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Religion for Gays


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two words




I agree, it is called Free Will.


Now, I went through the lists of churches and researched a few... I noticed most of them were in the more "liberal" parts of the state Lexington and Louisville, the two larger cities Ky has to offer..


I did like seeing the different, I guess they're called Denominations? Baptist, Presbyterian, Church of God .. etc listed there as well. It's pretty difficult to change churches though, for some reason.. lol. I know I've only switched from one church to a different one, once and that's because they canned the preacher for being... not as hell-fire and brimstone.. which I didn't really like as it scared me as a kid.. lol. But! The church I belong to now isn't all that gay friendly... but I enjoy the preacher, he's more of a story telling preacher, calm and collected...

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read the the post above... keep it on topic. If you want to debate religion find the appropriate topic or move it to a new thread.


Wait a minute. I was responding to your post and you're telling me to stay on topic?

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You are incredibly observant. Although you are missing the fact that three moderators have now tried to push this back on topic and you keep dragging it off. My initial post was indeed off topic. That was wrong, but then I was replying to a post you made that was off topic, so I fixed it and am trying to steer this thread back on topic.


You Mark, and a few others, keep posting one or two sentence replies that have nothing to say other then deride religion or comment on a persons ass. This isn't the thread for that. If you want to make chatty posts take it to the Games and Humor forum where specific threads exist for that. If you want to complain about religion... find the appropriate thread for that as well. If you can't find one you are more than welcome to start one.

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Wow! this topic has received a lot of comments since I started it just 6 days ago. My purpose was simply to point out that gays do not have to eschew religion just because some religious people turn their backs on gays. There are a number of churches which are "gay friendly". If you didn't read the first post, please do, or at least look at the website http://www.gaychurch.org/ which contains a directory of such churches.


I realize there are a lot of questions about the definition of "gay friendly" and questions about non-Christian religions which aren't answered there. There will always be some shortcomings in such sources of information. Perhaps another GA member can find it for us. That said, those members who consider themselves Christian may be able to find a place of worship which they consider appropriate for them through the above site.

Edited by MikeL
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Hmm. So what is this thread actually for? I think the OP covered everything needed.


Self-censorship and rigid topic sticking arent really needed - this isnt a forum where constructive debate happens, it is the chat forum. While some of the posts havent stuck 'religiously' to the 'spirit' of the thread, this is no cause for alarm. We should all be happy and nice and hug each other lots while encouraging freedom of expression.









And grab Tiger's ass.

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read the original post, and the post mike made before your own. The thread is to show religion in a somewhat positive light, as opposed to the several we have that are not so friendly to religion. And no I agree we don't need to stick 'religiously' to a thread topic. However, not every thread needs to be turned into a private chat box and game of grab ass either now does it?


and again we are off topic...

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read the original post, and the post mike made before your own. The thread is to show religion in a somewhat positive light, as opposed to the several we have that are not so friendly to religion. And no I agree we don't need to stick 'religiously' to a thread topic. However, not every thread needs to be turned into a private chat box and game of grab ass either now does it?


and again we are off topic...


I started writing my reply before Mike posted :).


Well, people have had bad experiences with religion. This is a thread about gay friendly churches, really, and some are skeptical. Skepticism is human nature and cannot be eliminated from any discussion like this which touches on a 'controversial' subject.


Perhaps threads dont need to be turned into a grab ass game, but how seriously do we need to take a thread in the lounge? Mike's original post looks like a 'Hey everyone! Heads up! If you desire religion to be part of your life, I found something which could help' which is a nice post about a subject people are interested in, thats all. It doesnt even look like an invitation to comment on religion, although of course people will.


And yes, we are off topic.. but some things just have to be responded to.. on topic or nay. I'd imagine thats where all the rest of the off-topic stuff came from, too. :)

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And yes, we are off topic.. but some things just have to be responded to.. on topic or nay. I'd imagine thats where all the rest of the off-topic stuff came from, too. :)


No sir you are quite mistaken. Not everything has to be responded to if you don't agree with religion or gay friendly churches... that's fine move on to the next thread. If you want to hit reply just to post a smilie don't post move on. These things do not add to conversation. If allowed to run unchecked they ruin a topic by dragging the thread so far off course the main topic is unable to be recovered.


Do certain members dislike/distrust religion? Yes they have made it clear in various other posts. Having that opinion is fine. However, how would like to see your beliefs derided at every turn? Is that enjoyable for you? You can PM me the answers, or you can open a thread discussing the merits of keeping a thread on topic. We will wait and see how long it takes before someone makes a suggestive comment and yet another member pounces on it.



Any further off-topic posts (The Topic being: gay friendly churches and/or religions) will result in further moderation action.

Edited by shadowgod
cleared up moderator warning per Xeran's request
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I take it that there are a few interpretations to the Topic or description

* Finding your religion that has as many "friendly" flavors in your state (which does imply stay away from the orthodox religions - hey they all say we're not going to heaven because we're not in the special club thats for kings, queens, pure blood)

* The hard part to have the belief is when some one from the so call less watered down religion speaks down of your beliefs. Its really the ignorance of people to speak their mind off thats not really what god had in mind.

* Its maybe obvious if we made our own religion someone would again say many hurtful things like

* Tax Evasion

* SB Loan

* Cough up money to keep us in business

* God didn't write your bible

* Focus group for being exploited

* where's your pastor licence

etc etc


I guess the original wish was - more like an x-file quote "you're not alone" and we will pool ideas to find your friendly place or hope you get the idea to start your own.


Man is a few thousand years old and really we've still haven't conquered bigotry, unfairness, hunger, etc etc We still haven't learn to be selfless in caring, loving, helping, etc


But if we're just harboring a simple belief shared by many and to help anyone without bigotry or prejudice and to teach good ethics and education etc etc - its at least a start in the right direction.


But if its just to escape emptyness and lonelyness then thats only a fix for the day.

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Glad to see someone bring up the Quakers. They have a long tradition of acceptance and openness. I learned, recently, that at a major, national Meeting ("convention"), there were forums for "non-Deist Quakers." This is not to say that the Quakers don't have common practices and traditions; however, they are much less dogmatic than any other religion with which I am familiar.


I agree with much of Quaker philosophy, except for the pacifism. I still can't agree to that philosophical standpoint, but I do like equality, fairness, and hard work. The openness is what drew me in recently.


I am not ready to join just yet.

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There's nothing wrong with pacifism. It's time for humans to evolve. I like how the Quakers simplify things... no need for a preacher to tell you what to think or a need to bash gay people. It'd be nice if more people would join them. It'd certainly make things better in the US by a long shot.

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I was surprised by how many Churchs were listed in indiana. Most of them are in the largers Cities like Indy and what not but its not exclusive to them. There is actually one church in Columbus, just a half an hour drive from me, if I attended church that is.

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