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Dear Friends,


I guess the general feeling is that I've overstepped the mark big time with the recent chapter (The Hang) to the story An English Teen, circumcised in the USA. Many have said it was much too disturbing and frightening a scene that was being portrayed. And if I've offended you, I apologise.


Whilst - and I have to be honest - it was my actually my intention to try to disturb and shock readers a little by the unexpected turn of events that humiliated one of the characters, it was clearly overdone and inappropriate. I also wanted to try to unpack something of the darker side of an all boys schooling environment. And my own personal experience, I am afraid, included a degree (though not the flavour of gang rape) of the what I portrayed. Still, that's not necessarily gives the right to write about it out of context and I've clearly been unhelpful and unbalanced and upset a number of people. Disturb you slightly - maybe. But to the degree that has become apparent, no, that wasn't my intention - and again I apologise.


I'm not really the kind of person that will just stick a finger up to say stuff you, it's my story and I'll do what I like and I've taken down the chapter although it's more difficult to remove the impact of it from those who've already read it. And, though I can see lots of people have read it, I want to thank those who had the honesty and guts to do more than read, but were willing to speak out to voice their reasonable concerns.


Of course, it was going to work out well in the end, at least for Ryan and Luke, as the breaking of Ryan would lead to a change between them. And both Jonny Landon and Codey Mitchell get their just desserts! I know it's my own fault - but I hold up my hands to the fact that I effectively ruined my own story.


I think it's also hard to to continue OLLY, as the two tales have always been closely intertwined.


I guess you live and learn.


With regret for any offense caused,


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I'm biting my tongue.... which is very unusual for me and quite painful too.


As someone who has never been afraid to shock and challenge I find this very hard to swallow. If you don't like the story don't read it. Some of us actually want to.

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Riley, you are a very good author and it is now obvious that you a good person who is sensitive to your readers. I appreciate and admire your willingness to express an apology.


I am sure your writing skills will enable you to rewrite chapter 13 and salvage your story. I assure you that I will continue to read it.


I must admit that I did not read the warning in your head notes, but I don't believe it would have deterred me from reading the chapter nor would it have changed my reaction to what I read.


Please don't be discouraged from writing by anyone's comments about the chapter. The reviews and ratings you have received make it clear that you are writing interesting stories and have a strong following. I remain your supporter, now more than ever.



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I love the story and I saw nothing wrong with the chapter. Yes it was out of your style and so far in context didn't seem to add much to the story, but as you said this could have been a significant chapter in the development in the relationship between Luke and Ryan.


The only complaint I've had in reading this story is how so many Americans are using Briticisms. tongue.gif

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Reily, I also agree with those who have already posted their replies. As Nephy stated, if someone does not like the way the story is going they have an option... Don't Read it! I did not find anything offensive nor traumatizing about the chapter. I am sad that you took the chapter down and was hoping to see the next one very soon. I really wish you would NOT have listened to those who complained and left the chapter as it was. It is part of the story... YOUR story, not theirs.

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You've got nothing to apologize for.


Drama is about disturbing things. Excellent drama will knock you on your ass. It will shock you and leave you shaken.


The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is disturbing as hell, not a fun read but is one of the most important works of the twentieth century. It helped change the world.


Thank goodness that Solzhenitsyn didn't pull it because it was disturbing.

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okay, so i didn't get to read it before you pulled the chapter. Could you please IM me the chapter. I've read other peoples opinion and would like to form my own.


As it stands right now, I'll say this much, anything an author writes that is controversial is going to get negative feedback and, in my opinion, should be treated the same as when Nifty tried to change the title. stand up for your work. your readers are important, but being true to the spirit of your writing is even more important




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Ok perhaps i have no right to be here, having not read the story but I've gotten a break down of it from several sources and I have to say that I wouldn't have removed the chapter. The chapter, the violence served a purpose, that purpose shouldn't be invalidated because people took offence to it. From how it was described to me I have to admit, i have read worse actions taken place in other stories, and indeed I plan on some very dark happenings in my own work.


