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What did you want to be when you grew up?


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As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?



Me…don’t laugh, but when I was real little I wanted to be a nun. How cool would it be to live in a great big church? Well, I kept telling everyone that I was going to be a nun and it wasn’t until my Mom burst my bubble and told me, first only girls could be nuns and second you had to be Catholic, which we weren’t.



So, then I decided that I would be a paleontologist and started digging in the backyard. :P I never became one, but still love to go caving and search for fossils. So what was your childhood dream and did you ever become it?



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This is an interesting question! :thumbup:


As a kid I never really had a dream like yours. I did go through phases, where I wanted to be a knight, for example, or a policeman. I remember really badly wanting to be a baseball player when I was in middle school and being broken-hearted when I stopped growing. I never told anyone that before! I told my parents I wanted to be a vet so they'd stop asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Now I wonder how I could have ever been so blind, that it took me 25 years to stumble onto the thing that makes me happy and fulfilled. Eh, what can I say? I've never been accused of being observant. :D

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I wanted to be a soldier all my life, from the time I was 5. I was fascinated by the stories my dad and other members of my family used to tell of when they served. Unfortunately that dream seems to slip away further and further with every day that passes. It used to bother me a lot, but I've come to terms with it.

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I'd always been pretty into dinosaurs and when I saw Jurassic Park for the first time it became my greatest ambition to be a paleontologist. For about a year. Once it sunk in that I'd actually very rarely ever get to dig up dinosaur bones and that most of the time I'd just be researching I lost interest pretty quickly. Same thing with wanting to be an archeologist after watching Last Crusade for the first time. I wanted to be a cop because of Die Hard, a smuggler because of Star Wars, a Colonial Marine because of Aliens, a bad boy with a dirtbike because of Terminator 2 and a bunch of other "professions" that never lasted very long. I gave up on most of them once I realized that they were impossible or too much work or, in the case of the dirtbike thing, for the very un-bad-boy reason of my mommy not letting me get a one, lol.

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A bunch of things, really. Up until I was 10 or so, I wanted to become a teacher in elementary school, but also an artist (a painter, to be precise). And I wanted to become a mother, like it was an occupation, which it of course isn't. xD


After that, until I was 15 or so, I wanted to become an archeologist. But I changed my mind on that one when I heard what that study was like. It sounded way too boring ^^


Then when I was about 16 years old, I had this period that I wanted to become a navy officer.


Up until about a year ago, I wanted to become a journalist, but seeing as I don't really trust journalists nowadays, I've also changed my mind on that one, and it was pretty much around that time that I decided to become a writer. That is still my dream. But although I already am a writer, I want to be able to make a living out of it. That might take a while xD


Right now, I'm studying history, like I've wanted since I was 12 or so. So in the end, I'll become a historian :)

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Starting at about 6 years old I wanted to be a writer. That continues to today, but I've had others as well.


At 9 years old I decided I wanted to be a chemist. I started mixing stuff I found around our house and garage and made some real messes, like when I mixed ammonia and vinegar and got a very unpleasant surprise.


I was probably 10 years old when I decided I wanted to have my own TV network with stations across the country and Canada. I actually planned the entire nationwide station lineup, and worked out the schedule for each day of the week, 24x7. I lost interest when I discovered that it was mostly office work figuring out what shows to have on the air at what times.


I got my first you-don't-have-to-share-it computer when I was 11. I got interested in programming and web design and that (and writing) are still what I answer to the question about what I want to be when I grow up.


Colin B)

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Like a lot of people my dreams changed from one stage of my development to another. But it always kept coming back to being a policeman or fireman! Not sure why, maybe I just liked the uniforms. ;)

Anyway, it never happened, ended up working in IT, not exactly in any of the dreams I had when growing up. :boy:



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I wanted to rule the world.... then was told that I had to be Chinese or American... and a man to do that, I'm still working on finding another way.


so I settled on my back up plan of being a show jumper :)

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Forensic pathologist. Liked dissecting things, what can I say? :)


I'm not exactly surprised xD


I wanted to rule the world.... then was told that I had to be Chinese or American... and a man to do that, I'm still working on finding another way.


That hasn't stopped MY plan for world domination so far :) Maybe we should work together...

