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Proposed Chat Guidelines.

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i like rob's post best when i read it as kind of an answer to the real chat guidelines. the fact of the matter is that no matter how he meant it, he is right to a large degree. if the wrong group is in chat, i don't feel particularly welcome, and to my knowledge i've butted heads with very few people here (i can think of three and two are resolved.) it's just that there are those cliques, and i'm going to chose NOT to say that's a problem because it's kind of indicative of the types of bonds we forge here.


for my own part, i'll say that everyone starts with a blank slate with me and if they address me in chat, i will respond. however, some people have bothered me and if they address me i will be short with them and for that i don't feel the need to apologize.


i do think talking about others in chat should be cut down. i did this a bit the other day and i regret it. (or at least let's keep it to private windows maybe?)


at any rate: i like so many people here and i really can't wait for chat to go back up.

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I'd just like to verify that I'm at least a high up official in one of these cliques. :P


But seriously, P&C's guidelines seem to be just a written form of how chat already works. Personally I haven't seen much hate towards new members, albeit some reluctance to accept them(Which is completely normal in ANY tight-knit community). My opinion maybe be biased though, apparently I'm one of those special exceptions; no one has ever treated me badly in chat or even said a bad thing about me(to my knowledge).


And on a final note, to whomever spoke of banning minors form the site: You, sir, are ignorant. A large portion of GA is built on minors or people who were once minors when they joined. It is a safe haven for many of us, and to require parental admission for minors to come to GA is completely idiotic. Most of us 'queerlings' are not out to our parents. Hell I feel safe in saying at least one queerling that has come to GA might have had his or her life saved by this site. It truly is a safe haven for minors.

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I honestly don't like the premise of this thread. First and foremost, there are rules for the entire site, and the rules for the site apply to chat, though not at the same level as the forums. Is there a clique in chat? Of course there is, but it is an ever growing group. There have been some who have not be accepted. Having said that, some have offended chat regulars, and others are quick to attack the offender from all sides. It's a natural response to a certain degree, but it has caused problems. I think we forget that chat was closed for over a year for a multitude of reasons. In the last few months, it seems that there has been a great deal of disharmony in chat, and we really need to find a way to resolve this problem, whether it be for stricter enforcement of rules in chat, people learning to behave more maturely, or chat being taken out all together. I would hate to see the latter happen, and I'm sure that most wouldn't like it either, but there comes a point when the administration has to make unpopular decisions.


We don't have to go out of our ways to fight. If you want chat where you get into fights freely, as far as I know there are still "fight rooms" on Yahoo! Chat. Feel free to go there if that's what you want. GA is supposed to be a community of people with a common interest, one focused on sharing gay-oriented stories. GA Chat should be a place, both new and old, to come together to have fun. It should be a place of respect. Perfection is not to be expected, but we can do a better job than we have been doing. It's actually not difficult to solve any problems that do arise ourselves. We can ignore anyone who has been problematic, but fighting isn't the answer. Yeah, I'll admit that I've had a few skirmishes in chat, but I was used to that more in-your-face style from back in my own days on Yahoo! Chat, and I'm more adjusted now and more in control of my emotions. If I can be better in that regard, surely everyone else can as well.

Edited by Tiger
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  • Site Administrator

Whoever shut down chat made a smart move. It gave everyone a chance to go off into their corners, cool down, and reflect on whatever pissed them off. Plus if you're addicted to that place like some, it's like being deprived of your heroin fix.


So we can all talk about new rules and procedures, and I can whine about how we have to be nice to each other, and we can even have one of the really powerful people come in and lecture the chatters before it reopens....and then it will be all settled down again for a while. Huge flare-ups don't happen all that often.


Then everyone will try to figure out what caused this major kumbaya moment, and they'll give credit to the new rules, or the new civility, or the scary talk from powerful people...but in reality, it was simply the fact that it was shut down for a little bit that calmed it all down and set things straight again.


Mark, that is probably the wisest thing I have ever heard from you. Well stated.




As adults we have a responsibility to be responsible. We make the space that we live in. If we want respect we must be respectable. If we want to have a healthy community we have to contribute towards that end.



We have something quite unique here and it benefits us all greatly- especially those of us who live in places where there isn't a community that we can call our own.

James, very well said.


