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I think with JP, the fact that they were threatening his grandson, who he's loved and has seen grow up over the past 13 years, pretty much trumps the bastard half-brother he knew for five.

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Well read the chapter this morning but wanted to wait, read it again, think about it, and then put something down. I can't say I am sorry about Carson, he actually seemed to be targeting Will; although I am sure he was doing this at the order of Alexandra or one of the people right below her. This being said, I think this killing and Brian's death will come back to haunt Brad. Now I know someone already made a comment about Brian saying something about John, Claire and Jack's son but he didn't say anything about doing anything in the near future, as a matter of fact Brian had just been thinking that he could stay hidden for years. Even Carson didn't actually physically threaten Will, you could assume that what he did was a threat but you know what assume means, it makes an " ASS out of U and ME both ". I understand killing either of them if they were actually threatening the kids but neither came out and actually did so, I re-read this and the last couple of chapters several times.


It seem to me that Brad was using this more as an excuse to settle old scores than to really protect himself or his family. If he wanted to do that, he should have had Alexandra or Elliot killed, as they were the ones orchestrating this. While I can see Brad's side if he was really doing this to protect his family, there is nothing in the last few chapters to indicate that was really the case.


I don't think that Brad is as strong as JP or even Robbie for that matter. When JP had people killed in the past, he did so after family was physically attacked and threatened; JP did it to save another life. Even Robbie when he killed Neil did it to stop a direct threat to Brad's life, neither of these scenarios are here for Brad to fall back on and justify what he did.


I know that all the Bradophilles will go crazy when I say this but for me Brad has taken a real step back in the last few chapters. I think Robbie was probably right and Brad may have lost some of his soul in this battle and I really do think it would come back to haunt any normal person. Of course, Mark can write the outcome anyway he likes so Brad maybe completely okay after all... LOL...


Well no matter how anyone felt about it chapter 74 was an explosive set up for the last chapter in this story.... I can't wait to see what Mark comes up with for the final chapter in this story and can't wait to see where he takes this series next...


:worship::devil::blink: :2hands: :2thumbs: :wacko:

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Well read the chapter this morning but wanted to wait, read it again, think about it, and then put something down. I can't say I am sorry about Carson, he actually seemed to be targeting Will; although I am sure he was doing this at the order of Alexandra or one of the people right below her. This being said, I think this killing and Brian's death will come back to haunt Brad. Now I know someone already made a comment about Brian saying something about John, Claire and Jack's son but he didn't say anything about doing anything in the near future, as a matter of fact Brian had just been thinking that he could stay hidden for years. Even Carson didn't actually physically threaten Will, you could assume that what he did was a threat but you know what assume means, it makes an " ASS out of U and ME both ". I understand killing either of them if they were actually threatening the kids but neither came out and actually did so, I re-read this and the last couple of chapters several times.


It seem to me that Brad was using this more as an excuse to settle old scores than to really protect himself or his family. If he wanted to do that, he should have had Alexandra or Elliot killed, as they were the ones orchestrating this. While I can see Brad's side if he was really doing this to protect his family, there is nothing in the last few chapters to indicate that was really the case.


I don't think that Brad is as strong as JP or even Robbie for that matter. When JP had people killed in the past, he did so after family was physically attacked and threatened; JP did it to save another life. Even Robbie when he killed Neil did it to stop a direct threat to Brad's life, neither of these scenarios are here for Brad to fall back on and justify what he did.


I know that all the Bradophilles will go crazy when I say this but for me Brad has taken a real step back in the last few chapters. I think Robbie was probably right and Brad may have lost some of his soul in this battle and I really do think it would come back to haunt any normal person. Of course, Mark can write the outcome anyway he likes so Brad maybe completely okay after all... LOL...


Well no matter how anyone felt about it chapter 74 was an explosive set up for the last chapter in this story.... I can't wait to see what Mark comes up with for the final chapter in this story and can't wait to see where he takes this series next...


