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How did you loose weight/keep the wieght off?

Niwa Fox Rose

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So, every time I see a hear about a hot gay guy on program. (Feast of Fun most of the time) They all say they were the 'big' kids in High School. (So I have hope!) So, I was wondering if that was true for a lot of you? Or if those are just rare cases.


If it is true, how'd you loose the weight? I'd really like to know. ^^;


If it isn't, how do you keep the weight off? I'd also like to know that too. >.>

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Well, I used to be pudgy back in the day, and even now I have to work really hard to keep it off. So I just go to the gym 3-4 times a week, and maybe add an extra hour if I've eaten candy or overdone it on the beer! Which means most days, I'm there an extra hour more than I should be! :lol:

I've tried diets & crap like that, but it ALWAYS fails. I just like my food too much I guess.

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First thing I did was get a membership to the gym and was going there 5 days a week and also quit drinking sodas. I drink close to a gallon of water a day and now I'm taking Eskrima classes (knife/stick fighting) which is quite active/fast paced. (check it out on YouTube). Now I'm planning on getting a pool membership on our local MooseLodge and will be swimming at least an hour every day. One of the most important things to do in loosing/mantaining weight is to reduce the amount of food servings that way you're still eating what you want but in less quantity. Watch out for the sugary stuff and chips, they are your enemy!! :( I was adicted to corn chips and had to stop buying them :( but the end result, when you look at yourself in the mirror is worth the sacrifice!!

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Exercise. I know it ain't easy, but that's the only way it worked for me. Not the Gym, exercise as in playing sports.


I recently joined the Gym to put some definition to my body, though. :)

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My secret? I'm naturally skinny. I can't lose or gain weight if I wanted to. My body is pretty much set on 130-135 lbs range for the past few years now.


I could pig out a whole pie of pizza one evening and lose that few pounds in a few days without any effort.


I walk a lot. I live in a city... it's a must. I don't have a car.


Couple nights ago I drank 7-8 bottles of beer, two bowls of pasta with cremy tuna sauce (friend made it for us), and two tuna sandwiches. All of that in a couple hours.


Then I went to my scale, I only gained a single pound.

Edited by Jack Frost
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I used to be heavy, but when I came out to myself at about 26-27yo, I committed to losing weight. Through a combination of exercise and eating better, I was able to get my weight down from a high of 215 down to 155lbs.


Losing weight is easy, but keeping it is really tough. I've found that it's a constant struggle to keep it off. I can blink and gain 5-10lbs. I fell off the wagon about 2 years ago, and after hitting 200lbs, I jumped back on and was able to lose 40lbs. Even now really it's all about more exercise and fewer calories.


1) Find exercise activities that you'll enjoy. Whether walking, going to the gym, bike riding, rollerblading, or jogging. If you have a dog, walk it. Anything to burn calories.


2) On the food side, cut back your calories. Cut out some of the fat, sugar, fried foods. And you can't just cut back on these things for your 'diet'. They should be lifestyle changes that you'll keep for the rest of your life.


3) Keep a journal. Track what you eat and track your weight. It will help you focus.


Good luck and keep us posted!


Take Care,



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My secret? I'm naturally skinny. I can't lose or gain weight if I wanted to. My body is pretty much set on 130-135 lbs range for the past few years now.


Me too. I think it's my metabolism.

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I can't really add much to what has already been said... i think its 2 things that work (at least for me)


1.) sport activities. I think everything works. I swim and bike an sometimes run, and go to the gym

2.) I try to eat healthy. Low fat. And not too much ;) . I don't mean a special "diet" that you do for some time... i changed my eating habits in general.

Edited by YaP
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Here's the easy way out for me at least:


I am more inclined to jogging rather than the gym scene. (It might change, because I see some very hot guys there, but love and exercise should never mix. You might end up breaking up and in a fit of madness go on binge eating and in a week find out you gained 20 pounds. :D )


There are two types of diets, I've seen work:


1. Eating more small meals throughout the day to increase your metabolism.


2. Eating one to two small meals per day and utilizing vitamin liquids or other good fluids to substitute for meals. (My diet)


The small meal thing is dependent on the person's willpower. The liquid diet is more alligned with a person's capacity and for me it works much better.


Jogging about 90-120 minutes a day is awesome. I love jogs due to the ease and enjoyment that you can have in just a simple run. By the way, the usual jogging routes are filled with hot skinny looking guys with cute asses, another good reason jogging is fun.

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Well I have never been heavy, quite the contrary actually.


Falling in love did make me lose 20 pounds though. There were just more important things than food, and to me he is more important than anything!