*evil mastermind: activated*


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Went through a few interests, when I was 5 I wanted to be a power ranger, so my parents got me a costume and I would often leap in the air & off high objects. This stopped when I changed my mind to be police man, then at 9-11 I wanted to be an accountant God only knows why. During my early teens I didn't realy have something I wanted to do, at 14 I became interested in forensic work because I thought the job looked cool on a show called 'Waking the Dead' which we had over here. Then I finally found psychology at A-level read around the subject and found my calling, therapy work.

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That hasn't stopped MY plan for world domination so far :) Maybe we should work together...

*evil mastermind: activated*



ooooo WE should!!!!! Except when we do take over the world.... I'm in charge :D:P


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As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?


So, then I decided that I would be a paleontologist and started digging in the backyard. :P I never became one, but still love to go caving and search for fossils. So what was your childhood dream and did you ever become it?





Not far off, Mr. Grim. I wanted to be Roy Chapman Andrews.

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Thanks for all the responses. Very cool seeing what everyone wanted to be and those who actual made it. I’m happy with my accomplishments even if they weren’t my childhood dreams, more like an adult facing the reality of providing for myself, but I make a real good living as a surgical nurse.





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I wanted to be a soldier all my life, from the time I was 5. I was fascinated by the stories my dad and other members of my family used to tell of when they served. Unfortunately that dream seems to slip away further and further with every day that passes. It used to bother me a lot, but I've come to terms with it.



You can still be a soldier. My little cousin is a Ranger and he went into the military at age 22. Go for it!

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You can still be a soldier. My little cousin is a Ranger and he went into the military at age 22. Go for it!


Nah, its not my age that is keeping me back, but other factors.

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I never had this fantasy as a kid, at least not for long. When I was five or so, apparently I wanted to be something different every week because every saturday my dad would sit me down and tell me all the reasons why I'd never get that career. The only ones I faintly remember are singer and actor, though, because those ones really stung when he ripped them down. After those two, I never told anyone what I wanted to be when I grew up because I stopped dreaming about it and just gave in to the idea my father said and figured I'd just be a minimum wage labour worker if I didn't keep up the Forest Service family legacy.


In the last few months though, some semblance of those childhood dreams have been resurrected with a faint desire to become an undertaker.

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I wanted to become a neurosurgeon, but it was too big a dream for a person with limited means like myself. So now I'm an auditor. Yep, really close from the 'neurosurgeon' dream.



You're also an author :)

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I wanted to be so many things.


When I was about 5:


My first dream was to be a mounted police :P when I was a kid. Well... we have about 10 of those in Finland.


At age 15:


I wanted to be an artist, I have always loved to paint and draw. I don't think that dream never went away, but it is hard to make living with it, so reality kicked in.


In my early twenties:


Then I got this silly idea that I wanted to be an archeologist. Hello! I'm scared to death by spiders! I studied just about anything in uni for a mega degree.


This happened when I turned 25:


Then I got sidetracked and started my own business in a fast food businenss (lol), that made me unhappy to my core.


I turned 30:


I sold my business and ended up being a yoga techer and a personal trainer and an assistant manager at a fitness/yoga studio where I used to practice for years.


Now I'm dreaming of moving out of Finland and starting my own yoga studio somewhere in the next 5 years. I'm taking baby steps towards that dream, but I'm gonna find a place where I want to land my roots in near future.


Who says one can't dream and work towads the set goals even when you grow up?



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Wow, when I was little, I wanted to be a paleontologist, too! Must be a trend. Posted Image I was really enamored with dinosaurs and biology, to the point I even had some bedclothes that had an explanation of DNA sequencing on 'em... I think I still have them somewhere. I really kept changing what I wanted to be every ten seconds, though. For example, I wanted to be an electrician, then a meteorologist, then an Air Force pilot, then an engineer who designed cars and motorcycles, etc. My career choice nowadays is a bit different, but I still love my automobiles and science, and I'm still considering going into the Air Force.

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I always wanted to be a musician. I remember singing to Bille Jean when I was 8. When I was ten, I wanted to be an artist and a musician. I used to make still life drawings then I stopped when I was 14. Kinda lost it. I wanted to be a lawyer and a musician when I was 14 (somehow, I still do) I started writing songs. Changed my mind about law because of so many factors. When I was fifteen, I added writing to the list. Thanks to years of reading harlequin amongst other books. Now I want to be a doctor, a writer and a musician. (Yeah:)) it's coming along.

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