:worship::devil::blink: :2hands: :2thumbs: :wacko:


I think you're asking for a lot of logic from someone in a pretty stressful situation. At what point do you decide the kids are actually being threatened? When the threat appears, or after overt harm has been done? Carson tried to get Will and JJ to go off with him in his car. How many parents, hearing that, wouldn't flip out? If someone did that to my kid, tried to pick him up and drive him off, and was admittedly in alliance with my sworn enemy, he'd be on borrowed time. I think that Brad realized that the Omega folks (all of them) had just escalated the battle to a whole new level.


I think Brian exposed himself and his true colors when he acknowledged that he was going to keep messing with Brad, Claire, Ace, and their offspring. Do you leave someone like that, who has already created so much carnage, loose?

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It seem to me that Brad was using this more as an excuse to settle old scores than to really protect himself or his family. If he wanted to do that, he should have had Alexandra or Elliot killed, as they were the ones orchestrating this. While I can see Brad's side if he was really doing this to protect his family, there is nothing in the last few chapters to indicate that was really the case.


I don't think that Brad is as strong as JP or even Robbie for that matter. When JP had people killed in the past, he did so after family was physically attacked and threatened; JP did it to save another life. Even Robbie when he killed Neil did it to stop a direct threat to Brad's life, neither of these scenarios are here for Brad to fall back on and justify what he did.


I know that all the Bradophilles will go crazy when I say this but for me Brad has taken a real step back in the last few chapters. I think Robbie was probably right and Brad may have lost some of his soul in this battle and I really do think it would come back to haunt any normal person. Of course, Mark can write the outcome anyway he likes so Brad maybe completely okay after all... LOL...



Well I have been a BIG Brad fan but I totally agree with you on your thoughts.

Edited by KYE
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I gotta agree with you on that, Mark. How does a dad act logical in a situation where his kids are being threatened? I don't have kids, but from what I understand, it's basically like allowing your heart to leave your body and walk around outside. This is the baby he held in his arms in September of 1986, giving him that ridiculously gentry name, and likely promising in his head that no harm would come to that child for as long as he was still breathing. I can't really blame him for doing what he could to keep his child safe, especially considering that this was post-Adam Walsh, post-Meghan's Law. There was a heightened fear of child kidnappings during the '80's and the '90's, when Brad's kids were children.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I gotta agree with you on that, Mark. How does a dad act logical in a situation where his kids are being threatened? I don't have kids, but from what I understand, it's basically like allowing your heart to leave your body and walk around outside. This is the baby he held in his arms in September of 1986, giving him that ridiculously gentry name, and likely promising in his head that no harm would come to that child for as love as he was still breathing. I can't really blame him for doing what he could to keep his child safe, especially considering that this was post-Adam Walsh, post-Meghan's Law. There was a heightened fear of child kidnappings with the '80's and the '90's, when Brad's kids were children.


I have one son. I remember when he was born, and how nothing prepared me for the emotion of fatherhood. I held this little being in my arms, and knew that for him, I would gladly sacrifice my own life to save his. There are other people who are important to me, but I'd have to at least think about it for a second before I flung myself in front of a bullet, Secret Service style. For my son, I wouldn't even have to think about it. It would be an automatic response.

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I think Brian exposed himself and his true colors when he acknowledged that he was going to keep messing with Brad, Claire, Ace, and their offspring. Do you leave someone like that, who has already created so much carnage, loose?


True, but those were Brian's "internal" thoughts that Brad was not privy to. So here you base Brad's murder of Brian on something Brad did not know? Don't get me wrong, I think you did create an evil person in Brian but if I killed everyone that has screwed me over there would many more graves around.

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I have one son. I remember when he was born, and how nothing prepared me for the emotion of fatherhood. I held this little being in my arms, and knew that for him, I would gladly sacrifice my own life to save his. There are other people who are important to me, but I'd have to at least think about it for a second before I flung myself in front of a bullet, Secret Service style. For my son, I wouldn't even have to think about it. It would be an automatic response.


I can remember crying when holding my first born in my arms in the delivery room. I can remember the joy of holding my new grandson in my arms not so long ago. I would gladly give my life for my children or grandchildren and will do all I can to protect them and in this story Brad has way more resources than I would have to protect my family. But with that said, do you feel you really developed the story to show a real threat to Brad's children or just someone screwing around with Brad and Robbie's emotions? As you said nothing will get you riled up faster (screw with their emotions) than messing with your kids. Did the story show a real development of whether there was an actual threat to the kids? Surely you can see were some may think that this just gave Brad an excuse to get even with Carson for the whole Robbie thing. If it was a real threat, is that threat now gone with Carson's death since he was Alex's tool? If JJ is getting bullied in school what will Brad do? Just thinking about the situation, not criticising.