Just whatever you do, don't do crash diets. Slow weight lossis healthier and more sustainable. Good luck!

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So thanks for your replies. >.< now I just need to learn how to stick with it.

I think you've highlighted the key point. The problem is not in the technique, but in the motivation to maintain consistency. That's always been my problem. For example, I don't want to take time out of my life to do the exercise I know I need. To do so would either mean cutting down on my online time by exercising during my lunch break, or missing out on family time by exercising after work when I would prefer to be with the boys.


Motivation is a much bigger problem for me than working out exactly what I should do to lose weight.

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My secret? I'm naturally skinny. I can't lose or gain weight if I wanted to. My body is pretty much set on 130-135 lbs range for the past few years now.


I could pig out a whole pie of pizza one evening and lose that few pounds in a few days without any effort.


I walk a lot. I live in a city... it's a must. I don't have a car.


Couple nights ago I drank 7-8 bottles of beer, two bowls of pasta with cremy tuna sauce (friend made it for us), and two tuna sandwiches. All of that in a couple hours.


Then I went to my scale, I only gained a single pound.



B) .........Haha! Well I'm naturally skinny too!! The most I weighed was 175 and I stand at 5'-9". A few years ago I decided to drop sugar, creamora, milk from my diet. I lost 30 pounds and never gained it back.

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Crash dieting is a complete NO. You don't keep the weight off once you stop, because you're not sticking to the "bad" habits you've created for yourself. Losing too much weight in a short amount of time can lead to heart problems, skin problems, digestion irregularities, and etc. So you should only lose a few lbs a week.


Exercise is a must for losing weight and keeping it off. You can't do it with a healthier diet, even though one does need to cut down on fried foods, Trans fats are terrible stay completely away from those. If you have a sweat tooth or a thing for junk food go with things that are Unsaturated. Cereals are good for this, since they are sweet and filling - if you can't do the Fruit thing. Banana's with my Cheerios as a snack in the middle of the day is what I go for instead of cookies.. lol.


Also, REWARD yourself... if you have a weakness for food, don't reward yourself with food.. but if you've hit a goal.. like say.. losing three lbs.. or dropping all Soda consumption, reward yourself with something so at least you know its worth it.. lol. Some people don't stick to diets because they don't know when the "fun starts" during their changes.

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Well I'm a bit over half way to losing all my excess kilo's and after all the years of thinking about it let me tell you it's really not that hard. So far I have lost 25kg (about 55lbs) and I think another 15kg should do me just fine.


I think the big key is really wanting to. I went through a few stages of sort of wanting to but one day after I had a few other things change in my life it was almost like someone flicked a switch in my head. I woke up and just decided from today I am going to lose all this weight and I have been since.


A few things I found after doing a bit of reading on ways to lose weight are:


Diets never work. Best way is to eat a balanced diet, this must include some treats. Going cold turkey on your addiction (chocolate here) will never work.


Going no carb will also never work (your brain needs carbs to function), I found the best thing for me was to try and eat minimal carbs like rice and pasta at night. Some days I would have a big craving for carbs at night so I ate them, cravings went away and back to no carbs. So what I'm saying I guess is listen to your body, you will fall of the tracks far quicker if all your doing is struggling against yourself.


Eat a big breakfast and smaller lunch and also eat as soon as you get up before you shower etc, this will give you metabolism a big kick-start. For breakfast I drink a low fat glass of milk, a tub of no fat/sugar yogurt and a small bowl of no sugar hi fiber cereal with skim milk.


Eat wholegrain breads. No butter or margarine, use something like avocado instead.


2 fruit and 4 or 5 veg (fresh) a day. Small portion of lean meat or fish for dinner.


No soda, minimal fruit juice just drink water.


And lucky last exercise. I would never go to a gym, the only way I could make myself exercise was to put a treadmill in-front of the TV and walk while I watch (about an hour a day, 5 days a week)


Wow, errr I didn't mean to write so much sorry.


Oh and a healthy weight-loss rate is 1-2kg (2-4lbs) a week. Weigh yourself at the same time once a week to get an accurate picture of the loss.

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Well I'm a bit over half way to losing all my excess kilo's and after all the years of thinking about it let me tell you it's really not that hard. So far I have lost 25kg (about 55lbs) and I think another 15kg should do me just fine.


I think the big key is really wanting to. I went through a few stages of sort of wanting to but one day after I had a few other things change in my life it was almost like someone flicked a switch in my head. I woke up and just decided from today I am going to lose all this weight and I have been since.