I'm not saying to ignore the people who find the chapter objectionable but don't let anyone BUT YOU make up your mind for you. If YOU feel it needs to be removed remove it, if YOU feel it needs to be re-written then re-write; but don't be guilted or bullied into it. Respond to the objects with consideration and grace and move on with the story.


just my thoughts,

Best Wishes,


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Riley, add me to the list of people who find no fault in the way you wrote that last chapter. It is your story and should proceed in the way that is determined by you. No one was forced to read it and there was a warning at the beginning of the chapter. If the warning was ignored, all anyone had to do was stop reading if it rubbed their sensibilities the wrong way. I have to wonder about people who, when reading something that they don't like or disagree with, or find offensive, continue to read to the end of whatever it is and then complain and make a big issue about how they found it offensive.


IMHO, no one, and I mean NO ONE, has the right to tell an author how to write his story or try and dictate the content of those stories. If you don't like what you are reading stop reading, or If there is a warning that the content maybe disturbing to some people then don't read any of it.


It seems to me that if the Admins who monitor eFiction had thought the chapter went too far it would not have been allowed to be posted. Likewise, if Riley's editor had some reservations about it, he would have brought those reservations to Riley's attention.


Personally, I think that Riley should put the chapter as it was written back up and continue on with the next chapter in HIS story.


But... that is just my opinion.

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I vote we throw rotten tomatoes at Riley until he puts the chapter back devilsmiley.gif I leave it to you to decide whether to take them out of the tin.





Nephy...it shocks and hurts me that you can even THINK such a terrible thing...................of course we'll take them out of the tin, not doing so would defeat the purpose.

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I personally believe that a writer should never have to censor their writing, or even lower the shock factor just because a few people don't like its content. If that's how the story is supposed to go, then let it. You know? But, that's just me. :)

So, I guess I'm basically agreeing with Tomas here.



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I vote we throw rotten tomatoes at Riley until he puts the chapter back devilsmiley.gif I leave it to you to decide whether to take them out of the tin.

Nephylim, I'm shocked!!! :blink:


I know the UK has some weird things, as I lived there for 12 months many years ago, but I never knew they sold rotten tomatoes in tins.... :wacko:


Riley, I haven't read your story (sorry -- way too many things to read and not enough time), but it sounds to me like the problem was not what happened, but how it felt out of context and didn't feel part of the story. Been there, done that! :D In my case, though, I had some people I trusted who would read the story before I posted it, and they told me that they didn't like what I had written and gave me reasons why -- not personal taste, but story reasons why what happened wasn't realistic. It meant a significant re-write on my behalf, but what I wrote was better as a consequence.


You've got fans here, that's obvious. The ones who have said how they felt about that chapter are the ones you need to keep hold of and use. Ask one or two of them if they'd like to read early copies of your chapters in exchange for constructive and honest criticism. Use their feedback to improve your story so what's posted is that much stronger.


Don't give up :) We all have our hurdles from time to time, and this is just one. That's how we learn :)

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OK - enough already! :unsure:


And thanks for all the support, though I'm still dodging tomatoes, care of Nephy! But I think I'd better come out of my corner to just add a few things.


I'm glad that some were enjoying the story - and a few have even dared confess that they even enjoyed the last chapter!


But my questions, in hearing others valid concerns, have very much been to myself. Of course, any writer can in the end write whatever they like. As long as they can get someone to read it, then they can consider themselves successful. But my own writing in this chapter, and the realisation of how many were perceiving it, brought to the fore a fundamental question for me.


Whilst I have the fundamental right to write whatever I like - and many of you have focused on that too - do I not still have a responsibility to write with decency? I just heard the Churchill quote on TV about there being a net through which nobody should fall and above which everyone can aspire to rise as high as they can. Maybe our community is here keep reminding us to be careful about dropping through the gaps.


I'm gay. You all know that - many of you are too. Not that my writing should be tame and lifeless, but, even in a world of make belief, should it not keep to a decency and humanity that respects people, even though we live in a world where often we, as a gay community, are often not accorded that benefit.


I don't know - maybe I'm just a rambling idiot and I'm bound to get religious next! But still, I'm a thankful idiot, and one that has appreciated that many have taken the time to add comments to this thread and send emails of support.


Warm regards


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Riley - You have absolutely no reason to apologize. The chapter made me very angry. It was a tough read and I overreacted with my post.


