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Taking Over Stories.

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Hey guys, with myself back home, my itch to travel well scratched, and the writing bug now creating pockets of inspiration. I'm back on the pen and paper.


BUT. Here's the kicker, I've been writing my bro's story's that are partway finished and posted in eFic. Now my question is, Would it be better to A: Go onto his profile on eFic and continue to post on through that with an explanation that it's myself at the start of each new chapter, or B: do I just post the entirety of what he's posted so far on my own profile and then continue from there and put a disclaimer reminding people that it's his story?


Any input would be great.


And also, it's nice to be back with you guys.

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I would point to It Started With Brian. It worked very well when AdamP finished the story for Sam. In fact it was very touching. So I will vote for your first option. Get the discussion thread for the stories up and put an explaination in there. Bottom line though... whatever you decide is the right thing for you and it will just be so awesome to see the stories finished.

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  • Site Administrator

There is a way you can combine the two perhaps, such as Nephy said. Find the story topic in the e-fiction area and put a full (or as much as you are willing to share) explanation as to why you are finishing the story in there. If the story is already partially under his profile in e-fiction I do not see why you should move it to yours and lose the reviews and such, plus using the same title twice might confuse readers. What you can do is put a small explanation in the chapter notes on the chapter you started writing, that will show up on the story when people look at the details, you don't have to do it with each chapter. Also there is way to edit the story and add your name for co-author, which is another way to reduce confusion. I agree with liking to see stories finished, however you go about it will be good, imo.

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Definately a tough call. I tend to agree with option A to continue any of his unfinished stories. As you post new chapters, go ahead and post them as Marco Polo but with a disclaimer at the beginning of each chapter noting that you are "Capt'n Crunch", Marco's brother, and finishing his stories. Story announcements under Marco's name would be ok too, but if you do comment on any of the threads, it would be best to do it under your name. In other words, try to limit the use of his account to just story posting and announcements, and even there, please use the disclaimer.


Usually we don't like (nor allow) use of someone else's account - but in a case such as this where the original account owner has unfortunately passed away, I think we all understand the desire to leave a tribute of someone close to him finishing his stories.


If you have any questions, needs, etc - let me know.





[PS - for those that don't know, red text indicates a statement made from the role of an Admin]

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Hey guys, with myself back home, my itch to travel well scratched, and the writing bug now creating pockets of inspiration. I'm back on the pen and paper.


BUT. Here's the kicker, I've been writing my bro's story's that are partway finished and posted in eFic. Now my question is, Would it be better to A: Go onto his profile on eFic and continue to post on through that with an explanation that it's myself at the start of each new chapter, or B: do I just post the entirety of what he's posted so far on my own profile and then continue from there and put a disclaimer reminding people that it's his story?


Any input would be great.


And also, it's nice to be back with you guys.


Welcome back!


Having read some of the stories, I would get confused if the 'author' switched as you describe in your option 2, so I agree with others about continuing the story under your brother's account--it eliminates searching for two authors or by title rather than author. As Trebs advised, use of a disclaimer is appropriate enough for works started by one author and finished by another with permission or as a tribute.


You should continue posting stories he started to publish using his account, but start and manage the discussion threads, including the story notifications, using your own. In the story, credit your brother as author, and note yourself as 'editor' or 'co-author' for purposes of having finished the story and that'll be fine. Either way, I'll be looking foward to seeing how some of them turn out. It's going to be difficult--writing "someone else's" story exposes how they were thinking, to a degree, and there will be times where you will experience a sudden understanding flash of what he was thinking or feeling, either about himself or his characters, or feel as though he just told you something, verbally--as though he were standing there next to you. innocent.gif Don't commit yourself to any firm deadline dates as I'm sure you'll run across points where you've got to just stop for a day or so.


Others use the example of It Started With Brian on here, but a mainstream example--using your second option--would be the continuation of the DUNE series in print, by Frank Herbert's son, Brian, who partnered with Kevin J. Anderson for his writing abilities. In writing the story, and fleshing it out they used Frank's notes and outlines which had been discovered in two safe-deposit boxes that were held by the estate at a bank. They use both of their names as 'co-authors', but attibute the story and its notes and outline to Frank Herbert in print inside the pages. Personally, I don't like the way Mr. Herbert's son has handled that situation--his name is on the work so the estate makes most of the money as he was never credited with assisting his father in any of the past books, and so one can infer that he has no writing ability as an established author of any recognition. whistle.gif But, Kevin J. Anderson has written many, many science-fiction stories and so his name recognition alone could keep the DUNE franchise alive for the Herbert estate without a co-author since, as it is mentioned, Mr. Herbert's notes and outlines were detailed and copious--to the point that it took a very detailed examination of computer printouts and reading several disks of computer files (they even had to find an old DOS machine with 3 1/2" floppys to read the disks) to determine that it was a continuation of the DUNE universe, and good for at least three more stories.


We all love you for wanting to do this; so many times an author will pass, and things will just stop and disappear--as though the person were forgotten--thanks for helping us to remember. hug.gif

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I vote for option "A" with a note and dedication in the preface of the story. Courageous of you to finish it for him and for us.


Sorry for your loss and welcome back. I think I joined while you were away.


Cheers and be well.

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Usually we don't like (nor allow) use of someone else's account - but in a case such as this where the original account owner has unfortunately passed away, I think we all understand the desire to leave a tribute of someone close to him finishing his stories.


If you have any questions, needs, etc - let me know.






I didn't know the practice was frowned upon; I just did it without asking. But obviously I can see why it's not ordinarily allowed.


I was working with Sam on It Started With Brian while he was alive. He'd told me that he needed to discontinue the writing so as to manage his time wisely. I knew how much he'd wanted to finish it, so I offered to help him do so. He gratefully consented.


That was some time before he died, and the prognosis was uncertain. I was writing the chapters from his notes, beginning with Chapter 12, I think. I'd write a chapter then send it to him for feedback and reaction. I'd rework whatever he felt was necessary, send it back to him, then he'd post it.


At a certain point he gave me his logon and password information for eFiction, saying, "If something should happen..."


When he died, there was no question but that I'd continue from his account. It just seemed natural, and fitting.


I appreciated--and appreciate--the Gay Authors Administration's understanding. It was a privilege to know Sam and a labor of love to finish the story for him. He wanted so much to have the story finished, and I was honored and humbled for him to allow me to finish it in his behalf.

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