A few things I found after doing a bit of reading on ways to lose weight are:


Diets never work. Best way is to eat a balanced diet, this must include some treats. Going cold turkey on your addiction (chocolate here) will never work.


Going no carb will also never work (your brain needs carbs to function), I found the best thing for me was to try and eat minimal carbs like rice and pasta at night. Some days I would have a big craving for carbs at night so I ate them, cravings went away and back to no carbs. So what I'm saying I guess is listen to your body, you will fall of the tracks far quicker if all your doing is struggling against yourself.


Eat a big breakfast and smaller lunch and also eat as soon as you get up before you shower etc, this will give you metabolism a big kick-start. For breakfast I drink a low fat glass of milk, a tub of no fat/sugar yogurt and a small bowl of no sugar hi fiber cereal with skim milk.


Eat wholegrain breads. No butter or margarine, use something like avocado instead.


2 fruit and 4 or 5 veg (fresh) a day. Small portion of lean meat or fish for dinner.


No soda, minimal fruit juice just drink water.


And lucky last exercise. I would never go to a gym, the only way I could make myself exercise was to put a treadmill in-front of the TV and walk while I watch (about an hour a day, 5 days a week)


Wow, errr I didn't mean to write so much sorry.


Oh and a healthy weight-loss rate is 1-2kg (2-4lbs) a week. Weigh yourself at the same time once a week to get an accurate picture of the loss.


Try going to Weight Watchers...I'm down almost 12 pounds in 6 weeks...and trying to lose about the same amount (60 pounds). One of the biggest problems faced by people who are trying to lose weight is, and I know this sounds odd, they are not eating enough to run their metabolism up to speed, so it stays in "starvation mode" and you keep extracting more from your food than you need, and all that excess gets stored as, right--more fat.


Actually, Avocado is viewed as a very fattening fruit and should be limited as part of a healthy diet...if you're going to use a butter-type spread on bread, use the low calorie bread, and only 1 slice (or equivalent) of spread for 2 slices. If you use Peanut butter, use 1 tablespoon for each slice (more protein in p'butter), or subsitute apple sauce for butter or margarine on bread or in mixes.


Another short-cut: buy the "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" Spray, or similar product, for bread, it gets you all the flavor and none of the spreading hassle of cold spread on hot toast, and the spray serving size allows for great flavoring of toast and bread.


My biggest change was going to Coke Zero instead of staying on regular sugary sodas--I abhor regular Diet Sodas (they still use saccharin for sweetening, and I want to heave when I taste it). WW advice is to drink the equivalent of 64 ounces of LIQUIDS per day (not just water anymore--iced tea, hot tea, any liquid will work, now). The next big change was portion sizing. But it's working--11.8 pounds in 7 weeks, last week was 1 pound even, so 10.8 in 6, then 1 in 1.


Good luck!

Edited by kjames
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Apart from all that stuff people posted.


1) You MUST keep doing it. Do not do something for a week, assume its working then splurge.


2) Walk/Run. Just do it. You don't need to go to a gym, that is to build muscle and maintain strength. Sure the gym has equipment that helps you "shed" pounds. But just run or walk. Maybe start walking, then to a slow jog and go from there.


3) Portions when you eat. If you stay up late and have a craving, don't give in. Find yourself a "snack" food. For me its almonds. I hate them, but it prevents me from wanting to eat something ridiculously fattening etc.


4) Keep a steady pace keep it up and keep doing it. For instance, when you run, you'll feel great for the first few weeks then drop off. Push through the low point then you'll level again.


For me when I run I get a natural high from it. I love it. I'll run for an hour, or maybe more if I feel like it. I bring a friend, we can gossip and talk while doing it. Play a sport (you're in high school right?) I played soccer all throughout high school, practiced every day and destroy myself. But it was great. Now since I'm in college and I run at least 3-4 times a week.


So in conclusion: Watch what you eat. Eat less. Less is more, its true. Dropping soda's is easy too. Then you'll be good. You need to put your mind to it, have something to motivate you. When you look good, you'll feel good and everybody will notice. Then you can be that hot guy.

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Apart from all that stuff people posted.


1) You MUST keep doing it. Do not do something for a week, assume its working then splurge.


2) Walk/Run. Just do it. You don't need to go to a gym, that is to build muscle and maintain strength. Sure the gym has equipment that helps you "shed" pounds. But just run or walk. Maybe start walking, then to a slow jog and go from there.


3) Portions when you eat. If you stay up late and have a craving, don't give in. Find yourself a "snack" food. For me its almonds. I hate them, but it prevents me from wanting to eat something ridiculously fattening etc.