You have MY sincerest apologies.


I'm not going to delete my post either. I said what I said, and I'm not gonna hide - wrong as I was.


Heh, I guess it's a tribute to your writing talents. To raise so much ruckus with a story says positive things about the author.


You go ahead an put that chapter back where it was, and don't pay any attention to detractors.



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Well...at least I found out what happened...I had already read it, so...while it was shocking, I enjoyed the read...it does tend to help people understand where Ryan is going to be 'coming from' in later chapters as his relationship with Luke builds. Go back to it, and continue.

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Always write what you want to... don't let the readers dictate what scenes you write... You will always offend someone,if writers start worrying about the feelings of people who read... then you're no longer writing for yourself, you're writing for their wishes..


Heh... I hate when readers try to tell me what to do... :P

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Heh... I hate when readers try to tell me what to do... tongue.gif

Although you love it when they discuss what you've done and what you might yet do! laugh.gif

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Are you apologizing because it was an inappropriate chapter according to the rules of e-fic (like some stories that were just so out there, that GA couldn't host them) or just because it was in bad taste? Or none?

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I haven't been following the story (actually, I haven't had time to follow a lot of stories, school / work / my own writing keeps me busy), but I finally decided to throw my own .02$ in.


Tough scenes are part of a good story. Sometimes in life, bad things happen. When a story is written to be 'true', (as opposed to 'real'), sometimes bad things need to happen in it. In 'Heart and Home: Finding My Way Home Book 2', several major characters are killed in a completely random accident. It's devastating. It's horrifying. There isn't even a decent 'why' to be had. But it makes the story that much more powerful, and it insures that no one who reads Boudreaux's work will ever take what happens lightly. In my own writing, I wrote a rape scene for Guardians that literally pulls no punches. It got re-written a bit to focus less on the highly-disturbing physical side and more on the emotional trauma, but if anything that made it more potent, more powerful. I actually have trouble reading that scene; I wrote it 'from the heart' and to read it tears at me as if I'm the person whose pinned to the bed, helpless.


Sometimes, a story has to go dark places if you are to do it justice. While it's always wise to warn the readers ahead of time, never -- ever! -- apologize for it. It is what it is. And if anyone doesn't like that, they can go take a flying leap!

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Although you love it when they discuss what you've done and what you might yet do! laugh.gif


Guilty... :devil:


0:) ...... You mean in like, "Please write another chapter and soon"! :boy:


Yes! Benji, that is it. :angry:



Honestly though, I'm speaking from experience. When I was first starting out, I would read the comments people made... and since they were making them I thought that if I was going to keep them reading, I would have to bow to what they wanted. Guess what... I struggled with that :P.. because people want and some even down right expect certain things from the stories that they read.


The writer should be the final and the loudest opinion on the story. Editors can edit it, betas can suggest certain things that may make it better or read easier, but the author should still have final say. (Notice, I didn't say anything about readers).. :P


If they're reading it, fine.. if they stop because you posted a chapter that they didn't like.. fine - it is their loss not your own. You wrote the chapter for a reason. You wanted the scenes to be in there for a reason.. so don't go back and change your mind unless you, yourself are regretting it on a level that has nothing to do with what your readers have said.


I appreciate comments, and I love having my stories read. I like that I have fans out there that read and wait for my lazy butt to write for them, but if they came to me tomorrow after I posted a chapter that they didn't like... and they told me to change it.. or they would stop reading the story.. I would say.. fine, stop reading. To do so, will change me back into the writer that I don't want to be and if I ever did that then I might as well quit because the stories would start to suck.


Some advice, find some trusted and experienced people to really look at the story... if you're worried about it. Some with Beta reader experience, not anyone that is a huge fan, so they can take a long look at the story and where the chapter fits within the story. More of a put your mind at rest about the story/chapter so you can continue type of deal. (only if you're struggling with that now, because that happens after something like this)



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regretfully i didn't catch the chapter you removed but i enjoyed what's there & hope you continue... don't let whatever was said dampen your spirits & prevent you from telling your tale... you have supporters as well :)

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This thread is now closed. Thank you everyone who has posted and offered Riley your advice and support. If you wish to continue offering advice and support, you are free to do so directly with Riley.



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