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Sorry, I am not responding to a couple of the previous post, I can't seem to get the system to work tonight to let me respond to the ones that I want. So here goes....


First off, Brian's deciding to do that was all internal, as someone already stated; Brad doesn't know this before he sit his plan in motion. To me Brad is just going after Brian to settle old scores. It is obvious that no one in the family would ever let Brian have access to any of the kids, if he tried to force that, then take action otherwise your just being vindictive... Brad comes off as a total ass here to me.


Carson did approach Will and JJ at school and offered a ride, that I agree would freak any parent out, as an Uncle it would freak me out but you don't kill him for it... He never laid a hand on either kid. Yes, he tracked Will down on the beach and talked to him but he did so in my opinion to draw Brad out of the house and mess with Brad's mind. I think Alexandra was using Carson talking to Will to try and through Brad off his game. If Carson had touched Will or JJ in some way, even grabbed their hand or something then Brad would have a better leg to stand on. As someone else stated already, what is Brad gonna do; have anyone that picks on Will or JJ killed for doing so?


Brad obviously has the resources and was able to find the talent to go after anyone he wants, so why go after the worker ants and not the Queen??? Instead of having Alexandra arrested kill her, I can promise you even if Omega goes down, she will still have access to millions and can still threaten Brad and his family. Everyone knows if you are gonna kill a snake you cut off it's head. Brad went after Carson and Brian because he was pissed that Carson almost stole Robbie from him and that Brian challenged his position in the family... Nothing that either of them did in the last couple of chapters warranted the action taken. If you want to warn Carson away from the kids, have him raped, beaten, or castrated but you don't take a life when no direct threat is there... Carson was acting on Alexandra's orders, if you don't have the balls to take her out, leave the peons alone....


I understand that those of you that have kids might take this more personally then me, I am an Uncle thirteen times over; but I will say I would kill any adult that ever purposely did something that hurt any of my nieces and nephews. You don't take a life because you think someone might do something, there were a lot of other options that could have been utlilized. I am sorry, for me, Brad comes off as a total ass here on this issue. He used this situation as a way to punish people that he thinks did him wrong in the past.... Isn't that what Alexandra, Dan Church, etc... were doing to him??? He comes off no better then them.


As for Brad being under stress, well yea, but he is an adult, we deal with stress on a daily basis, he helps run at least two multi billion dollar business... I understand if he feels his family is threatened that this is a different kind of stress but what is gonna do, everytime someone stresses him out about a family member they end up dead?


All of this being said, I think this was a really strong chapter, but under the circumstances that were presented kill Alexandra or Elliot, the leaders... I don't think it would have bothered me nearly as much if he had either of them killed.

Edited by centexhairysub
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The problem with putting a hit on a major public figure vs. a minor, unacknowledged henchman is that there is going to automatically be more scrutiny on the public figure. Even if you get someone to make it look like an accident, chances are investigation (and make no mistake, someone like Elliot and ABC would garner one) would turn up something suspicious.


I would also have to say that trying to compare a bully in school to a mentally unbalanced adult who is specifically going after your family and has shown he has a short temper, is like comparing a chihuahua to a pit bull. Iono, to me Carson has been reading as sociopathic from about the third or forth interaction. Myself, the second someone like that even intimated that he was going to involve himself with my child, I would be searching for a very secluded spot in the wilderness to leave them.


As for Brian, those thoughts may have been internal, but this one wasn't;


He glared at me. “You think you’ve won, that I’m done, but I’m not. I’ll be back, stronger than ever, and someday I’ll bring you down. I’ll bring all of you down!”


I think that along with his attack on Matt and his help in attacking Brad's family and Stef establishes a clear pattern of aggression without remorse towards the family. Is it really that hard to believe Brad would have extrapolated his future behavior? There is also the fact that we don't know for certain if Brad ordered the hit on Brian. We already knew that there were people looking for him in the northeast region, and it makes sense that ABC would be in cahoots with New York mafia rather than Brad. Brad's connections stem mainly through Alejandro's family.