4) Keep a steady pace keep it up and keep doing it. For instance, when you run, you'll feel great for the first few weeks then drop off. Push through the low point then you'll level again.


For me when I run I get a natural high from it. I love it. I'll run for an hour, or maybe more if I feel like it. I bring a friend, we can gossip and talk while doing it. Play a sport (you're in high school right?) I played soccer all throughout high school, practiced every day and destroy myself. But it was great. Now since I'm in college and I run at least 3-4 times a week.


So in conclusion: Watch what you eat. Eat less. Less is more, its true. Dropping soda's is easy too. Then you'll be good. You need to put your mind to it, have something to motivate you. When you look good, you'll feel good and everybody will notice. Then you can be that hot guy.


B) ..........Congrats!! I was never a soda person myself, very occasionally I prefer unsweetened Ice Tea.

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Apart from all that stuff people posted.


1) You MUST keep doing it. Do not do something for a week, assume its working then splurge.


2) Walk/Run. Just do it. You don't need to go to a gym, that is to build muscle and maintain strength. Sure the gym has equipment that helps you "shed" pounds. But just run or walk. Maybe start walking, then to a slow jog and go from there.


3) Portions when you eat. If you stay up late and have a craving, don't give in. Find yourself a "snack" food. For me its almonds. I hate them, but it prevents me from wanting to eat something ridiculously fattening etc.


4) Keep a steady pace keep it up and keep doing it. For instance, when you run, you'll feel great for the first few weeks then drop off. Push through the low point then you'll level again.


For me when I run I get a natural high from it. I love it. I'll run for an hour, or maybe more if I feel like it. I bring a friend, we can gossip and talk while doing it. Play a sport (you're in high school right?) I played soccer all throughout high school, practiced every day and destroy myself. But it was great. Now since I'm in college and I run at least 3-4 times a week.


So in conclusion: Watch what you eat. Eat less. Less is more, its true. Dropping soda's is easy too. Then you'll be good. You need to put your mind to it, have something to motivate you. When you look good, you'll feel good and everybody will notice. Then you can be that hot guy.


Pretty much what Chase said is what i did. In high school i used to be like 220. I used to drink like 5-7 sodas a DAY and like a bag of cookies all by myself. Two years ago i stoped drinking soda altogether, and went on a salad, meat kinda diet. Went jogging every single day. In about 5 months i lost about 50 pounds.


I actually need to start jogging again on a regular basis.


Tea is great!

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Also, when you feel you are hungry, try to determine whether it is actual hunger or just thirst--drink some water (not just a couple sips, an 8 ounce glass)--then wait 15 minutes...if you're still hungry, go eat, otherwise, your body was telling you it was thirsty!

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the biggest problem ive allways had as people keep mentioning is just procrastination and movtivating myself

so how i managed to lose wieght and keep it off in then end was by just signing myself up to events basicly.


for example how i first got into it was commiting my self up for an event called the bridge to brisbane which is basicly a 10k fun run, then said i was going to run the whole thing. since this gave me a difinitive goal and time line i found it really forced me to commit and stick to my training plans and things. and its something you can adjust to keep pushing yourself a bit, for intsance since then ive gone on to do half marathons and reciently triathlons, and while sometimes it can be hard finding apprioprate events at first once you get into it there on all the time.


ive also found it gives an extra sense of purpose and achivement to it escially when you reach that point where while your not 100% your reasonably happy of where your at.

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hmmm... not sure I have a whole lot to add here haha. I think everyone else has pretty much covered every angle.


I will say though, you can't really break an old habit unless you replace it with a new one. People who give up smoking often gain weight because they replace their habitual cigarette with some sort of food or drink. On a more extreme level, recovering alcoholics are encouraged to phone their sponsor whenever they crave a drink. Not just because they love to talk, but because this creates a new habit.


Keep yourself busy, too. If you're active, you don't have the time to sit down and think about how much you'd love that plate of Nachos.


You don't need to join a gym, either. Let's face it, gyms are boring as shit. But if there's a particular sport you like to play (or would be interested in playing), join a social league in your area. It's fun, it's active, and it comes with the added bonus of meeting new people. Alternately, get into the habit of walking to places you'd usually drive to. Or take the stairs at work, get off the bus a couple of blocks early, that sort of shit.


It's not about running 10 miles every day and eating rabbit food.


And most importantly, understand that these things take time. You didn't put the weight on overnight, and it won't just come off overnight.


That is all.


(for the record, I lost 30kg/65 pounds, and you can too!!!11one)

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