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So, What Is The Purpose Of This Place?


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  • Site Administrator

Alright, so Gay Authors has been around for almost a year now with almost no changes at all.


We host Comicality, though most people don't leave his site, but until recently there hasn't been much to look at any way.


My site is here too. A lot of people look there as well.


Now we have this new discussion board with a ton of forums in it. Why?


Each forum here serves it's own purpose, but my grand ideal behind this whole thing is to make a place where authors of gay fiction and readers can come together and discuss things. There is a place for budding authors to post there stories (The Library). There is a place for links to stories and discussions of those stories (The Cafe). There is a place to read a structured review of stories. There are some author help sections for editors and what not.


This type of community will only work if we all participate, so if you write or read gay stories, come here and chat. Volunteer to become a story reviewer and write a short review article about the stories you read. Help us select stories to add to our story archive. Help us find authors that need a home.


Please add your thoughts and comments.



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  • 2 years later...
Alright, so Gay Authors has been around for almost a year now with almost no changes at all.


We host Comicality, though most people don't leave his site, but until recently there hasn't been much to look at any way.


My site is here too. A lot of people look there as well.


Now we have this new discussion board with a ton of forums in it. Why?


Each forum here serves it's own purpose, but my grand ideal behind this whole thing is to make a place where authors of gay fiction and readers can come together and discuss things. There is a place for budding authors to post there stories (The Library). There is a place for links to stories and discussions of those stories (The Cafe). There is a place to read a structured review of stories. There are some author help sections for editors and what not.


This type of community will only work if we all participate, so if you write or read gay stories, come here and chat. Volunteer to become a story reviewer and write a short review article about the stories you read. Help us select stories to add to our story archive. Help us find authors that need a home.


Please add your thoughts and comments.




wow, the site's come a long way, huh?

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In my opinion, the site ishere to foster a sense of community. For people to engage in discussions, chat, and just hang out.


I for one know I'd be very unhappy if this place were to disappear.



Edited by shadows
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me too. This is like my second home. I really love this place. I'm always here...and I also like controlling threads so shadows, I'm glad that you have an opinion, but when you reply to a thread I can't see my name.


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  • Site Administrator

It's taken a LONG time to build the forum community.

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"So, What is the Purpose Of This Place"


Well having just read a synthesis on the theories behind suicide, I'd say that suicide prevention is at least an implicit function of this site.


One of the leading theories on who kills themselves and why points to a very serious and notable fact:


Isolation. A general feeling that you don't belong. The more integrated someone is into a society and the better they identify with that values of that society the less likely they are to kill themselves. As an oft cited example Jews - with a high degree of ritualized social interaction- are less likely to kill themselves than Catholics - with a (in this study) medium amount of ritualized social interaction- who in turn are less likely to kill themselves than Protestants - who have the least ritualized social interaction. However, there's an opposite danger in play here too. People who belong to a very controlling/consuming social group experience much more duress if/when they do let this group down, and thus increase their risk.


Basically it's vital for human beings to feel like they're are part of a group. We are after all "herd animals" and regardless of someone's degree of individuality and personal expression they likely still want to feel accepted somewhere.


We've all heard the statistics about gay youth being at a vastly increased risk of suicide than straight youth. Is it really a coincedence that gay youth also often feel rejected, and isolated by the society around them?


This site provides a healthy, supportive, positive environment in which people can come together in a relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere and discuss their favorite stories. It also provides a place for GLBT individuals to go and see that they aren't alone. That there are others out there who not only share their sexuality but even their penchant for great fiction!


"So what purpose does Gay Authors serve?"

"It saves lives!"



Anyway just something to think about. Take care everyone,


Edited by AFriendlyFace
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"So what purpose does Gay Authors serve?"

"It saves lives!"


Yeah, I agree. I think that everyone needs a sense of belonging. I guess there are message boards elsewhere where people can get together and talk, but I've found that a lot of them are sort of hookup zones or similar. It's nice just to be able to talk about these stories and what they mean for us.


"GayAuthors.org Saves!" - bumper sticker

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1. My salvation as I found so many good stories.


2. my addiction (thanks to Dom Luka) ( I swear I'm not crazy).


3. A sense of Community that cant be found easily.


4. The fact that its growing makes it interesting.



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I came to GA via Nifty which I found via Google.


I personally think that the most valuable service that GA provides is interaction. Outside of GA there isn't anyone i can talk to about 'Gay' things. GA is aplace where I can talk about things my best friends wouldnt understand, a place for me to be me without restriction. I think the thing that impresses me the most about GA is the people. The community is a great source of support and those of us in the closet value it dearly.


BTW, the stories are awesome.



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  • 6 months later...

I'm a brand new member and I'm eager to look around and get more familiar with the group. I've been reading from the Nifty archives for a while but it's difficult to gleen the wheat from the chaft there. The GA archive and hosted authors looks to be of a more selective sort, making it more likely for the reader to find well written material. At any rate, I'm optimistic. --Sterling

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Alright, so Gay Authors has been around for almost a year now with almost no changes at all.


We host Comicality, though most people don't leave his site, but until recently there hasn't been much to look at any way.


My site is here too. A lot of people look there as well.


Now we have this new discussion board with a ton of forums in it. Why?


Each forum here serves it's own purpose, but my grand ideal behind this whole thing is to make a place where authors of gay fiction and readers can come together and discuss things. There is a place for budding authors to post there stories (The Library). There is a place for links to stories and discussions of those stories (The Cafe). There is a place to read a structured review of stories. There are some author help sections for editors and what not.


This type of community will only work if we all participate, so if you write or read gay stories, come here and chat. Volunteer to become a story reviewer and write a short review article about the stories you read. Help us select stories to add to our story archive. Help us find authors that need a home.


Please add your thoughts and comments.




Myr, I have been reading Tales from the Ranch by the TulsaDriller. I have found his writting to be great and have enjoyed it very much. He has been able to captivate me in a way few can. I wish he were here so that maybe we could talk about his characters the story and why certain things went differently than expected. It took me 3 weeks, to read his first book and now he has 9 chapters written on the sequel. It crosses all age groups and covers a number of everyday issues that we all have to deal with. I think it is worth someone reviewing.



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  • Site Administrator

That first post is a little out of date since we now have had the site about 4-1/2 years...

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  • Site Administrator

To me, the message board part of the site is a community -- the second such that I've found. The first one I joined played a major part in my accepting my sexuality and in coming out of the closet (even if only a short way) and I know that by fostering friendships across the internet, it's helped at least one other person the same way. I already have the feeling that this site is the same.


We are a group of like-minded people who support each other and this place allows us to relax and be ourselves. That doesn't mean that there aren't disagreements and fights, but overall it's a place that encourages -- and that's the core of any community.


The stories may be the body, but the forums are the heart and the members the soul of GA.

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