Now, as to who, what, where, why... The Administration team here is currently reviewing our options on the Chat Room. Although I realize that there is a contingent here that likes the Chat Room a lot, it provides a disproportionate amount of issues on the site. Further, it is the second most expensive part of running the site, as well. Fiscally speaking, dropping chat is a great move. Please keep that in mind going forward. As it is, we will be switching chat systems probably about the time summer rolls around.


Also, I thought I would take this moment to remind everyone that every part of live chat, including private messages, are logged. Jsmith and I both get a copy of these logs daily. While I don't generally go into them, when issues come up, I have to. I got quite the eyeful of things in the last log. Please remember to keep things you don't want known off the site. Otherwise, you run the risk of having someone else see it. From time to time, we also post log transcripts for moderator review.


As stated above... just respect each other. If you really must pull out the long knives, keep it off the site. I don't want to deal with it or hear about it. I'd rather be reading or writing, if it is all the same to you.

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We make the space that we live in. If we want respect we must be respectable


I agree completely, and very well said, James.


And to be honest, I thought lately that the reason chat had been moody and snappy lately was the large amount of newbies coming into the chatroom, but the more I think about it; it IS everyone in general, regular chatters and newbies.


And I think that regular chatters should be held at fault a little more than newbies. We clearly need to rethink what a respectable attitude is, and this break from chat could be a perfect time to start thinking.


I know I am. XD

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Now, as to who, what, where, why... The Administration team here is currently reviewing our options on the Chat Room. Although I realize that there is a contingent here that likes the Chat Room a lot, it provides a disproportionate amount of issues on the site. Further, it is the second most expensive part of running the site, as well. Fiscally speaking, dropping chat is a great move. Please keep that in mind going forward. As it is, we will be switching chat systems probably about the time summer rolls around.


Out of curiosity, is an immense amount really put towards the chat system? Being a heavily IRC oriented person myself, it just seems to me as it would be a much simpler way to run chat, it can do virtually all of what the current chat system can do, and is very easily customizable. It can be made to log just as the current system does(although it is considered unethical in the IRC world to log other's PMs), the server can be connected to the forums, allowing only those members on the forums to join, name changes can be restricted(as they currently aren't), and best of all, certain rooms can be controlled much better than currently(someone under 21 can get in to the room by just clicking on it, this problem can be solved with say, an IRC server). I've been using IRC for years, so I guess my opinion might be a bit biased, but it's something to think about.

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Youre right, perhaps this will not work at all.


As a member interested in chat being peaceful and fun, though, I have to try to make things better and that is what I am trying to do through this thread. I dont expect anything will change overnight as a result of this thread, but I want to contribute to try and make chat a better place for the users and less of a 'time liability' for the admins/mods. So this is my contribution.


I respect you for at least trying and for being honest. I have to admit to being uncomfortable with the way you've expressed it but I think perhaps the discomfort is just that no one really wants to hear uncomfortable truths.


Suggested Amendment: If you are being a flaming asshole, we reserve the right to hunt you down and give you a monster truck wedgie™.






New Chat Rules

Lugh's Version

  1. Be aware that there are cliques in chat.
  2. Dissenters shall be bitten.
  3. Noobies must register with their team captian as soon as possible: cut to Linxe; uncut & female to Lugh.
  4. When there are no mods, Lugh is in charge.
  5. When there is no Lugh chaos reigns.


I'll be on your team any time Lugh... why do you think I like it so much in chat. I can always be sure of being jumped as soon as I walk throgh the door if you're there and it's the only action i get so I'm pathetically grateful :)



Females to Lugh? I don't know if I have sucked up enough to you in your forum for you to be my Captain yet...


I just wanted to say that I have been dropping into chat a few times a week for a little over a month now. Besides some teasing from Lugh (which I am fairly sure is all in good fun), I have found it to be a welcoming place despite my newbie status. I can't imagine what has gone on today (and I am curbing my overwhelming and unhealthy desire to beg for details), but I have enjoyed my discussions to date and have yet to have a bad experience.


I have the dame overwhelming and unhealthy desire to know what's going on but I suppose I just have to squirm and satisfy myself with conjecture.


I don't like rules at all.wink.gif I'm such an anarchist.


Me too hun


No I don't think you should ban 18 and under just keep sexual topics off and like i been told in private messaging. With more rules and restrictions it could make a place alot duller. I would be pissed if I wasn't 18 and could only go into the teen discussion were there isint very much discussion going on in that section.


