to sneak on and change your friend's heights to like 3ft giving them a BMI of 82).

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So end of the first week and im doing terrible i havent excercised i have been trying to watch what i eat but now we have all the unhealthy food i like at home.




ok i lied a lil i have walked alot this week

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So end of the first week and im doing terrible i havent excercised i have been trying to watch what i eat but now we have all the unhealthy food i like at home.




ok i lied a lil i have walked alot this week



Walking is good..... anything at all that involved eating more healthily or exercising more has to be good. Don't be too hard on yourself or you are dooming yourself to fail.


You walked a lot this week.... fantasting.... Well done.

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