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I don't see Brad's actions as taking a step back. I see it as his reaction to the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. When Carson showed up on the beach stalking Will, Carson made it personal. He took it completely out of the realm of business and made it a personal threat against Brad and his family. This is more than, Alexandra wants you to be miserable and I'm helping her do that. The way I read it, he made it into a vendetta. When you declare something like that, you have to be ready to accept the consequences. He seriously miscalculated this time. Maybe he would have just taken Will for a joyride or maybe he would have done something way more sinister, who knows? The bottom line is that Brad was not willing to wait to find out. He had the means to finish it and he did. As others have said, this is far different from school yard bullies that might pick on the kids. This is an unstable adult with designs on hurting this family. The Crampton/Schluter clan don't have a history of going to the police, why would they start now?


Also, I agree with the previous statements that if something happened to Alexandra, the first people they would look at are family, then people with grudges, then adversarial business rivals. Brad is all of the above albeit the family connection is unusual. The way Brad set it up is masterful. Alex will be blamed for the hits due to the Dan Church email.

In the real world, people never get away with this kind of stuff, so yeah, it may be a little far fetched. But hey we all need a little "un-reality" in our lives now and then. Who here hasn't thought of "taking someone out"??? Would we do it in real life-I hope not, but if someone were writing my life story, I can think of a few people who would no longer be around.


Anyway, its great to see the different reactions to the happenings in the last few chapters. It must give Mark a lot to think about.



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The problem with putting a hit on a major public figure vs. a minor, unacknowledged henchman is that there is going to automatically be more scrutiny on the public figure. Even if you get someone to make it look like an accident, chances are investigation (and make no mistake, someone like Elliot and ABC would garner one) would turn up something suspicious.


I would also have to say that trying to compare a bully in school to a mentally unbalanced adult who is specifically going after your family and has shown he has a short temper, is like comparing a chihuahua to a pit bull. Iono, to me Carson has been reading as sociopathic from about the third or forth interaction. Myself, the second someone like that even intimated that he was going to involve himself with my child, I would be searching for a very secluded spot in the wilderness to leave them.


As for Brian, those thoughts may have been internal, but this one wasn't;




I think that along with his attack on Matt and his help in attacking Brad's family and Stef establishes a clear pattern of aggression without remorse towards the family. Is it really that hard to believe Brad would have extrapolated his future behavior? There is also the fact that we don't know for certain if Brad ordered the hit on Brian. We already knew that there were people looking for him in the northeast region, and it makes sense that ABC would be in cahoots with New York mafia rather than Brad. Brad's connections stem mainly through Alejandro's family.



I disagree about Carson completely... Nothing he has done would be clinically diagnosed that way. He was doing a job that he was paid to do, nothing more or nothing less. Carson's interaction with the kids was much less moderate than anything a bully would have done. The big reaction to Carson was from Brad, which is who it was directed at, not Will... Also, if you read the chapter again, you will see the guy at Dan Church's specifically mentions the man that hired them was having two other hits the next day,; so this on top of what Brad told Robbie means that Brad was behind both of the hits.


Now, I acknowledge that killing Alexandra or even Elliot would bring more scrutiny, however a good hit man could get around that and it appears these guys are very good... Plus, as I stated in an earlier posting, if you don't get them, they will just come back after Brad and family again.


I cannot of course know what Mark was trying to get across in his writing, but for me at least, Brad took a major step back here... For me he really showed a lack of self control and responsibility... Alexandra, Dan, and their henchmen were trying to take Brad down for something his Bio-Dad and he did in the distant past. I have more issue with Alexandra because Brad really had nothing to do with his Bio-Dad having an affair, he was just the product of it. However, that being said, I can to some extent understand Dan Church. Brad really treated Dan shitty in " Be Rad ", if it comes to that Brad treated several people shitty in that story at one point or another.


I had really started to come around and see Brad as a more developed and mature person during this story, but his actions in the last chapter just totally undercut that for me. I am sure all of you that seem to be so in love with Brad will be devestated by my feeling, but try to carry on with your lives... LOL...