There is always someone who will give you a gentle nudge if you are going too far... and if under 18's want to chat with adults then they can expect some potty talk. It's no different in chat than anywhere else people get together. It's a matter of discernment and degree.


"foaming mouth Jamessavik"! laugh.giflaugh.gif


I think Chase should be the moderator.


I agree... it would be funny.


Are you kidding! I can see that now!


Chase: Call me, I want to talk.


Me: No thanks


Chase: You're banned. Kthxbai sorcerer.gif


Hehe.... why would you say no?


I'd just like to verify that I'm at least a high up official in one of these cliques. tongue.gif


But seriously, P&C's guidelines seem to be just a written form of how chat already works. Personally I haven't seen much hate towards new members, albeit some reluctance to accept them(Which is completely normal in ANY tight-knit community). My opinion maybe be biased though, apparently I'm one of those special exceptions; no one has ever treated me badly in chat or even said a bad thing about me(to my knowledge).


And on a final note, to whomever spoke of banning minors form the site: You, sir, are ignorant. A large portion of GA is built on minors or people who were once minors when they joined. It is a safe haven for many of us, and to require parental admission for minors to come to GA is completely idiotic. Most of us 'queerlings' are not out to our parents. Hell I feel safe in saying at least one queerling that has come to GA might have had his or her life saved by this site. It truly is a safe haven for minors.


I completely agree about parental controls. It would make a nonsense of what the site is all about... a safe place. It wouldn't be safe if someone needed permission to come in.


I honestly don't like the premise of this thread. First and foremost, there are rules for the entire site, and the rules for the site apply to chat, though not at the same level as the forums. Is there a clique in chat? Of course there is, but it is an ever growing group. There have been some who have not be accepted. Having said that, some have offended chat regulars, and others are quick to attack the offender from all sides. It's a natural response to a certain degree, but it has caused problems. I think we forget that chat was closed for over a year for a multitude of reasons. In the last few months, it seems that there has been a great deal of disharmony in chat, and we really need to find a way to resolve this problem, whether it be for stricter enforcement of rules in chat, people learning to behave more maturely, or chat being taken out all together. I would hate to see the latter happen, and I'm sure that most wouldn't like it either, but there comes a point when the administration has to make unpopular decisions.


We don't have to go out of our ways to fight. If you want chat where you get into fights freely, as far as I know there are still "fight rooms" on Yahoo! Chat. Feel free to go there if that's what you want. GA is supposed to be a community of people with a common interest, one focused on sharing gay-oriented stories. GA Chat should be a place, both new and old, to come together to have fun. It should be a place of respect. Perfection is not to be expected, but we can do a better job than we have been doing. It's actually not difficult to solve any problems that do arise ourselves. We can ignore anyone who has been problematic, but fighting isn't the answer. Yeah, I'll admit that I've had a few skirmishes in chat, but I was used to that more in-your-face style from back in my own days on Yahoo! Chat, and I'm more adjusted now and more in control of my emotions. If I can be better in that regard, surely everyone else can as well.


Adusted and in control of your emotions? Bugger :(


From my own point of view I have never had the slightest problem with chat. From the first moment I entered I have been treated with nothing but respect. Yes I noticed that there were some people who were on a lot and knew each other well... leadin to 'in talk' that I didn't always understand. Having said that there are a lot of conversations I don't understand (mainly those involving technology) so it never bothered. me.


I don't know what happened that was so bad it got chat withdrawn but I have to say that, apart from the odd bit of sniping here and there I have never seen anything bad. Maybe that's because I look at the world through rose tinted glasses and didn't want to see it but I honestly have never seen anything that made me uncomfortable.


The thing is... in ANY group of people there will be cliques, politics and assholes. There will be people who speak their mind and people who won't like it. There will be people who look for reasons to take offence and will always find them. There will be people who are sensitive and people who are thick skinned. There will be people who go too far and there will be people who don't go far enough. It's life.


Maybe we should just stop being so senstivie about it. If you can't take the heat keep out of the kitchen and if someone is flaming stick them in solitary until they cool down.


There is no way that chat can be policed so that there is never anyone overstepping the line. I think what's important that everyone knows there is a line and for everyone to take responsibility for pulling someone back if they step over it... no matter who they are.


I personally hope that chat will come back becuse I have had some great times in there.

