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You know you are the scum of the earth when....

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I'm just glad people like this are of a small minority.

There are radicals in all religions that spoil it for everyone else. Not that I am religious myself. I just think if more people kept their beliefs private rather than trying to force it down the throats of others, the world would be a far better place.

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I went to many many many years of catholic school - grade school, high school, college - finally went to secular school for law school and came out :P


Anyway, I digress - I look at the God Hates You and I scratch my head. Even if you accept religion as true - christianity is SO not a religion of hate. God doesn't Hate anyone - but yet here is this "Christian" church printing big signs saying God Hates You - and they think it trues.


But as Eon said, if we ignore them they will go. Until then, well they're gonna keep popping up like dog shit, stinking up the joint wherever they go.

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As an atheist those folks don't bother me with what they say, it's how they choose to say it. I mean, blaming some invisible entity for their own feelings, as if that somehow makes it okay to hate? They should be ashamed.

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The funny thing about these losers is that they base their entire lives around one line in the bible while ignoring pretty much everything else. But I guess adding religion to your crazy bigotry makes it more acceptable or something. Honestly, I dunno why these guys are Christians. If they're really serious about wanting to kill all gays they should look into Islam. Christians just think it's a sin, Islamic countries hang gays.

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Christians just think it's a sin, Islamic countries hang gays.

Islamics are just behind the times. Christian nations used to be just as bad. Hell, at least they tend to use a nice, clean beheading instead of burning someone at the stake. So much quicker that way, and isn't that nice?


(I added the last sentence in an effort to make the tone clear, but in case I failed: tongue in cheek.)

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King James I of England comissioned the King James translation of the bible in 1611.


King James was effeminate, foppish and not interested in females.


He was not a very popular king and had numerous liasions with young men of the court.


It is thought that the anti-gay verses in the bible were not so subtle diggs at King James by the translators who found the King to be altogether loathsome.


This seems to be the root of anti-gay sentiments in the Protestant church. In the Catholic church, homosexuality seems to be something that the priests reserved for themselves and their monks. There are numerous Middle age manuscripts that show monestaries as the site of orgies that would make a Roman blush.

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Freedom of speech, freedom of stupidity...


As misused as the right to free speech is sometimes. I think it's essential that we have it.

Fortunately people who abuse it to bully and intimidate others are of a small minority.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Idiots of this ilk will never go away, unfortunately. There will always be people who can see nothing but their own opinions and abuse other people to raise themselves into supremacy. Ignoring them wont work. Only reasoned argument will raise the level of awareness of the counter view with people. That and making their views socially unacceptable. It's like changing the balance one grain of sand at a time, you've just got to keep at it methodically.

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Idiots of this ilk will never go away, unfortunately. There will always be people who can see nothing but their own opinions and abuse other people to raise themselves into supremacy. Ignoring them wont work. Only reasoned argument will raise the level of awareness of the counter view with people. That and making their views socially unacceptable. It's like changing the balance one grain of sand at a time, you've just got to keep at it methodically.


The problem with this is that the only people who believe what these nutjobs believe are just as nutty and fanatical as they are. They won't listen to reasoned argument. They're basically trolls and the best way to deal with trolls is to stop giving them the attention they crave.

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Well, I'd kinda agree with u Cyhort. But I think what I was trying to say was that the majority of effort needs to be on education of people coming to the topic. Changing the minds of fanatics is always going to be so slow as to be next to pointless. The only thing that works with them is big stick intervention and thats problematical - and I dont mean physical either! For the others you provide a positive image and imbue the other side with negative riducule and lack of positivity and aspiration. That one grain ofvsand movement is the only way thing really ever happen. Changing the minds of nutjobs? ... well, self defence is the only way, and then you can hit back pretty hard, but positivity otherwise is the order of the day :)

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