Well can't wait to see how this turns out in the last chapter....

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Umm, perhaps you should read some of my past posts about Brad. I like him, but have always been critical of his behaviors, so no. I am not some fan boy, kthanks.


::Shrug:: We will just have to agree to disagree about Carson. He may have been paid to do a job, but it wasn't something he had any moral qualms about doing. He was portrayed as being quite happy to do what he did.

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I disagree about Carson completely... Nothing he has done would be clinically diagnosed that way. He was doing a job that he was paid to do, nothing more or nothing less. Carson's interaction with the kids was much less moderate than anything a bully would have done. The big reaction to Carson was from Brad, which is who it was directed at, not Will... Also, if you read the chapter again, you will see the guy at Dan Church's specifically mentions the man that hired them was having two other hits the next day,; so this on top of what Brad told Robbie means that Brad was behind both of the hits.


Now, I acknowledge that killing Alexandra or even Elliot would bring more scrutiny, however a good hit man could get around that and it appears these guys are very good... Plus, as I stated in an earlier posting, if you don't get them, they will just come back after Brad and family again.


I cannot of course know what Mark was trying to get across in his writing, but for me at least, Brad took a major step back here... For me he really showed a lack of self control and responsibility... Alexandra, Dan, and their henchmen were trying to take Brad down for something his Bio-Dad and he did in the distant past. I have more issue with Alexandra because Brad really had nothing to do with his Bio-Dad having an affair, he was just the product of it. However, that being said, I can to some extent understand Dan Church. Brad really treated Dan shitty in " Be Rad ", if it comes to that Brad treated several people shitty in that story at one point or another.


I had really started to come around and see Brad as a more developed and mature person during this story, but his actions in the last chapter just totally undercut that for me. I am sure all of you that seem to be so in love with Brad will be devestated by my feeling, but try to carry on with your lives... LOL...


Well can't wait to see how this turns out in the last chapter....


First of all, I'm really enjoying this discussion. I can't wait for the firestorm I'll get on the next story. :D


For someone like Alexandra, jail and disgrace are a fate worse than death. She will have lost all of her social standing, her power, and her pride.


But the thing that made me comment on this post specifically was the highlighted section above. I don't really think Brad treated Dan badly in BeRad. I realize Dan got hurt, but I think Brad was pretty honest with him about where things were, and the status of their relationship. I'll have to reconsider that.

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Ok more comments on Carson's behavior...My 2 cents, which is about what my opinion is worth in the world at large......Carson exhibits classic psycho stalker behaviors....he totally insinuated himself into Robbie's world and tried to make himself the most important thing there by ruining Robbie's company and his relationship. If he can do that successfully, in his mind all Robbie will have left is him. That didn't work, though he came pretty close. He may have been planted there by Alexandra and her team initially, but he took it way beyond the initial orders to have an affair and break up Brad n Robbie or give some bad advice so his movies will flop.


Because Carson saw Brad as the bad guy who foiled his plans, he was more than happy to follow any directions regarding hurting Brad or the family. What if his orders were to get Will alone and drop him off in the dessert? Or to get him in the water to surf and hit him over the head so he drowns? He told Brad he was down, but not out,and would be back. Brad hates this guy way more than he hates Alex at this point because Carson is closer and is an immediate threat, first Robbie, now Will. Brad is just not going to stand for one more thing, so while his reaction is uber extreme, it's well within his character.


Now if Brad had jumped in a car and gone to do the deed himself, I see that as "old" Brad behaviour and would have been a backslide. Instead, he's methodical and calculated, let's everyone in the family know he will handle it, let's Robbie get emotional about it without getting pissed off at him, and has his plan executed so to speak. It was a very "Godfatherish" sort of plan. This family has connections to known cartel kingpins and mafia bosses, they aren't going to handle perceived threats through proper channels, and threats get eliminated one way or another.


In my opinion, he had Brian hit at the same time so that the framing of Alexandra would be complete. He's removing her from the equation the best way he can, in the pocketbook. If she goes to jail too, so much the better. The money trail would implicate that she would have wanted Brian gone for selling secrets. He was living in hiding under an assumed name, so it all just fits. Did Brian really need to die, eh, I'm not sure about that, but with the comment about Clair's son, I'm ok with it.