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There is no way that chat can be policed so that there is never anyone overstepping the line. I think what's important that everyone knows there is a line and for everyone to take responsibility for pulling someone back if they step over it... no matter who they are.

I personally hope that chat will come back becuse I have had some great times in there.

I came to GA april 2006. It will be soon 4 years !

All these discussions about the chat are like a disease which come back regularly, like the flu in winter. I remember about four times, with ever the same arguments pro and contra and the same apprehensions from the GA Staff. As usually, Chat goes away and comes back. It comes back because it belongs to GA, it is an important part to learning each others better.

I'm not an "hectic" participant in chat. Mostly I come in to follow the discussions and to try to discover the character of all these friends I like to read their stories.

Just these few words to support Nephylim and express my hope that Chat will be back soon.

Edit :

I just checked Myr comment :

Further, it is the second most expensive part of running the site, as well. Fiscally speaking, dropping chat is a great move. Please keep that in mind going forward. As it is, we will be switching chat systems probably about the time summer rolls around.

In economic matters and cost problems, I dont want to interfere ! But perhaps a same solution like with "premium" could be introduced ? When you want to go to a theatre (and chat is one :P ) you have to pay your ticket !

Edited by old bob
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Maybe somebody who has been victimised in chat, or shunted, whatever you want to call it, should come forward and offer their perspective on all this? I know that maybe hard or daunting though.


P&C, that list of guidelines doesn't make chat sound like a nice place (or the people in it), but I know that you are dealing with reality. But it still doesn't sound nice.


I can't really comment because I'm not there often. Like OldBob said, I like the forum bits and getting a flavour. Entering a room of people I don't know and chatting chitchat isn't my ideal sort of fun in real-life either though. (the time difference does make a difference as well though). The impression I did get when I was in there, was a fair amount of perveing. Some ok, some of it not. Other than that, it was all kind of random and fast paced.


Overall, I just think maybe the people at the centre of chat need to have a deep think about how they act with others, and whether they'd like to be treated the same way. I don't think the sort of deep clique is justified. Maybe it's just think more before you type, especially when it's with regards to someone else on the site and their situation.

Edited by Smarties
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I have to say I haven't personally had any issues really with chat but I have seen the clique and how that can work against new people. I am pretty much a laid back guy that wont argue so i tend to just go with things and not cause a stir but i do notice things. I notice that the regulars can and often do team up on a new member even if that person is annoying or upsetting its difficult to watch and I don't say anything because I think often it will just mean getting into an argument myself that wasn't mine and i suck at confrontation.


I have at those times PM'd the new members that have been under attack and talked one on one to reassure them because at times it might seem like fun or teasing but i tend to pick up that for that member its not the case and it sucks to think that someone shouldn't feel welcome here because for a lot of us here we ar emade to feel unwelcome in a lot of places this should be a safe fun place to come to.


I think new members can be easy to get along with or can come off wrong to the regulars and seem annoying ect but i think we need to learn a level of tolerance something we all ask for in our society. Reguars need to realise that new people can be nervous or may not have any attachment to this place so they may come to chat with an i don't care attitude that can change over time as they realise this isn't like many other sites. I think the special thing about this place is that there are cliques because people here care about eachother and I know as a new member it was seeing those bonds that made me want to be more a part of this site than i did initially and i have many people here i care about now. So it is normal to want to protect that but it's important to remember new people don't always get that at first.


That said there will always be people that don't want to appreciate the place for what it is and yeah i have witnessed some really annoying behaviour but I tend to ignore it or give gentle reminders of the rules or just try being nice to that person which can actually work wonders with people, tends to make them act less like an annoying itch on your backside if they feel involved and valued as a person here. If you can't do that go with ignoring them. I think one problem i have seen most is that if a member annoys a few regulars and an argument breaks out then that person never really gets another chance to show they are ok and if faced with animosity they are not really going to. I have seen a member act completely different when the person they argued with is in chat because they are of the defensive to every little thing.


Also jumping in on arguments that are not our own and bitching about someone doesn't help, I have seen bitching about people I haven't met so then when i meet them i already had a bad feeling towards them and it's from practice of not going along with what friends think of people to stop me going along with what others thought of that person.


New people need to take responsibility of course and know that this place is important to people and although I think new people should be given a chance there are only so many times you can be gently reminded of things before people start to think your taking the piss.


