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Do you have pets?


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I used to have two cats, one was all black and called Rosie, the other one was a tabby cat called Tabbie (original I know) :P

Sadly we had to have both of them put down a few years ago due to bad health.


Then about 2 years ago my sister got a hamster and called it Bubbles. She was a bundle of energy for the first year we had her! (She kept escaping from her cage and her excercise ball we thought she had gone to audition for Mission Impossible :P ) But again, sadly, she died only last weekend, it was me who found her, my sister told me to give her a hug after being away from home for a while, and as soon as I grabbed her I could tell she had gone.

So our garden is like a pet cemetary now! With two cats and a hamster buried underneath the tree in our garden. We like to think they still watch over us in our house :)

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I used to have two cats, one was all black and called Rosie, the other one was a tabby cat called Tabbie (original I know) :P

Sadly we had to have both of them put down a few years ago due to bad health.


Then about 2 years ago my sister got a hamster and called it Bubbles. She was a bundle of energy for the first year we had her! (She kept escaping from her cage and her excercise ball we thought she had gone to audition for Mission Impossible :P ) But again, sadly, she died only last weekend, it was me who found her, my sister told me to give her a hug after being away from home for a while, and as soon as I grabbed her I could tell she had gone.

So our garden is like a pet cemetary now! With two cats and a hamster buried underneath the tree in our garden. We like to think they still watch over us in our house :)


When I was a kid, I had a menagerie of critters, including hamsters and gerbils. During a severe illness, I couldn't feed and water them. I kept telling my folks to make sure the animals were ok, and they kept assuring me. When I felt better, I found my hamsters and gerbils near death from starvation. Both pairs died, along with several other animals. To this day, I still give my 80-year-old parents crap about letting my pets starve to death.


They may not be human, but they're still important to us!

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I have 2 cats a Bengal called Nala who is trying to take over the world and is far to clever for her own good and a Ginger and White one called Basil who is content to sit back and let her get her own way at all times.


The pair of them I think are collaberating with one aim in mind, to slowly but surely drive me insane but then I wouldnt swap em for the world. Its funny the other half is a dog person and the choice of pets may well be the only battle I have won and thats coz I had them before him I think :)

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  • 1 month later...

I have only ever had one pet - when I was a little kid. Just a rabbit but he was good company.


Even though I don't have a pet right now, I tend to prefer dogs over cats. Most especially the golden retrievers. I remember my neighbour having a golden retriever when I was growing up and he/she(?) was so friendly! Who knows. Maybe one day I'll get one, but I'll have to wait until I get settled down somewhere.

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Always been a dog person. I had a red min-pin who had to be put down in January. This is the longest I've been without a dog. But not ready to replace her yet.

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Presently I don't own any pets but I grew up with cats and dogs,birds,turtles etc. I was like Jack Hanna but w/o the qualifications. I live in an apt and it's confined so dogs are out of the ?.

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Well, for me right now, I have 2 cats, and 2 dogs...


The black and White cat is Psycho and the other is Belle


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The Brown and Black is our Mini Daschund "Mercedes" and the Reddish/Brown is our Daschund/Chihuahua Mix "Badger


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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have any pets because they aren't allowed where I live Posted Image. But, there's a dog that lives nearby that I go to visit and consider my dog, all my friends even know him by name.

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I have one cat. His name is Taz (short for the Tasmanian Devil of course--aptly named too!) He's two years old and his favorite past time, besides waking me up at 5 in the morning that is, is playing fetch with his favorite toy... the cut off portion of a cat food bag. Throw that piece of paper somewhere and he's sure to come trotting back to you with it in his mouth, which he'll promptly drop at your feet. Then he'll look up at you with those eyes that say: "come on, aren't you going to throw it again?" Gotta love him!


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This is him sitting in my new chair! You'd think he owns the place. Sheesh!

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I have pets, yes.


Currently I have 25 rabbits. I have ten adults from which I use a few for breeding, the rest ist just because they're wonderful, and I have rabbits like others have dogs or cats and so. Currently there are 15 baby rabbits as well and yesterday we had kindergarten on visit for rabbit petting. they loved that.




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I have one now!


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His name is Sollux, sol and lux being the latin root words for sun and light, respectively, and I did a no-no and smooshed them together...then remembered Sollux is also the name of a character from a webcomic I read sometimes xD

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I want one of each of these.


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Irish Wolfhound


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And a black and white kitten.



Cute combination.


Better get a big yard for that dog. With a strong fence.

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I have one now!


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His name is Sollux, sol and lux being the latin root words for sun and light, respectively, and I did a no-no and smooshed them together...then remembered Sollux is also the name of a character from a webcomic I read sometimes xD


Cute kitten. :)

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