I really liked these last chapters...I haven't commented this much..ever!

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As I said before, Carson moved himself to the head of the line to be "Dealt with" when he went after the kids.



There are no perfect murders and it will come back to haunt everyone.

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For someone like Alexandra, jail and disgrace are a fate worse than death. She will have lost all of her social standing, her power, and her pride.




I can understand that, but won't all that just fuel her hate for Brad even more and explode her want even more for revenge? With as evil as she was, I can't even imagine how evil she will be now. No way "evil stepmother" will come close to defining this woman. Before her reason for revenge against Brad seemed without a reasonable basis now she can add a basis to her original unreasoned hate. The snake is not dead, but will be alot more pissed off.

Edited by KYE
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Just a thought: if Carson was just a paid flunky, why did Carson take Robbie to see his mother?


I saw that as just another piece of the puzzle for Carson when playing to win over Robbie's feelings for him. Like "ohh I love you so much please meet my mom, she will just love you and see what a sweet guy you are." (plug in barf, gag effect here, LOL) Also it doesn't make Carson to look like just another Hollywood slut that Robbie would not be attracted to. How many Hollywood sluts would take you to meet their mom? Remember Robbie wasn't attracted to the Hollywood sluts, Carson had to prove to Robbie he was different. I saw this as the perfect ploy.


Plus, remember screwing with Brad was the number one goal of ABC (and Dan) and look how Carson taking Brad's "partner" of several years to meet the new BF's mom effected Brad. This sort of put Brad over the edge with Robbie and the new open relationship thing mentally.

Edited by KYE
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Great wrap up to an awesome story Mark! Really looking forward to the next episode in the saga.


Oh and I loved the little bit of dangerous Brad at the end....

“You’d better not,” I joked. Sort of.


It was all light and sweet till the "sort of!"



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:worship: :worship: :worship:


Okay, the final chapter is here and damn what a ride from start to finish, not just this chapter but this whole story in the series... I have to say although I didn't care for everything that happened the last two chapters, this is still one of the best stories in this series for me... It actually moved up to # 4 knocking " Bloodlines " down to # 5 for me...


Mark your talent is extrodinary. Your ability to draw us into a story and make us care so much about the people that inhabit it. You really do have an extrodinary talent and I hope that I get to enjoy it for years to come...


Okay, Mark, you have really done a great job and now need to take a break and recharge your batteries... We will expect the first chapter of your next story in this series on Monday... LOL...:devil: :devil: :devil:

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But the thing that made me comment on this post specifically was the highlighted section above. I don't really think Brad treated Dan badly in BeRad. I realize Dan got hurt, but I think Brad was pretty honest with him about where things were, and the status of their relationship. I'll have to reconsider that.


I disagree. From what I recall, Brad was not totally honest, and led Dan on for the months Robbie and he were on the rocks. I don't think Brad lied, per se, but he let Dan believe what he wanted to believe, that Brad and Robbie were basically over. However, my sympathy with Dan is limited. First, he sat around and waited for Brad to fall into his lap well past the point where he had a good idea Brad was gay. I can't really call someone else out over being timid, but I do demand that he deal with the consequences of that decision. Also, who the hell holds a grudge over something like that for fifteen, twenty years.


Bet it drove him nuts that Robbie was still hot, and extremely succesful. Not that Dan was ever a heartthrob, but he'd have taken more satisfaction from a Robbie that had allowed himself to go completely.

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The last chapter to a story is always a little sad. This one to sadder than most because Brad has changed. He had to do something which he didn't want to do. Something which may haunt him for the rest of his life. We can argue if he needed to kill Carson and Brian. Yes they were evil twisted people who could have hurt the family. But still killing them will not go away. JP has lived with it but Brad is not JP. I can only hope that Brad can live with it. I know Mark liked happy endings that is my comfort. Millennium has been a wonderful ride highs and lows, I think the best even replacing Bloodlines, So many good things happened during this story but everything is dulled by Brian and Carson's death. It is not even that they should not have died it's what this has done to Brad. That is the sad thing. Thank you again for a great story, Mark. You're the best.

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