Also if your feeling ignored/unloved ect you don't need to be obnoxious or loud to get attention, (leave that to linxe :P ) just try talking to people in chat one on one if you feel intimidated or join in with the conversation. It's all i did and i consider a lot of people here good friends now.


Also if you do feel your being attacked and feel confident enough you could try raising that at the time because sometimes it can be just a joke or something taken the wrong way or maybe that person really didn't realise it upset you.


Of course some people can just be bitchy, yes even the regulars :P if that is the case then don't get into battle mode with that person, no one wins, try resolving it without name calling or attitude and if that fails make friends with others and ignore that person.


We can't all like everyone but this is a good place that everyone should be able to enjoy and even though some of what rob said came off wrong I think I get what he was aiming at. Even the cliques are all unique diverse people that do not all get along all the time or agree on everything, they have just known eachother long enough to accept or tolerate the differences so new people don't have to change to be accepted here but they do have to respect people


and of course they in turn should be respected, if there were more of that going on then this wouldn't even be an issue.


:) hope i didn't offend anyone, I just ike this place and chat


from someone inbetween a newbie and a regular lol


sorry know this is long but wanted to add that chat can be a fun friendly place and friends can be made there, I think it may have come off sounding bad in this thread but for the most part it is a good place to be so I hope no one is put off.


and hey if you come in I will always chat to you :) if i haven't wandered away lol

Edited by JensenC
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Proposed by me only, nobody is (yet?) supporting me in this.



Guidelines for New Users


1: Be aware that there is a clique in chat. We are an established community and we have mostly known each other for a long time and so we will support each other - against you.


2: Despite 1, we are generally friendly and approachable.


3: Be nice, polite, and you'll get along with enough of us just fine. Eventually, you'll become a seasoned member and can take more liberties.

: This point includes talking about established members behind their back. Do not do it. Especially if an member takes you into their confidence about some issue.

: Trying to turn established members against each other is also frowned upon and will not work. It will end in a big argument with the result being: You ejected from chat - for as long as the mods deem necessary.


4: Don't expect to be liked immediately unless you are truly special. Give it some time and you will become a respected regular of chat.



Guidelines for Established Users


1: Please try to keep any personal disputes with new/established members personal, not public. Try not to publically involve other established users in your personal issue with another member. This causes big arguments and pisses off the admins and mods.


2: Be welcoming and friendly to new users - you were once a new user too. Bear in mind that a new user may be intimidated by the existing clique and probably wont fit in right away. Give them time before deciding you don't like them.


3: If you do not like a new user, the chat has an ignore button - use it if you cannot resist the temptation to respond to any baiting. Responding to baiting starts big arguments and pisses everyone off.


4: If you feel that enough is enough, and a user has outstayed their welcome, converse amongst yourselves to decide if there is a consensus. Try not to lose your temper about any ongoing issue and instead refer to point 3.

: If you confer and decide you are justified in wanting removal of a user from chat - try to attract the attention of a mod already in chat before you send any written complaint to an admin. This allows any issue to be dealt with informally and will usually have no consequences for the chat room. If you complain to an admin you risk the room being closed for everyone while the issue is resolved.






I have proposed these as an initiative towards self regulation within the chat room. We seem to have issues specifically in dealing with disputes, and our current method.. sniping at each other until a big argument happens.. is not good for anyone.


If anyone has anything to add, or wishes to propose changes to what I've thought of please feel free to contribute. We are a community self-selecting towards intellectual people.. We should not have to have fights lasting months in the chat room to resolve our difficulties - we are better than that.


Edit to add: also please note that this is not directed at anyone, nor is it specifically aimed at anyone involved in the current dispute. It was inspired by the current dispute and a critical analysis of the problems we currently have.


....Or we can just create a secret chat only "Established Users" can access. That will pretty much solve all these shenanigans. But on a serious note, I can see that Chat has changed, well in the short time that I've been here. There was a time in late October where I would look forward to going into chat and would not sign off until about midnight. Now the frequent times that I do go in, I'm pretty much faced with one of two things: Teen drama, or humongous 6.7 genitelia..... both which are really put-offish.


But, it seems we keep complaining about the annoying newbies, that chat is not the same, that they think they are the shit. Well, as James said, we make the space we live in, and if people want to bring back the old chat, they should try going into chat more regularly to create an atmosphere that promotes the old values. If there are enough people there, then the newbies won't get out of line, and hey, maybe they can see what chat is about.

