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It's so hard to get past the worry sometimes...


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I'm sure it's hard to believe that I'm a perfectionist with all of the careless mistakes I make on a weekly basis! Hehehe! But as far as emotional impact and theme...it seriously frustrates me to not be able what I want to say with every single word that I write. I always want people to see it, hear it, feel it...you know? It can be really difficult sometimes.


I have to say tat "Empty Corners" has been a MERCILESS teacher in how to write a huge story from beginning to end. It's taught me sooo much in pacing and plot and arc and character that I've never done before. I've been taking months longer than I wanted to, but it's mostly because (for me) it's like writing my very first "New Kid" chapter all over again. I'm writing it the way I would a movie. And it's hard to find just the right balance. But overall...I've truly enjoyed the experience. Even though I'm ANXIOUS to put this baby to bed and get back to being me again online! LOL!


you guys will have to be the judge in the long run. But....if I get this story just right, I'm hoping that it will truly be something original and enlightening on a level that I've never reached before. And that's a difficult level to reach, but what is life without challenge, right? Hehehe!


Anyway, just wanted stop by and say hello! It's been forever since I've been able to do tat! Love you ll! And I will seezya soon!


The Shack is 13 years old (as of June 19th)!!! And I've got amazing things planned for this Summer! So be ready!!! :)



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*Huggles* We love you too :D


We all are in a learning process :) not all of us are perfect :) Everyone can take the initiative to improve :) Its just a case of who notices the chance to improve :)


^^ you are doing really well Com and i'm sure there are many more great stories to come from you :)

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:wub: Comsie and congrats for the Shack! I think you write exeptionally well, sometimes I'm just sighing out of emotions you create AND make me remember in myself too. You are a fine diamond. Keep doing what you do! :) I'll be reading it.
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Thanks so much! I'll find a way to iron those kinks out! Hehehe, I'm pushing a little bit harder while work is easy and I have some more time.


Oh, and my first story was "New Kid"! That was in '98. I think in 2000 I had...hmmm, maybe 20 stories total? Or was it more? I honestly don't remember. Brain freeze! :P

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New challenges are always a good thing. All writers need to stretch and there is always something new to learn. I learn something every day; and some of them are difficult to hear but those are the most valuable.

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So very true, Neph. It can be frustrating at times, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it, you know? :)


Mathematicians solve problems all day, movie directors stress over lights and getting the perfect shot, me...I write, write, and write, until I get it to look pretty. In theend, I really love it, growing pains and all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I Agree :) If there isnt the passion there then why write?


Writing is a combination of personal feelings, craft and a passion for creativity :) And you only have to look at Neph for the queen of creativity and then comsie with over 100 stories...


Goes to show doesn't it? :)

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I love all of your stories and appreciate the fact that the Shack is so old but so loved... :) The Shack was the first ever site I came across and I'll always be grateful that your stories made me want to read more. I dug in and came across a lot of talent on various similar sites. But first love, sigh... :P


Continue loving your work since we all already love it..and don't worry, the emotions you want to covey, hit us right in the middle of the eyes... so you're pretty perfect in that department.. :D


As for the more than 100 stories, that's not enough.. I want more.. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

if i have learned anything so far its that life itself is a learning prossess. but as far as your writing is concerned. just look around your more or less sitting on a mound of evidence as to how truly talented of a writer you are. i mean hello you have like what 105 published stories so afar and enough fallowers to start a small country. you dount get to that poin by just simply being lucky. lol but non the less i have no worries about wether or not Empty Corners will be great cause i already know it will.

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