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I agree that chat has changed for the worse. I started going in around late October and November and it was always fun and I would stay in there for hours. The regulars in chat were always great and a lot of fun. But now, chat has gone down hill big time. Most of it is due to newbies or people looking for attention coming in and creating problems. Don't get me wrong, there are still a lot of great people in chat, new and old, but it's just not the same. I dont go in that much anymore because a lot of the people who I used to chat with dont go in as much anymore because of this. :(


When I go in chat, I dont want to hear about your teen drama bullsh*t, every little problem in your life and all that other crap. Do that in private chat or yahoo. I want to go in and just have a fun conversation with people. I hope it can get back to that kind of atmosphere again. Because it truely used to be so much fun. :)


I dont have any solutions, just my $0.02.

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The fact is that chat became a huge head ache. It got to the point that upon logging into GA, MSN, or even chat we were hearing about fall-outs, fighting, inappropriate subject matter.. etc.. and it never got any better after we tried to police it. So yes, closing it was the best alternative in my opinion. I know I was tired of having to deal with all these small idiotic things, a lot of people were becoming overwhelmed so closing it was for the best.


But, reading and following the rules will help a lot... I can't even count how many times I was asked about a rule that I enforced.. and it would be straight forward in GA's guidelines.. so help us out a little if chat comes back and read the rules.. :P


Don't fight us when we tell you to knock something off.. most usually its something minor and it doesn't even need to be taken any step further.. fighting it will force us to take a higher step.. because then you've become a disturbance, on top of a minor infraction. (And it puts you on a list that you don't want to be on...) It was becoming tedious for Myr and JSmith to look through chat logs whenever someone complained about something happening when no Moderator/Admin was around to address it.


But heh.. that's my rant for the night. :)

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And that is also why a lot of ISPs will watch a chat-room, but will never do anything to moderate them--they just don't have the time or resources, often one person is monitoring several chat rooms simply to keep an eye on any possible criminal activity, which wouldn't surprise me in today's world, and then when they do step in and do something it's like using a flamethrower where a flyswatter would be adequate to the task.


Having received a warning here in the past, and I'm sure several of you have, I think they handle things fairly well and with a certain level of discretion and diplomacy that isn't really found anywhere else anymore. BTW, for those of you who were reading at the time, they've used or discarded those suggestions and are having a great time and enjoying themselves now. biggrin.gif


That Myr, James, Krista and all the other moderators take a hand, now and then, in keeping an eye on chat shows more responsibility than most places even try for anymore--that problems still occur is due to human nature, and that is something we have to self-correct for.


If newbies are causing the problems, then the answer might be a higher message count before they can enter chat, 5 seems a little low and is easily attainable, and they might need to have their postings 'vetted' for content. For example, if they're teens, examine their posts looking for advice in the teen advice section to see if they're 'coherent' messages, rather than 'full of drama' or 'all over the place'.


I realize this sounds like more work, but you can look up 'topics' from each new user's page and go from there, or tie it to a number of posts AND reaching a certain level of 'reputation points'...and established users should be encouraged to view those posts and (+) or (-) appropriately, and fairly. I don't really know if this would solve the problems, but it would keep people from joining chat with 5 messages to various forums and then just jumping in with, as someone said it, "all their teen angst and drama." Just a thought... (Ain't technology grand?)

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If newbies are causing the problems, then the answer might be a higher message count before they can enter chat, 5 seems a little low and is easily attainable, and they might need to have their postings 'vetted' for content.

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Ah! All these discussions and opinions and statements and Politics and Minorities and newbies. . .


I am having second thoughts as to why I joined this site. . .


I couldn't get on chat room much, until recently (a couple of weeks before the chat closed). So, i am technically a newbie. Now I ask myself, Was I that annoying to have the whole show closed?

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Ah! All these discussions and opinions and statements and Politics and Minorities and newbies. . .


I am having second thoughts as to why I joined this site. . .


I couldn't get on chat room much, until recently (a couple of weeks before the chat closed). So, i am technically a newbie. Now I ask myself, Was I that annoying to have the whole show closed?


I think it's important to draw a distinct line between Chat, where the current controversy is, and the Forums. With a few exceptions, new people are welcomed with open arms in the forums, or at least that seems to be the case. The Soap Box is probably the only place they might find a less friendly reaction to their posts. I think that's one of the reasons why it makes logical sense to have people post in the Forums first, before they're granted access to Chat (but I think the 5 post threshold is just fine).

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I'm not so sure about raising the post requirement for members to join chat. There are games and threads that require no more than one word to be counted as an entire post... it would seem more logical to link this requirement to reputation-- then again, is that even possible?


I've joined chat on several websites, and fact of the matter is: people of certain ages act accordingly. As much as we youngins like to think that we are extremely mature, we lack a lot of experience in dealing with life situations. Life is a constant debate, and subject matter will vary depending on where or who you find yourself with. If the reputation system were to be used fairly, the most intelligent and the most popular posts would receive the most positive response... is 100% of GA's young membership popular and intelligent? No. Therefore even using the reputation system would be a bit of a hassle.


So, rant over... I think the only way to be sure that a member is ready for live interaction is to assess their posts on the forums (how they interact with other members and how intelligently they practice censorship). This would probably have to be done by the moderation team, which would be way too much work and would most likely cause too much drama. So all in all, I think closing chat was a good decision. As this is an ever-growing website, there will most likely be many more chat shutdowns due to similar reasons, which will give new members time to evaluate themselves and possibly discuss it with the rest of the community. As long as there are good mods keeping an eye on the members and ensuring the well-being of GA, things will be OK.

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I'm not so sure about raising the post requirement for members to join chat. There are games and threads that require no more than one word to be counted as an entire post... it would seem more logical to link this requirement to reputation-- then again, is that even possible?


I've joined chat on several websites, and fact of the matter is: people of certain ages act accordingly. As much as we youngins like to think that we are extremely mature, we lack a lot of experience in dealing with life situations. Life is a constant debate, and subject matter will vary depending on where or who you find yourself with. If the reputation system were to be used fairly, the most intelligent and the most popular posts would receive the most positive response... is 100% of GA's young membership popular and intelligent? No. Therefore even using the reputation system would be a bit of a hassle.


So, rant over... I think the only way to be sure that a member is ready for live interaction is to assess their posts on the forums (how they interact with other members and how intelligently they practice censorship). This would probably have to be done by the moderation team, which would be way too much work and would most likely cause too much drama. So all in all, I think closing chat was a good decision. As this is an ever-growing website, there will most likely be many more chat shutdowns due to similar reasons, which will give new members time to evaluate themselves and possibly discuss it with the rest of the community. As long as there are good mods keeping an eye on the members and ensuring the well-being of GA, things will be OK.


That's a lovely idea, actually; but, at the same time, just because we don't portray ourselves as intelligent individuals all the time (or ever on the forums, if you're me) doesn't mean that we aren't, in fact, the most amazing people ever. In chat, I've had some amazingly intellectual moments (in which I impress myself) and some uber-ditzy moments (in which I, also, impressed myself). I'd like to think that the forums are a good jumping off point for chat. In that they help you to figure out what you think about topics and maybe gauge other's reactions to the same topics. At the same time, chat is a whole 'nother beast. It requires you to be witty on the spot and to react to group sentiment, which you have to be able to sense.


For beginners, I would recommend the forums, initially, and, then, maybe some chat lurking before you try to play with the big boys, because they will eat you up. Find your advocate, then find your voice, and remember that it's okay not to jump into every single conversation, because you will NOT understand everything. Speak on what you know, ask for clarification on what you don't know and I think you'll be fine.


I, conveniently, missed a lot of the big drama, but I can vouch for many of the regulars and say that they've been stand-up guys. And the women are alright, too. I still stand by my previous comments, but I say it in chat, and I, honestly, mean it: This is a community and we should make everyone feel welcome. (What I don't say is that we can talk about them when they're gone, but I think it's implied...j/k) GA Chat is like a club within the entirety of the community, and I am proud to be a part of it. It seriously makes my day. I know that there are problems, but I can't wait for it to be back.


Also...my grammar sucks. Deal with it.

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I can vouch for many of the regulars and say that they've been stand-up guys. And the women are alright, too.



Gee thanks :Pwub.gif I'm telling Cia :P


Seriously thought... I think you're quite right. I can't honestly say that I have ever seen anyone being picked on or excluded or made to feel unwelcome. Sure there are snipes, and bitches and rants... but that's life. I think to some extent you find what you are looking for.

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